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Insurgents Burn Female Villager Alive


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Thanks, and i can return the compliment - i guess it won't be you who has to do the fighting, and whose family is threatened by the fighting.

And i don't see where a peaceful solution would equate throwing the Buddhist population to the wolves. Nobody in his right mind would enter negotiations with the idea to let that happen. I think you have very little idea about such scenarios, and i would ask you to inform yourself a bit about the situation before disrupting otherwise mostly well informed discussions with such outlandish claims, please.

How should I inform myself about this situation then, is it by ignoring the weight of history?? Please enlighten me and tell me where and when the end result of the formation of an autonomous Islamic state resulted in the progress of a utopia for all its inhabitants muslim and non muslim, show me!!!

I think you have taken up a certain stance on this situation because you love Thailand, and all respect to you for that, but in doing so, you neglect the reality of Islam since the Ayatollahs of Iran in the 80's. Islam was once a beautiful religion, but no more, and it seems there is no going back.

Yes, it won't be me that has to fight, but should that stop me from wanting to see a solution that doesn't include persecution for all those non muslims in Pattani? I like Thailand too.

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Stepping aside from the heated debating going on here; what sort of a person would shoot an unarmed woman. And then set her on fire, to die the most agonizing death imaginable? :o

The same sort of person who sits in an airplane and pulls the trigger that releases bombs onto cities and villages, leaving "collateral damage".

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By the way, i just realized that we are getting miles away from the original subject - the southern insurgency here in Thailand.

Could we maybe limit the discussion to that, and leave the Islam tries to subjugate the world for somewhere else, so that this thread is not getting closed.

Yes lets!! Also can we talk about a cure for Aids and not mention anything about the virus, and oh let's talk about causality... oh no we can't sorry!!

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How should I inform myself about this situation then, is it by ignoring the weight of history?? Please enlighten me and tell me where and when the end result of the formation of an autonomous Islamic state resulted in the progress of a utopia for all its inhabitants muslim and non muslim, show me!!!

I think you have taken up a certain stance on this situation because you love Thailand, and all respect to you for that, but in doing so, you neglect the reality of Islam since the Ayatollahs of Iran in the 80's. Islam was once a beautiful religion, but no more, and it seems there is no going back.

Yes, it won't be me that has to fight, but should that stop me from wanting to see a solution that doesn't include persecution for all those non muslims in Pattani? I like Thailand too.

I have traveled in the Islamic republic of Iran in the very early nineties, and had a great time there. This was one of the safest places i have ever traveled in. The previous Shah regime, by the way, was not exactly the most benevolent government either.

And no, it is not about utopia, but about having peace, meaning the absence of war and constant fear for ones life.

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I re-read the article and it is open to interpretation I grant you.

I still think you need to wake up to the reality of modern Islam.

Sorry, there is nothing open to interpretation. There is a clear difference between following a religion, and missioneering another religion. This is clearly aimed at the roving Christian fundamentalist Churches which appear and aggressively missioneer in every crises area.

Legislation against those parasites finds my applause.

agreeing with "legislation" against anyone that voices a different opinion or "questions" a particular "religious" opinion, whatever their particular motive, giving you the benefit of the doubt, is fascist to say the least. you are now seeming to agree with "religious law" over the principles of a democratic state. is that your view? i am trying to remember the last time you called any muslim a parasite, no matter fundamentalist or barbecueist.

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agreeing with "legislation" against anyone that voices a different opinion or "questions" a particular "religious" opinion, whatever their particular motive, giving you the benefit of the doubt, is fascist to say the least. you are now seeming to agree with "religious law" over the principles of a democratic state. is that your view? i am trying to remember the last time you called any muslim a parasite, no matter fundamentalist or barbecueist.

So what.

You may encourage Born Again Christians here in Asia, and in crises zones in particular, i don't. Neither do i see what this has to do with the topic at hand.

May i suggest, if you feel so strong about my comment, that you open another thread here in support of Born Again Christian Churches, because here i don't exactly feel inclined to argue this completely separate topic.

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agreeing with "legislation" against anyone that voices a different opinion or "questions" a particular "religious" opinion, whatever their particular motive, giving you the benefit of the doubt, is fascist to say the least. you are now seeming to agree with "religious law" over the principles of a democratic state. is that your view? i am trying to remember the last time you called any muslim a parasite, no matter fundamentalist or barbecueist.

So what.

