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Boosting our immune systems to resist the virus -- what might help and what doesn't?


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20 minutes ago, Chazar said:

and are you pregnant or elderly?

I do not see any writing for pregnanty , and sure not for 65+ pregnant one  5555 …., but any way cheap total vit complex they have for sale , that's why maybe the Dutch grow so tall 


They have it for different age category's , with different composition 

Edited by david555
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59 minutes ago, david555 said:

The Netherlands 120 in a container for around 5/7 € Multi A_Z 65+

For what it is worth, I would not take these, sure there cheap, but what is in them? it doesn't say if the "ingredients" are synthetic or sourced from natural, most likely synthetic at the price point, as an example there are many types of magnesium, some we cannot even absorb. We read the horror stories where Vitamins can do more harm than good, that is because of the poor quality of the ingredients.

Supplements are a huge business, buyer beware as there are many unscrupulous sellers out there, some of the bigger names are the worst offenders as they establish a name brand and use our trust to sell <deleted> to us! - just my thought, no intention of getting into a pi$$ing contest.

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I surprisingly have not seen it on here yet. 

There are actually several online medical threads regarding masturbation/ejaculation specifically related to the corona virus.  Ejaculation boosts hormones and other things in your body to help your immune system.

Search it if you do not believe me.  So, while you are sitting around locked down, why not have some fun and also help protect yourself.  I do everyday.


Below is a quote from one article:

Ejaculation increases the levels of the hormone cortisol within the body. Experts say that cortisol can actually help with regulating and maintaining immunity when introduced in small doses. Masturbating a few times a week can help keep your immune system strong and mighty.May 15, 2018

Edited by bkk6060
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1 hour ago, EricTh said:

What's the difference between Manuka honey and other types of honey? Where can I buy it in Chiang Mai?

Most Rimping supermarkets stock Manuka honey of different purities. It's very expensive, and although it is noted for antibacterial wound treatment, it also has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. 


But consume in moderation as it is basically pure sugar and would spike an insulin response. A dessert spoon once a day at breakfast with green tea, ginger, apple cider vinegar, and squeezed lime juice would be highly nutritious.

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3 minutes ago, CGW said:

For what it is worth, I would not take these, sure there cheap, but what is in them? it doesn't say if the "ingredients" are synthetic or sourced from natural, most likely synthetic at the price point, as an example there are many types of magnesium, some we cannot even absorb. We read the horror stories where Vitamins can do more harm than good, that is because of the poor quality of the ingredients.

Supplements are a huge business, buyer beware as there are many unscrupulous sellers out there, some of the bigger names are the worst offenders as they establish a name brand and use our trust to sell <deleted> to us! - just my thought, no intention of getting into a pi$$ing contest.

true , but where is the guarantee  what those expensive put in it ….., maybe you would just contribute on their wealth and pharma empire , we shall never know for sure …..but it is  normal you expect you get more from them for your contribution …….hope you get it  

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3 minutes ago, david555 said:

true , but where is the guarantee  what those expensive put in it ….., maybe you would just contribute on their wealth and pharma empire , we shall never know for sure …..but it is  normal you expect you get more from them for your contribution …….hope you get it  

You have to look at the ingredients and read all the product data, then off course you have to have some idea of what you are reading about, it is time consuming and not for most, I understand that, as do most manufacturers. As I said buyer beware! 

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1 hour ago, david555 said:

Composition from the one I take  1 day or every second depending I not forget, bringing from The Netherlands 120 in a container for around 5/7 € Multi A_Z 65+

Vitamins Multi A-Z +65.jpg


kruidvat is a NL company with  CHEAP & USELESS ingredients


the B-vitamins are super low (1.X mg), don't say what FORM 


it does not mention the form of magnesium (probably useless OXIDE) , nobody over 40 years old needs IRON as accumulated IRON is one of the causes of late onset DIABETES TYPE 2 (liver full of iron)


does not say anything about zinc ... if it is OXIDE = useless, oxide is only useful in SUNSCREEN

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Regular sex increases the effectiveness of the immune system.




Of course this is with a clean, non-carrier trusted partner, not Nanny Sweetie who's just serviced 200 Korean men and is offering to love you long time.


Some early research found that regular sex increased the effectiveness of the immune system.

Researchers found that people who had frequent sex, which they defined as one to two times per week, had more immunoglobin A (IgA) in their system than others. IgA is an antibody that lives in the mucosal tissue, such as the salivary glands, nose, and vaginal tissue.




So perfect against Covid19.


What the Thai government should be doing is to target testing for bar girls. Those found to be clean could save a lot of people. With 500,000 working girls in Thailand, each would only have to work a moderate amount to cover the entire male population. Each girl could be assigned 30 men for immune system boosting.


