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Thailand reports 50 new coronavirus infections for total of 322


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2 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Of course. No Thai would ever infect another Thai.


I cannot even begin to describe how disgusting I find this official xenophobic finger-pointing at "foreigners". 

To be fair, it's happening all over the world. Even in places like New Zealand: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12317856

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by the way, it is still flu season in USA. That means 220/day die from the flu or pneumonia caused by the flu. that is 80,000/yr. that is USA only. the rest of the world have cloudy numbers. i think around 400,000/yr.

So what is my point...world health care is not as great as it should be based on the multiple trillion$$ spent on it. it seems that God has locked away the solutions. The doctors need a breakthrough. And while your at it, what can you do about my bad back other than another pill...555 

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Apparently those with blood group A are 60+% more affected by COVID compared to blood group O, which seems to be less affected. But more studies are required. This is English article on it:



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2 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:

Remember folks, the numbers are low because they are following the trail and only testing those connected to confirmed cases. It could be probable there are many more. 


Get used to it. 


They'll need someone to blame when they can't pay for those pick-ups, big bikes and other poor financial decisions their third-rate educational system has allowed them to make on their low salaries. 


I'm afraid their government has decided that's us and not the Chinese who are really to blame. 

in psychology it called transference. they welcomed the Chinese with open arms which turned out to be a Trojan Horse.  the government continued to keep the door open to the Chinese even after the fact in the interest of money.

Edited by malibukid
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33 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Ok, yes, point taken. But unfortunately when public perception is driven by media extracting news worthiness from simple official numbers there is  not a lot can  be done unfortunately.

Interestingly..  yesterday I went  to a  shopping mall. I  made two trips in. First time in I wore a mask. I have noticed that when people are wearing a mask they are more likely to  be observed by others a little longer and more closely than those that do not. As I observed to myself. I noted that people gave me a wider berth than usual. On my second  trip in  because I had forgotten an item I neglected to wear the mask. Strangely I got the more usual very cursory glance but most did not avoid proximity. The percentage of  people (customers)  wearing  masks appeared to be less than  50%.

I am still pondering the rationale in that  human behaviour.

I think that the rationale for that behaviour is that WHO recommends wearing masks only for people that are symptomatic. So when you see a person that wears a mask, the sensible thing is to keep your distance.

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32 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

OK, so 0.000047% instead of 0.0000047%

Thais and Russians have a problem with zeros in calculations and regularly miss three or four zeros off the end as they are worth nothing there is no reason to list them. This is unless its tourist arrivals and suddenly all the previous lost zeros are found and added to the end of that calculation. Some people in charge will be held to account eventually as this is running away faster than the money people are offloading their shares before the general population find out their investments have become worthless. 

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Very slowly spreading. This confirms the hot&humid&uv protects from wildfire like spreading. It will spread but not like in northern Italy. Good news for all retirees. Protect yourself and avoid large, tightly packed crowds. 

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2 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Where ever the opportunity arises there's always that sniping remark , that little dig aimed at foreigners in this .. Need to go and look in the mirror and confess their own shortcomings in its proliferation .. Like some of the S K returnee's who legged it instead of doing quarantine .. fr'instance .. 

A comment that could equally be aimed, very squarely, at a large proportion of TVF members.


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1 hour ago, crazykopite said:

I’m waiting to see all the smoke coming from the the Temple chimneys and all those poor souls up north who cannot afford cremation burning their loved ones on a bed of charcoal outside the front door ????????☹️☹️☹️☹️????????

the army corp. of engineers will have to build crematoriums in the U.S. to handle the projected mortality rate in a worse case scenario

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Foreigners on this board are thin skinned, the reason for finger point at foreigners is not xenofobia. It is a way to not having to declare stage 3. Stage 3 most infections are from local to local. So as long as they can point enough fingers at foreigners then they dont have to go to stage 3

as long as they don't increase testing they don't have to go to stage 3




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6 minutes ago, Timwin said:

Very slowly spreading. This confirms the hot&humid&uv protects from wildfire like spreading. It will spread but not like in northern Italy. Good news for all retirees. Protect yourself and avoid large, tightly packed crowds. 

Pandemics do not take any notice of weather or temps the difference in infection rates is minimal. Although I highly agree with your second sentence.

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4 minutes ago, cryo said:

Pandemics do not take any notice of weather or temps the difference in infection rates is minimal. Although I highly agree with your second sentence.

Coronaviruses are highly temperature sensitive. Even Spanish flu had two waves, one mild one in spring and the deadly one next fall. 


For this virus: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.05003


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3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Of course. No Thai would ever infect another Thai.


I cannot even begin to describe how disgusting I find this official xenophobic finger-pointing at "foreigners". 

It's a saving face thing! It doesn't matter what Thais will not accept blame, they could never admit to being wrong.

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31 minutes ago, Timwin said:

Very slowly spreading. This confirms the hot&humid&uv protects from wildfire like spreading. It will spread but not like in northern Italy. Good news for all retirees. Protect yourself and avoid large, tightly packed crowds. 

or FAKE low numbers

now dripping 30-60 cases a day

and finger pointing to DIRTY FARANGS


= save face, not our fault, etc...

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52 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

Apparently those with blood group A are 60+% more affected by COVID compared to blood group O, which seems to be less affected. But more studies are required. This is English article on it:



and what about AB-

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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So true. 



Why Covid-19 is worse than the flu, in one chart

It’s more contagious, more deadly (particularly for older people), and it has a greater potential to overwhelm our health care system.


I had not seen that. Thanks.


Just tired of people with agenda's comparing this to yearly flu, car deaths in Thailand and smoking.


That was funny 6 weeks ago....now...not so much.

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3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Of course. No Thai would ever infect another Thai.


I cannot even begin to describe how disgusting I find this official xenophobic finger-pointing at "foreigners". 

...we're definitely an 'alien' mutation...(thankfully).

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1 hour ago, Saltire said:

Like all of you I am reading dozens of these sort of posts daily, and it occurred to me I see no mention of the situation in Russia.


Have I missed something? They are large, close to China and frequent visitors here.


Maybe it's just information overload now.

Russia acted early and closed down their border with China  .Russia now has a low number of cases .Around one to two hundred aprox .

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3 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Of course. No Thai would ever infect another Thai.


I cannot even begin to describe how disgusting I find this official xenophobic finger-pointing at "foreigners". 

It makes you wonder if he even knows where the swine flu the bird flu SARS and MERS even came from. Not from Falang-land, that's for sure!!

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The Japanese are testing Avigan Flu in Wuhan and it seems to work. Just a question of time. Other Pharma companies are working on it as well with full speed. Numbers increase but if we can isolate them early enough we won’t reach European numbers. Stay positive 

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