You may encourage Born Again Christians here in Asia, and in crises zones in particular, i don't. Neither do i see what this has to do with the topic at hand.

May i suggest, if you feel so strong about my comment, that you open another thread here in support of Born Again Christian Churches, because here i don't exactly feel inclined to argue this completely separate topic.

i neither encourage "born again christians nor muslim madmen". their religion is up to them. that ,i think, is what many of us are trying to say. you obviously have a distaste for christianity, others have the same distaste for islam. the solution is to keep religious views as far away from day to day governance as humanly possible. legislation should encompass as many views as possible.

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i neither encourage "born again christians nor muslim madmen". their religion is up to them. that ,i think, is what many of us are trying to say. you obviously have a distaste for christianity, others have the same distaste for islam. the solution is to keep religious views as far away from day to day governance as humanly possible. legislation should encompass as many views as possible.

No, i don't. I have no problem with Christians such as Father Joe, who do not need to go around and try to convert anybody around, unlike some of the Born Again Churches, and some of the Evangelical Churches. I have a problem with active missioneering.

I don't have a problem with Islam per se, i have a problem with the extreme jihadists. But many people here with a "distaste for Islam" ( :o ) have huge difficulties to separate those issues.

But, what does that have to do with the thread topic?

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i neither encourage "born again christians nor muslim madmen". their religion is up to them. that ,i think, is what many of us are trying to say. you obviously have a distaste for christianity, others have the same distaste for islam. the solution is to keep religious views as far away from day to day governance as humanly possible. legislation should encompass as many views as possible.

No, i don't. I have no problem with Christians such as Father Joe, who do not need to go around and try to convert anybody around, unlike some of the Born Again Churches, and some of the Evangelical Churches. I have a problem with active missioneering.

I don't have a problem with Islam per se, i have a problem with the extreme jihadists. But many people here with a "distaste for Islam" ( :o ) have huge difficulties to separate those issues.

But, what does that have to do with the thread topic?

just as the "autonomous aceh" has begun implementing sharia, most likely would a autonomous south Thailand. as many problems that this country faces toward a democratic rule, at least they have a chance to realize it. an autonomous south very unlikely. if you do not believe democratic principles, then this post will, of course, be meaningless. however, just to reiterate my previous opinion, democratic and or rule of law principles have the ability to "evolve"quickly. religious dogma moves at the slowest pace imaginable.

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i neither encourage "born again christians nor muslim madmen". their religion is up to them. that ,i think, is what many of us are trying to say. you obviously have a distaste for christianity, others have the same distaste for islam. the solution is to keep religious views as far away from day to day governance as humanly possible. legislation should encompass as many views as possible.

And additionally - if Islamic communities such as in Aceh and in the three provinces in Thailand choose to be governed by Sharia law, this is entirely up to them. If autonomy including the adoption of Sharia law is what they want, and what brings peace, than this is the way how things should go. Obviously that means that the rights of the minorities, here the Buddhists, are protected as well.

It is not that they demand the rest of the country adopting Islam, or that Thai law should become Sharia.

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just as the "autonomous aceh" has begun implementing sharia, most likely would a autonomous south Thailand. as many problems that this country faces toward a democratic rule, at least they have a chance to realize it. an autonomous south very unlikely. if you do not believe democratic principles, then this post will, of course, be meaningless. however, just to reiterate my previous opinion, democratic and or rule of law principles have the ability to "evolve"quickly. religious dogma moves at the slowest pace imaginable.

Where does Sharia and democracy stand in opposition?

Malaysia has some sort of democracy, which does work better than what we have as democracy in Thailand, and it still has Sharia law for its majority Muslim population.

What do you want?

Muslims of these areas we are discussing about want Sharia, want independence/autonomy. A solution has to be found, and that means compromise, not depending on your point of view against the will of the indigenous population.

The sort of attitude you display here is one of the root causes for people to rebel against a state they feel does not consider their ancestral rights and culture.

Of course it is idiotic in this day and age to support independence movements that leave tiny countries that turn into eternal basket cases. But autonomy is presently the way to go.

If you have any other feasible solution that won't end in war and suffering, then i am all ear. But if you just use this discussion to voice your personal dislike about Islam in general, then this is a rather fruitless exercise and a complete waste of time and space.

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ColPyat: Yesterday you accused me of having a myopic view of Thailand because I suggested it was not as bad a place as many make it out to be, and that many of the things people said were bad, are actually worse in many places.

