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Please explain why you do it?


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Anyone out there, Thai or Farang, please explain: 


If you play music loud enough for your neighbours to hear, WHY? WHY DO YOU DO IT?


Maybe if I can understand I can resist the temptation to go out and m****r someone.

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suck it up, you will not change ingrained habits of selfish people who couldn't care less about you. Live with it, like we all have to do on occasions 

Edited by Pilotman
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Just now, Pilotman said:

suck it up, you will not change ingrained habits of selfish people who couldn't care less about you. Live with it, like we all have to do on occasions 

I understand what you are saying, but I genuinely wanted an offender to explain why they think it is acceptable.

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I have always enjoyed music, occasionally very loud. I knew my neighbours well back home and for 14 yrs here. I respect my neighbours. Often they did, and now they do join me to enjoy the music. I always poll the neighbours to keep a finger on the pulse of acceptability. It is about respect, both ways. Never had an issue. That said if most neighbours enjoy, or don't mind, and one butt-head is constantly whinging...

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Maybe they enjoy it loud? There's a neigbour in the GF's Buriram village who drives a pick-up with a sound system and huge speakers on the back. Always playing full blast when at home or passing by - Thai music and The Scorpions always. Thankfully we don't go there very often.


If I was plagued by this continually I too would go mad. Confrontation is unlikely to be the solution as you are a farang. Even if a Thai it would be unlikely to work out unless you had some kind of superior role demanding respect. Noise and intrusion are not seen as an issue by most Thais - don't every expect courtesy or privacy from your neighbours.


There is no answer other than to move away somewhere remote and buy enough land to insulate yourself.

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2 minutes ago, mikebike said:

I have always enjoyed music, occasionally very loud. I knew my neighbours well back home and for 14 yrs here. I respect my neighbours. Often they did, and now they do join me to enjoy the music. I always poll the neighbours to keep a finger on the pulse of acceptability. It is about respect, both ways. Never had an issue. That said if most neighbours enjoy, or don't mind, and one butt-head is constantly whinging...

Guess I would be the one butt-head. I cannot for the life of me understand why people do it. There are two houses near by (I am guest so the wife won't let me do anything) that play music so loud it is unbelievable. 

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18 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

I understand what you are saying, but I genuinely wanted an offender to explain why they think it is acceptable.

In my village, they do it to share the music with others... nearby and not...


no, I don't like it either,,, but often it is a part of having a party.

Edited by kenk24
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1 minute ago, soi3eddie said:

Maybe they enjoy it loud? There's a neigbour in the GF's Buriram village who drives a pick-up with a sound system and huge speakers on the back. Always playing full blast when at home or passing by - Thai music and The Scorpions always. Thankfully we don't go there very often.


If I was plagued by this continually I too would go mad. Confrontation is unlikely to be the solution as you are a farang. Even if a Thai it would be unlikely to work out unless you had some kind of superior role demanding respect. Noise and intrusion are not seen as an issue by most Thais - don't every expect courtesy or privacy from your neighbours.


There is no answer other than to move away somewhere remote and buy enough land to insulate yourself.

Interesting you should say that. One of the things that prompted me to post was a recent survey of Thais and what caused stress in their lives. Guess what loud music was top!!!!! That was a real shock to me.

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2 minutes ago, docspinoff said:

What I can't understand why a person with a nice car with aircon. On a hot day have windows open and play load music. Sopose it say look at me I'm a dick. 

It works. Every time I see/hear them I think "what a dick".

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3 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Interesting you should say that. One of the things that prompted me to post was a recent survey of Thais and what caused stress in their lives. Guess what loud music was top!!!!! That was a real shock to me.

I'm curious about that survey. Was it middle-class urban Thais or provincial or rural Thais? How many in the survey? Who was the survey conducted by? 

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The problem is that you want an answer to a question that's subjective. What might be unbearably loud to you may not be so to either the person who is playing it or other people who are listening to it. I play music loudly because that's how I like to listen to it (not forgetting that some genres of music are best heard with the volume high). I do however, tend to listen to my music at the times of day when my neighbors aren't around and almost never at weekends. I've asked my Thai friends and neigbors why they sometimes play music loudly at any time of the night and day and as far as I can make out, their response is "because is better".
Regretfully, unless you decide to move somewhere more isolated it's going to be something you'll have to put up with.





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3 minutes ago, Shoeless Joe said:

What might be unbearably loud to you may not be so to either the person who is playing it or other people who are listening to it.

One has to wonder what the average state of Thai males' hearing is with all the loud motorcycle exhausts, lack of ear defenders on construction sites and loud music. Maybe that's why the volume needs to be so high?

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12 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Interesting you should say that. One of the things that prompted me to post was a recent survey of Thais and what caused stress in their lives. Guess what loud music was top!!!!! That was a real shock to me.

Probably the second most stressful thing in their lives was fear of their fellow country folks! Thais know what nutters so many are and rather than complain prefer to stay silent and suffer, a lot of Thai's are selfish to the extreme!

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My hearing has suffered with age. So, what I consider a reasonable volume may seem loud to others. I always ask my neighbors if I am annoying them. However, since they are Thai, they will always say "no, it's okay". So I just always try to turn it down to the lowest volume I can.

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14 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:

I'm curious about that survey. Was it middle-class urban Thais or provincial or rural Thais? How many in the survey? Who was the survey conducted by? 

Really sorry. Not a clue. Just skimming and saw it. Bit taken aback because of the results.

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34 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Don't understand your point. The question I have posed is to people who do it: why do they think it acceptable?

Also there is  the issue  of  retaliation, along with the selfishness is the   childish behaviour.

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5 minutes ago, CGW said:

Probably the second most stressful thing in their lives was fear of their fellow country folks! Thais know what nutters so many are and rather than complain prefer to stay silent and suffer, a lot of Thai's are selfish to the extreme!

Yep. Something in that

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