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Admit ‘third phase’ is here, govt urged


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23 hours ago, Denim said:

I remember when AIDS first hit the scene and humanity was facing a grave crisis . 

Well , we got over that and have learnt to accept that it is with us and is not going away but yet not wiping us out.

I was at school(maybe leaving school?) during the 80's when the AIDS fear hit the TV ... I can only imagine the absolute panic if social media had been about back then

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1 hour ago, mauGR1 said:

What the other posters are trying to say, and apparently you are not willing to consider, is that the mass-hysteria about the virus can, and probably will, be worse than the virus itself.

You may not agree with that, it's fair enough, but we will see what happen in the next weeks/months.

I think scores of people will be dying from the stress of the very heavy handed Coronavirus crackdown......No job no money no food no hope...

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2 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

I think scores of people will be dying from the stress of the very heavy handed Coronavirus crackdown......No job no money no food no hope...

It's a plausible scenario, but i have still some hope that our excellent epidemiologists come out with a solution before the situation gets out of hand.

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18 hours ago, gavlar said:

Not trying to be fair or unfair to the Thai government...the reality is no government anywhere in the world can stop or take actions that can truly stop this killer disease...all they are trying ...and in most cases failing..

Except Taiwan and to a large extent, Singapore.



On 3/19/2020 at 11:32 AM, Denim said:


That will happen when people get as bored with hearing about the virus as they were with Brexit.


Now it is big news and people still find it interesting , scary and exciting.


Soon enough the financial and economical pain will be thought to be worse than the virus and things will start to open up again in fits and starts as the snow flakes melt away.

I remember when AIDS first hit the scene and humanity was facing a grave crisis . 

Well , we got over that and have learnt to accept that it is with us and is not going away but yet not wiping us out.

You ignore the emotional toll and scars for those survived and had to deal with the AIDS plague ourselves and the staggering number of deaths, strangers and loved ones alike. The panic when the news broke was like an atomic bomb... Each of us wondering out loud how to avoid a fate worse than death? I remember consulting my doctor and he spent a good half hour just talking to me (imagine such care nowadays?); how we were terrified and yes, exhilirated at the same time when testing finally became available (and waiting for the result was pure agony.)


AIDS was a war that we lived through, not unlike the 2 world wars and this one to come if Italy is a (1st-world) model to follow. The world we live in luckily involves more than just "financial and economical pain" or gain, unless you are a robot.


Edited by watthong
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On 3/18/2020 at 3:38 PM, GeorgeCross said:

in other news from the paper that cant be named i read the recent uptick in cases is due to more testing, specifically more testing around known clusters.

let that sink in for a bit.


i have a very bad feeling there hasn't been many cases because there hasn't been enough testing.



I have been saying this for months but certain members laughed it off.

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5 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

I have been saying this for months but certain members laughed it off.

Me too. It was totally obvious. It's now too late to avoid bad case scenarios in Thailand, the US, and many other countries. The only question is how bad. 

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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

I have read your statement and read it again and again, trying to understand your motive in an effort not call it ignorant and selfish, but I cannot. It is obvious that you do not have much of an education, particularly in respect to basic secondary (high school) biology because if you did, you would understand that diseases do not operate in the manner you assume.


How do you know the virus is everywhere? MERS is a virus and is not everywhere.

Ebola is a virus and it is not everywhere. They are not everywhere because  governments took draconian measures to contain the infections.


How do you know how many have been infected, when many governments especially Thailand  have failed to test and to determine the extent of the infection. 


The SARS Cov-2 virus is not a flu virus, not even a "hard" one. It is a Severe Acute Respiratory Virus.  You assume that there will only be a few hundred deaths in Thailand. Are you blind? Deaf? In Italy there are 3400 dead. The ONLY reason why the Italian deaths are not higher is because of the  emergency measures taken and because of the access to an advanced medical care system. Italy is a population of 60 million.   Thailand is 70 million. Although Thailand has a smaller population of elderly, their access to quality health care is rudimentary at best. How many ventilators do you think Thailand has available for anyone who isn't a hiso with connections?


Thailand is more likely to have the Italian experience because it failed to close its borders when it had the opportunity. Thailand has been welcoming infected carriers for months when it  could have  contained this  crisis. Had it taken a 30 day pause in January, it would not be looking at  being isolated by much of the world in the coming year.


Yes, many people will die in car crashes and other illnesses. However, Covid 19 means that  thousands more will die before their time adding to that death toll.


We are now seeing some significant  differences in  who is getting ill as the infection progresses. Whether it is because the virus has mutated or is a different strain than that which  first hit Asia, or there are management  differences, the virus is an equal opportunity deliverer of pain and sorrow;

The US experience is showing some very  different results to China;

- 50% of all infected patients are  hospitalized.

- 40% of the infections are in  "young" people, the group that was supposed to be resistant. They too are  ending up in the hospital on ventilators.

- 1/3 of the hospitalized need to be on ventilators. This is why so many western countries are in panic mode because they do not have the equipment.


You statement is ignorant because you have no idea as to the state of general health in Thailand.  We know that people with underlying health problems are at higher risk. Included in that group are people with immune system related illness, Hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. Are you aware that in Thailand;

-There are in excess of 2,000,000 diabetics

-There are in excess of 7,000,000 with hypertension 

-There are in excess of  7,000,000 with heart disease

-There are  in excess Diabetes in Thailand is usually estimated to afflict in excess At least -35% of the  adult male population are smokers, that is 18,000,000+

- 500,000+  have HIV. 


Some of these people have one or more of these chronic conditions. These are the people who are most at risk of infection, in addition to their immediate contacts and health care providers.