Today you have defined myopic in a most outstanding fashion. You seem to feel great sympathy for Muslim people (I assume by your zeal, your people) who feel marginalized in Thailand, a place of full religious freedom and many efforts to include its Muslim minority. You also seem to have little outrage for the monstrous behavior of the insurgents (such as the event in the Op) which surpasses the entire history of Buddhist Islamic history in this region.

You also seem to have no regard whatsoever for any of the marginalized people in Aceh some of which are now living exceptionally oppressed lives. When has anyone in Thailand been caned for an un-covered head, sharing their religion, or having a beer?

It’s all tikity boo to you, because no Sharia following Muslims are being hurt in the process. And man those Christians being persecuted in Aceh had it coming, always showing up in a crisis with their charity and good will. How dare they believe to have a better answer than 7th century hate and oppression.

Your credibility in this discussion has been on a slow slide all day. For me at least, you have just slipped off the edge. It is pretty clear that any Insurgent act is justified by your standards.

Here’s what I see from your angle: Buddhists are oppressive, Christians are invaders, and Muslims are hard done by, really just misunderstood, need to have their own sandbox to play in so they can oppress each other in peace.

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i neither encourage "born again christians nor muslim madmen". their religion is up to them. that ,i think, is what many of us are trying to say. you obviously have a distaste for christianity, others have the same distaste for islam. the solution is to keep religious views as far away from day to day governance as humanly possible. legislation should encompass as many views as possible.

And additionally - if Islamic communities such as in Aceh and in the three provinces in Thailand choose to be governed by Sharia law, this is entirely up to them. If autonomy including the adoption of Sharia law is what they want, and what brings peace, than this is the way how things should go. Obviously that means that the rights of the minorities, here the Buddhists, are protected as well.

It is not that they demand the rest of the country adopting Islam, or that Thai law should become Sharia.

since sharia is decreed and enforced by the religious authorities in all instances, how would anyone know who agreed and who did not. unless "someone" decided that all muslims agree by proxy. or can someone show me the vote tally?

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Allowing Sharia law to exist in areas of Thailand would be fundamentally wrong.

The oppression and torture of women in a public square is not an acceptable practice in my opinion.

Saying it is "up to them" is just not a morally responsible way of thinking as I see it.

Giving in to terrorism, and then turning a blind eye to torture is not negotiation....it is a cowardly cop out.

Of course, systematically exterminating these hate mongers isn't moral either....it's just the way I feel after reading about innocent women being burned alive.

Negotiation... sadly, seems futile here.

I, personally, will never forget this. And I will never forgive.

If their intention was to breed hate.....they have succeeded.

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[ you having a laugh right thai buddist peace loving. not the ones in Samui. Muslim relegion is also a peacefull religion. good and bad in all religions

Did I just wake up in another world? Do you watch TV, read the newspaper, know what even goes on in the world nowadays?? - The only thing that was even close to the truth was the "good and bad in all religions" - but more more to the point I would say there are good in bad in all peopl eof all religions. The people are the ones that make the bad - religions are good, it is the interpretation and implementation of the tenets by PEOPLE that destroy it.

Good that there is some common sense here as well well, and not just the hang 'em brigade.

The problem down south is highly complex. The insurgents are everything else than "animals", and escalating the situation, as some here seem to demand, is exactly what the insurgents intend with those atrocities.

This is war, and the insurgents don't kill indiscriminately, they have very clear tactics, and choose their victims carefully for maximum effect. They kill a Buddhist woman to escalate the situation into a religious civil war, a few weeks ago they have had a round of killing army and police in previously quiet districts to disrupt the security forces.

These are so far very successful tactics that give them the initiative, and the lead in the conflict. The government is still struggling for an answer, experimenting with different strategies, which are so far not very successful.

The insurgents are highly organized, with combat units, bomb units, propaganda squads, intelligence units, etc.

Every war is ugly. What in the wars led by western nations presently is termed "collateral damage" are also civilians, women and children, mutilated and killed.

No, the majority of the Muslim population is not on the side of the insurgents, they are terrified. But they are not on the side of the government either. And that is entirely the fault of the government. Decades of oppression resulted in that mistrust. The last opportunities to bring the majority of the civilian Muslim population to the side of the government have been given away by Prem's rejection of the recommendation of NRC to allow using Yawi as a second government language, and by Surayud not arresting and trying the officers responsible for Tak Bai.