Nobody's thinking outside the box.



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5 minutes ago, justin case said:

kruidvat is a NL company with  CHEAP & USELESS ingredients


the B-vitamins are super low (1.X mg), don't say what FORM 


it does not mention the form of magnesium (probably useless OXIDE) , nobody over 40 years old needs IRON as accumulated IRON is one of the causes of late onset DIABETES TYPE 2 (liver full of iron)


does not say anything about zinc ... if it is OXIDE = useless, oxide is only useful in SUNSCREEN

You could be right , I only can tell I use this one and before the for younger ones , when I was younger ….

So already many years , and never experienced anything bad out of it, also not pointing out tat it is because of this vitamins I have no complaints , except cracking shoulders (age of course it don't stop that ..)

2 times in life time in Hospital for operation ….at 6 years old appendicitis ….. and 8 years ago voluntarily 1.5 day for small  repairs near  belly button .

Not praising this vitamins for it , just take it in trust , I find myself a lucky one and thankful to my nature , as many have different story's as even WITH expensive substrates …. we are all different but all same at the end ...

You forget that those cheap ones are most copy's from the expensive ones who did the research the cheapos don't have to do any more ….


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1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

I have decided to blow my nose and cough loudly when anyone comes within 3 metres of me. If they come closer, I'll start staggering as well. I won't need an immune system then.

But you risk to e quarantined on the spot to hospital  ….55555

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Valid point. I'll have to watch out for police and people in white coats.

not the white coats ….. beware for those Thais  who probably are phoning somewhere already there is a sickly foreigner at  x.... point ? or is there not a reward yet for that ….55555

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16 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Regular sex? horrible, think i'd rather have the virus than have to put up with all that messing about then having to pretend you enjoyed it.

The more sex you have the stronger your immune system will be.


Yes, it can get messy, but for the sake of survival I am taking applications from suitable Thai ladies.

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

The more sex you have the stronger your immune system will be.


Yes, it can get messy, but for the sake of survival I am taking applications from suitable Thai ladies.

Thank you, my GF will be pleased.

Has there been a run on Viagra in the pharmacies?

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Finally a chance for men and women to come together again in the post me-too era....copulation to boost immunity.


You will not need Viagara if she really makes an effort...The key thing is she really has to try....this is for survival of the species. 


The least women can do is put some effort into it now. 


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The most efficient and also completely free method to resist the virus is:
avoid air-conditioned public spaces.


That said, it is going to be difficult to completely avoid air conditioning in this country these days. Now that open-air markets have to shut down soon, the only options left for grocery shopping are the usual supermarkets 7-11, Family, Lotus etc., with A/C outlet temp hitting the 5° C mark and lower. The perfect environment for Covid-19 ????????☣️


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27 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

Yes, you can only optimise your own immune system, not improve it. And there are key positives to ensure this:


1. High nutritional lifestyle, e.g. a Whole Food Plant based dietary regime - or as close to that as you can tolerate for the duration of the Covid 19 passage through our society. Think Veggies and whole fruits, nuts and seeds, legumes, and whole grain foods. Junk all processed packaged foods and sodas, and drink spring water or zero % Heineken instead of alcohol. You will lose weight naturally, which helps optimise your immune system.


Limit all animal products, including fish and eggs and dairy to near minimal portions. This will lower your blood pressure, reduce cellular inflammation, and free up your body to fight the virus. Do NOT take anti inflammatory meds to reduce a high temperature fever, as the fever is the body's natural defence against bacterial and viral infection.


2. Exercise with light weights and brisk walks (if possible) in the fresh air for at least 30-40 minutes a day. Aim for 5,000 steps as an optimum bang for your buck.


3. Good restful sleep for 7-9 hours, which means...


4. ...Try and limit stress before sleep which would lower hormone cortisol levels, and therefore blood pressure.


5. Ensure relationships with family and friends are good - even though you could be restricted to internet social contact.


6. Above all, accept that you're not immortal...no point worrying about it.

... entirely agree.

I would add meditation. 20 mins twice a day. I've been doing it for 30 years. Learn how to do it from a reputable meditation centre.

Benefits are: sound sleep, calmer all day, clear thinking, cleanses the eyes mouth and nose (so, no need for neti-pot mentioned earlier), etc.. (and obviously better imune system).


I further add, don't eat or drink anything from a conveniance store. ????

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1 hour ago, Chazar said:

Marketing BS






The review of selected published work provides a conclusive information that the potential importance of honey for medicinal purposes cannot be underestimated. The research data has confirmed that Manuka honey's antibacterial activity, in comparison to non-Manuka honey, is due to a higher phenolic and methylglyoxal content. Manuka honey can be safely used as an alternative natural antibiotic, 

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