The reason I use the term ignorant is because you ignore the millions of Thais who are at risk of serious illness requiring  ventilators if they are to survive. There are not enough respiratory therapists or ventilators to respond to respiratory disease crisis. 


People survived in China because they had access to the necessary health care. It is not available in Thailand. You have decided that millions of Thais have no value. Well, go and tell that to their family and friends. Go tell the mother that her child who is immunosuppressed because of cancer that the child can die.  Go tell the kid his 55 year old father can die  because he has diabetes and   high blood pressure.


Do you get it now?  When people start dying en masse, you can go yell at them for ruining your quality of life.  


What is up with  you people that  see a conspiracy in everything.

The WHO has not invented this  to ensure world domination. The medical professionals you hear are in your  head, or perhaps they are  telling you something else, more specific to your fantasies.

I admire you patience in explaining simple facts to uneducated fools who no one have listened to in the past. That is until the internet came along and gave them their day in the sun.  Suspect that day is drawing to a close.

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11 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

What the other posters are trying to say, and apparently you are not willing to consider, is that the mass-hysteria about the virus can, and probably will, be worse than the virus itself.

You may not agree with that, it's fair enough, but we will see what happen in the next weeks/months.

The reason many of us are being so vocal is that too many selfish people refuse to accept that we are in the midst of a world changing event. The failure to contain the pandemic has the potential to cripple society. Viruses mutate. Respiratory infections  can and do leave lasting physical lung damage. Young people may recover from infection but if they have had the lung infection, they will have a greater likelihood of future lung infections. The next respiratory pandemic may kill them. It is not about today, but tomorrow as well.  Do you understand now? 

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3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The reason many of us are being so vocal is that too many selfish people refuse to accept that we are in the midst of a world changing event. The failure to contain the pandemic has the potential to cripple society. Viruses mutate. Respiratory infections  can and do leave lasting physical lung damage. Young people may recover from infection but if they have had the lung infection, they will have a greater likelihood of future lung infections. The next respiratory pandemic may kill them. It is not about today, but tomorrow as well.  Do you understand now? 

Ok, you have your good reasons, so let's agree to disagree.

Too late now anyway, the world is already heading to a big recession imho.

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On 7/4/2019 at 12:21 PM, Buba Ho Tep said:

I need to make that Nepal trip soon before I get too old.  Suggestions?  Where to go, what to see. 


On 9/16/2019 at 9:06 PM, DrJack54 said:

OP, why on earth would you wish to start process over. You say "few months" Europe. Just maintain the transfers. When back attend imm (I presume CM) and obtain your next extension. 


On 9/17/2019 at 9:18 AM, Peter Denis said:

When approximately is the burn season?

I planned to visit Chiang Mai a couple of days mid October, but might change plans when that's not the right time to go.



On 2/19/2020 at 12:03 PM, canthai55 said:

And what - pray tell - is your solution for the air pollution which comes into Thailand from other countries ?

Invasion ? A stern "Don't do that ! "

Most air pollution is invasive from neighboring countries.

There is no simple answer ...


On 3/19/2020 at 10:39 AM, christophe75 said:

Stage 3 ?


Who cares ?


We could say we are in stage 78. or 376733.


The virus, like a common cold or a common flu, is everywhere.


Million of us have been, are infected or will be infected.


So what ?


And like common flu, but a hard one, a few hundred will die (for Thailand, a country with a population of 70 millions). Perhaps a few thousands in the worst case scenario.


So what ?


We let maniacs to shut down the whole world... for this ?


When every year, in this very country, thousands of old people die, from illnesses, and more than 20 000 young people die from cars/bikes accidents ?


We need to wake up from this nightmare.


As people, we need to take a stand, and to say "stop, no more".

You got it wrong. There will be a much higher death toll from what appears to be a very contagious virus.  Most Thais I see here in this village are not very healthy because of the <deleted> they eat and drink.  The health system would be overwhelmed as well as the monks burning the bodies. 

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3 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Ok, you have your good reasons, so let's agree to disagree.

Too late now anyway, the world is already heading to a big recession imho.

Recessions are a normal part of capitalist cycles. This virus left unchecked can easily lead to a global depression. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Recessions are a normal part of capitalist cycles. This virus left unchecked can easily lead to a global depression. 

A global recession will occur and its effects will continue well after the virus is forgotten !!.

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46 minutes ago, Reigntax said:

A global recession will occur and its effects will continue well after the virus is forgotten !!.

It's already well underway. It's effectively the beginning of the end for neo-liberal capitalism and corporate globalisation. The effects will be far-reaching and nothing will be the same anymore. This was the latest "black swan" event that was missed by those overpaid analysts who work in the City of London and Wall Street, but has been expected by some for years. 

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On 3/18/2020 at 8:39 PM, christophe75 said:

Stage 3 ?


Who cares ?


We could say we are in stage 78. or 376733.


The virus, like a common cold or a common flu, is everywhere.


Million of us have been, are infected or will be infected.


So what ?


And like common flu, but a hard one, a few hundred will die (for Thailand, a country with a population of 70 millions). Perhaps a few thousands in the worst case scenario.


So what ?


We let maniacs to shut down the whole world... for this ?


When every year, in this very country, thousands of old people die, from illnesses, and more than 20 000 young people die from cars/bikes accidents ?


We need to wake up from this nightmare.


As people, we need to take a stand, and to say "stop, no more".

I don't wish to convince you otherwise.  What I hope is that you will educate yourself and in the course of that, learn many other things that will make your life better.  The world is full of incredible knowledge about every imaginable subject.  Be skeptical but open minded.  Books are generally much better than videos.  Find your curiosity and feed it.

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