There are many soldiers and police officers on the ground who try to do the best they can, but that work is somewhat boycotted by the block heads in the higher ranks and the government, and by the endemic corruption of others in the military and police, who are directly benefiting financially from the war and the huge government funds of which lots can be channeled away.

And no, Buddhists are not that peaceful either. There were already revenge killings by local Buddhists against innocent Muslims, and the Dahan Praan have a terrible reputation down there, not entirely undeserved either.

The only possible solution is on the negotiation table. But i fear that a lot more blood has to flow until both sides are ready and willing for substantial negotiations. All out war might satisfy the bloodlust of some here (most of those will never have to directly deal with that war as well), but it is no solution. At least that the government understands, and has a hard time to hold back extremists out for revenge.

Colpyat, I don't always agree with you, but this is one of the most sensible posts I have seen. The idiots who want to slash and burn down South are no better than the terrorists and are just playing into their hands. Why do they think that kind of tactic will work anyway? Can they share with us where that has worked? Iraq, Afghanistan...??

Absolutely agree. IMHO counter-insurgency only creates more insurgents. Imagine if it was some of your relatives who were stacked like bags of rice in trucks and dying slowly and painfully through suffocation. I am sure you would be more inclined to join the insurgency then. This is what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan every day. And so the problem keeps growing.

I tend to think the solution to the southern 'problem' has been seen before in Northern Ireland. I'm no expert but it seems to me that the Northern Ireland economy got the the stage where it had nowhere else to go but up. Pouring money/industry into N.I. created employment. Unemployment creates boredom and frustration. I think those who were unhappy before are now too busy working to pay off their new car/tv to go out and plant bombs. Although I dislike many facets of capitalism I believe it keeps people busy, provides them with incentive, and therefore contentment.

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ColPyat: Yesterday you accused me of having a myopic view of Thailand because I suggested it was not as bad a place as many make it out to be, and that many of the things people said were bad, are actually worse in many places.

Today you have defined myopic in a most outstanding fashion. You seem to feel great sympathy for Muslim people (I assume by your zeal, your people) who feel marginalized in Thailand, a place of full religious freedom and many efforts to include its Muslim minority. You also seem to have little outrage for the monstrous behavior of the insurgents (such as the event in the Op) which surpasses the entire history of Buddhist Islamic history in this region.

You also seem to have no regard whatsoever for any of the marginalized people in Aceh some of which are now living exceptionally oppressed lives. When has anyone in Thailand been caned for an un-covered head, sharing their religion, or having a beer?

It’s all tikity boo to you, because no Sharia following Muslims are being hurt in the process. And man those Christians being persecuted in Aceh had it coming, always showing up in a crisis with their charity and good will. How dare they believe to have a better answer than 7th century hate and oppression.

Your credibility in this discussion has been on a slow slide all day. For me at least, you have just slipped off the edge. It is pretty clear that any Insurgent act is justified by your standards.

Here’s what I see from your angle: Buddhists are oppressive, Christians are invaders, and Muslims are hard done by, really just misunderstood, need to have their own sandbox to play in so they can oppress each other in peace.

I am sorry, but i believe that you really should travel to Pattani and Aceh before making any more posts here.

What is the point of "outrage" - it's a war (and lets lease not get into semantic details of the difference between war and insurgency here right now), and if it would for be people like you, we would be stuck forever in religious wars without solution. You are exactly the same like the fundamentalists on the other side.

The proposed solution of autonomy may not be ideal, but far better than continued brutalities - for all involved, including Buddhists. All what you came up with so far would lead to more war and more killing. But yes, it's not you who is going to suffer in that war, or will have to put yourself or your family at risk. You just can play outrage from behind the safety of the screen.

And no, i am not Muslim, i am Agnostic. I hope i don't need to explain you what that means.

Where did i "justify" insurgent acts? Would you point that out please, or apologize. Because i am getting very annoyed with such idiotic accusations. :D

All i have done here is trying to explain what is going on down there. And as i am so far the only poster here who has been personally down there during the insurgency - you should better listen and think what i have to say, because you will not get any other first hand account here on this board. So yes, i spend hours here trying to spread information, and have to read pointless posts such as yours. You argue about something you are completely out of your depth, have no personal experience whatsoever, and you don't even take your time to read the anthropological paper i have recommended.

So, where is your credibility? Have you been in any of the regions that are debated here?????

You protested initially that you feel that there is no military presence in the southern provinces. I have explained painstakingly that this is not true, i have explained you some of the military tactics involved (and others i will not discuss here). And the only thing you come up with are increasingly personal accusations.

