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British travellers advised to return to the UK now

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3 minutes ago, rott said:

But do you know OF anyone who knows OF anyone who has the symptoms. Yes I know it is possible to be asymptomatic, but I do not know of anyone and I have not spoken to anyone who does. 

I agree that the figures are puzzling, but it is impossible to hide symptoms that have been as well publicised as these. 

How many people have you spoken too ?

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2 hours ago, Daveyh said:

Classic quote from incompetent British Embassy officials ........... no help whatsoever. Leave Thailand now before you become our problem! ........... actual fact as there is none here! I've been living here nearly 20yrs & have witnessed all the shortfalls of embassy staff here, which do not take care of the needs of anyone who is a British Citizen. It's pathetic service to expatriates also is appalling & any excuse to do absolutely nothing. I wonder what they do all day, probably a lot less now they have no garden for lavish parties to continue spending taxpayers hard-earned cash.. What a waste of "Taxpayers Money" that the UK government squanders on these so called diplomatic officials ....... it's a real joke. They serve no purpose whatsoever here & should just go home! Most people's needs are available on the internet & once the forms etc. have been downloaded & filled in mailed to either Hong Kong or direct to the UK. 


Perhaps tourists think they exist to assist where it is needed, but their staff are incompetent & normally used "a locally recruited" embassy official, who incidentally is normally an expat! Talk about "Dad"s Army" ............. no wonder they have no clout here & seen as a joke. Time's up I think .......... the British Ambassador here & his staff should go home ............. 'cos we're staying!!! 

Which part of "The Embassy aint doing nuffink" did they fail to do for you?


On a more positive note here's how HMG are assisting in the other direction.

Edited by evadgib
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How many would you like me to speak "too", and would you like a breakdown of how many they have spoken to and how many have extended Thai families who 

speak to numerous people. 

I know of two people in Salford who are ill, a 30 year old who is in a bad way in hospital and a 60 year old who was told to remain at home. 

I also have a Geordie mate here who similarly knows two who are ill in the UK. 


Just trying to make a simple point. 

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Good news for Thai tourists and Thai students stranded in the UK with visas about to expire. The Home Secretary said, just send them an email and they will extend your visa to 31 May for free. No worries. Meanwhile in Thailand....
Full details: https://gov.uk/government/news/visas-extended-for-those-currently-unable-to-return-home-due-to-covid-19
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On 3/25/2020 at 6:30 AM, rott said:

I agree that the figures are puzzling, but it is impossible to hide symptoms that have been as well publicised as these. 

That depends. The medical authorities in some countries are starting to find people with odd symptoms that don't fit the normal Covid 19 profile.  Not many countries are stating this in public though - privately they do.  I saw a programme on TV from Russia where they were reporting what they called 'weird symptoms'. They didn't specify what those symptoms were.


I left Thailand on 11 March - 2am flight. In the preceeding 10 days I had travelled to Vietnam and passed through major transport hubs many times. On 10 March, just before my flight, I developed a slightly runny nose but it would come and go.  By the time I reached the UK I had other cold like symptoms but they also came and went, came and went, so I called the UK helpline and was advised to stay home for 7 days. After 7 days I was feeling more or less OK but I still had some symptoms and I developed an intermittent cough. I was told to stay home for another 7 days. The doctor said my symptoms MUST be considered as Covid 19 - yet nothing on TV about that. All my symptoms were intermittent - I've never had a cold before that came and went all the time. At no time did I have a fever or the persisitent dry cough - symptoms that are portrayed as being the main indicators.


I have no problem with staying home if its doing any good but I would have liked to have been tested before being told to stay home - possibly without reason. Although there is no official line on strange symptoms - if you think about it, it stands to reason that they exist. Some infected people display symptoms and then there are those that are infected but are A-symptomatic - its inconcievable that there is nothing in between.  They know this or they wouldn't have told me to stay home.

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On 3/24/2020 at 11:00 PM, sungod said:

People come on here daily making adverse comments (some actually have merit) . Really wonder why someone living on the other side of the world feels the need and come on here and tell everybody about how everything is wrong. Can only guess they much going on in their lives.

You are forgetting that many people have strong connections to Thailand but may not be permanent residents - they are more than just visitors though. As such they have an interest in the affairs of the country.


I have a home in Thailand and my wife is there - just one example.

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9 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

You are forgetting that many people have strong connections to Thailand but may not be permanent residents - they are more than just visitors though. As such they have an interest in the affairs of the country.


I have a home in Thailand and my wife is there - just one example.

Couldn't agree more, I'm talking about the ones who are happy (at least they make out they are) they left, but still feel the need to tell us how <deleted> it is in Thailand, and where they are now is so much better. A little pathetic wouldn't you agree?

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