What is your solution then? Tell me about how you would bring peace to the Southern provinces? Let's debate that. And please just don't come up with "more military" and "shoot 'em all" sort of posts, because my patience starts really running thin with all the know-all-crap, never-been-there posts.


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All i have done here is trying to explain what is going on down there.

And so far you've done a good job. For someone like me who's never been in the area I find your posts very informative. I work in a muslim country (Saudi) and some of the locals here are aware of what's going on in the south of Thailand and with the info given by you I can at least explain that the situation is not as simple as some people make it out to be.

It'll probably fall on deaf ears because as a "christian dog" what do i know, but any how keep up the posting.

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It'll probably fall on deaf ears because as a "christian dog" what do i know, but any how keep up the posting.

Thanks a lot. :o

And i would like to add - almost all Muslim villagers (and mosts Buddhists as well) i have been chatting with down there have been exceptionally nice and open minded about what is going on there (and in the larger world), but saddened and very scared about their future.

People should not forget that this is not an Issue of "Islam" vs the rest of the world, unless one makes it so, but personal issues of personal tragedies for all, regardless of religious believe.

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I am going to go down there like I said; I will get my own info. I know you have been around the block a bit ColPyat so don’t seem so shocked that you are rattling some cages here.

You chose a thread about the unthinkable violent and senseless death of an innocent office girl, to begin a diatribe about the potential merits of Sharia law in Southern Thailand; a concept that in itself is heinous and despicable. And you top it up with indifference (nearly approval) of the suffering of others who are now being marginalized beyond anything any Thai Muslim had to face.

Why don’t you just wear a big kick me sign. You are poking a salty finger in some pretty raw wounds. If you are going to be the self appointed man on the street for Yala, at least find a diplomatic tack.

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Stepping aside from the heated debating going on here; what sort of a person would shoot an unarmed woman. And then set her on fire, to die the most agonizing death imaginable? :D

The same sort of person who sits in an airplane and pulls the trigger that releases bombs onto cities and villages, leaving "collateral damage".

Reminds me of Thaksins "war on drugs" where 2000+ people (many innocent :D) were basically murdered. :o

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I am going to go down there like I said; I will get my own info. I know you have been around the block a bit ColPyat so don’t seem so shocked that you are rattling some cages here.

You chose a thread about the unthinkable violent and senseless death of an innocent office girl, to begin a diatribe about the potential merits of Sharia law in Southern Thailand; a concept that in itself is heinous and despicable. And you top it up with indifference (nearly approval) of the suffering of others who are now being marginalized beyond anything any Thai Muslim had to face.

Why don’t you just wear a big kick me sign. You are poking a salty finger in some pretty raw wounds. If you are going to be the self appointed man on the street for Yala, at least find a diplomatic tack.

I am tired of the idiotic tit for tat.

One friendly advice though - when you go down there, i would hide some of your bigoted opinions on Islam and Muslims you voiced here, because at the present climate - this can get you killed in the wrong place easily. And that counts also when you meet ordinary Buddhist villagers, Military and Police - because the last thing they need is some know-all trying to incense an anyhow explosive situation.

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What is your solution then?

i would send in the israeli army , they dont mess about and they would have those cowardly "insurgents" running for their pathetic useless lives within a couple of days.

an autonomous state would be giving the terrorists ( calling them insurgents just glorifies their actions , as if they were equal to a second world war outfit in the mold of the french resistance) what they are trying to gain by murder and brutality.

violent disputes involving fanatic islam protagonists can rarely if ever be solved by negotiation , they seek violent conflict and are not afraid of death , taking innocent non believers with them is seen as a glorious act. you either give them what they want , or you have to fight them.

time is on their side , and there is glory ( and willing virgins) after death in the name of jihad.

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What is your solution then?

i would send in the israeli army, they dont mess about and they would have those cowardly "insurgents" running for their pathetic useless lives within a couple of days.

Eh, yes.

Very good.

British humor.

'Faulty towers', 'Yes Minister', 'The Office', 'Mr. Bean'.

I understand.

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I am going to go down there like I said; I will get my own info. I know you have been around the block a bit ColPyat so don't seem so shocked that you are rattling some cages here.

You chose a thread about the unthinkable violent and senseless death of an innocent office girl, to begin a diatribe about the potential merits of Sharia law in Southern Thailand; a concept that in itself is heinous and despicable. And you top it up with indifference (nearly approval) of the suffering of others who are now being marginalized beyond anything any Thai Muslim had to face.

Why don't you just wear a big kick me sign. You are poking a salty finger in some pretty raw wounds. If you are going to be the self appointed man on the street for Yala, at least find a diplomatic tack.

I am tired of the idiotic tit for tat.

One friendly advice though - when you go down there, i would hide some of your bigoted opinions on Islam and Muslims you voiced here, because at the present climate - this can get you killed in the wrong place easily. And that counts also when you meet ordinary Buddhist villagers, Military and Police - because the last thing they need is some know-all trying to incense an anyhow explosive situation.

ColPyat, you for one are going "tit for tat", and now you are claiming you are tired of it. As far as my previous posting on the south, I had never have a good feelings about the islamic seperatist movements there. Your continuance and diatribes about histories and oppressions against the muslims really astound me.

GAM, (banda aceh), IRA, (northern Ireland), HAMAS, (Palestine), TAMIL seperatists (sri lanka), and many others have openly comes out to "claimed" responsibilities for acts of violence. Because they believe in their cause and would stand up to be counted. Whereas, in the southern thailand where these insurgents operates, they have not in any sense own up to their actions and what parties or organisation that they belong too. If they do these, than at least the thai government would know who to negotiate with for a peaceful solution to these mayhems. Who are their representatives? Negotiations for a peaceful solution can only commenced when you know what the opposing groups demand and who they represents, lawful or otherwise.

As far as burning someone alive, I would rather not imagine the actrocity.

Good day to you, sir.

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Stepping aside from the heated debating going on here; what sort of a person would shoot an unarmed woman. And then set her on fire, to die the most agonizing death imaginable? :o

The same sort of person who sits in an airplane and pulls the trigger that releases bombs onto cities and villages, leaving "collateral damage".

I have found your posts on this topic to be extremely informative as you obviously have a wealth of information regarding the subject. However if you really believe your above denigrating statement, the credibility of your opinions has been seriously compromised in my eyes.

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Whereas, in the southern thailand where these insurgents operates, they have not in any sense own up to their actions and what parties or organisation that they belong too.

You are wrong. The groups are known, many of the perpetrators are known, and the have very advanced strategies, including propaganda squads who distribute hand bills after every attack. Read the following link, please.


And if is not too much effort, read the anthropological paper i have recommended already a few pages ago: 'Violence, Subversion and Creativity in the Thai-Malaysian Borderland' by Alexander Horstmann. A simple google search should give you the link.

Negotiations have taken place, unsuccessfully, brokered by Mahatir, already by the previous Thaksin government. It was reported about after the failure.

Please inform yourself.

A good day as well to you.

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Stepping aside from the heated debating going on here; what sort of a person would shoot an unarmed woman. And then set her on fire, to die the most agonizing death imaginable? :o

The same sort of person who sits in an airplane and pulls the trigger that releases bombs onto cities and villages, leaving "collateral damage".

I have found your posts on this topic to be extremely informative as you obviously have a wealth of information regarding the subject. However if you really believe your above denigrating statement, the credibility of your opinions has been seriously compromised in my eyes.

Well, thank you, sort of. :D

What's the point of asking the questions of "what sort of a person would do..."? It will just get emotional responses of outrage.

I don't think that this here is, or should be a platform to vent outrage, i believe that ThaiVisa is and can be an excellent source of information. I have gotten a wealth of information from being here, and i hope i can return the favor.

So excuse my cheeky comment to a completely useless question. Nevertheless, even a "clean" war with proper soldiers leaves innocents killed and mutilated - but they are clinically and cynically labeled "collateral damage". I doubt if it makes one bit of difference to the victim if the person who did it was just doing his duty as ordered by a government and the victim just got in the way, or if it was an insurgent targeting that victim and doing it up close and personal.

You are free not to agree with my opinions, but thanks for accepting my attempts to give information.

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Well as a Muslim , i for one find there actions sick sad and disgusting ,And everything that has been done down south in the name of Islam.It has nothing to do with islam, and goes totaly against everything a Muslim should belive in.

I am not a pefect Muslim far from it ,But as i have said all the actions of a few so called Muslim, do not represent Islam ,or its teachings at all far from .And if those people really did know there Islam then they would know that the acts they are doing is totaly wrong and forbidden .InshAllah they will taste the fires of hel_l for what they have done to that poor girl.

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