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Pattaya: It's official - city in lockdown from today - ALL to wear masks outside

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7 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

A friend just posted this on his timeline:


Seems pretty clear. Your village/moo ban is not your home, it is where your home is located.

So basically, step outside your house onto a soi anywhere, for any reason, you'd better be wearing a mask. 

Don't forget that there are a lot of people who would probably love to call a "hot line" to report someone for not wearing a mask. Think about the recent stories of old foreigners suddenly having a "smart car" show up at their house - because someone in the neighbourhood decided to call the authorities on him.

He did not mentioned the "price" for not carry passport  and when needed to carry….?

4 minutes ago, david555 said:

He did not mentioned the "price" for not carry passport  and when needed to carry….?

I think that was a Pattaya order (about the carrying your passport), not a Chon Buri one.

And I think that order (the Pattaya one) was squashed the minute they took the barricades down, but there hasn't been an official announcement about it yet, or about a replacement plan.


25 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

So basically, step outside your house onto a soi anywhere, for any reason, you'd better be wearing a mask. 

Required while driving a car, alone?

38 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Required while driving a car, alone?

That would depend on a couple of things: 
1) How anal the person seeing/reporting/stopping you is and, 
2) How tinted are your windows ?

By the "letter of the law", if you are driving your car, alone or not, you have "left your home".

But hey, it's only 100,000 baht (and/or) a year in jail (and probably deportation and black listing after that) ! 
Maybe worth the risk !
(For some people !)

Also remember TiT (This is Thailand) and that could be a real money maker for some people ! Would be a shame if you pulled up to an intersection and while watching some cute girl you don't notice the BiB walking up and tapping on your window !


  • Haha 2
19 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Hasn't been mentioned by WHO, CDC or anybody as totally unnecessary. The virus cannot penetrate your skin so if you wash hands often no need to be putting on and taking off gloves. Can't touch face or eyes if wearing mask or glasses/goggles.. That's is why WHO and CDC recommend washing  hands often NOT wearing gloves.

...i realise and understand that..Im talking about people who touch surfaces where the virus is then transferring to their eyes/nose/mouth. as few wear goggles etc.

19 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Maybe I am missing something but that makes no sense, you dont get the virus through your skin, you touch a surface with a bare hand or with a glove, and then maybe touch face its the same, glove or no glove. What difference does wearing a glove make, the virus is either on a bare hand or on a glove covering the hand. If you are removing the gloves then sanitising your hand, what was the point of wearing gloves in the first place.

...the virus is alive on many different surfaces for varying times..this is how it is transferred to the eyes, mouth, nose by people mainly in an involuntary action. The wearing of gloves would make an additional barrier..as doctors/surgeons/nursing staff do. It does make perfect sense.

17 hours ago, Tony125 said:

...wow! nice big font you've got there!

..i think Nurse Molly Lixbie is a nutter..imagine the amount of bacteria and viruses your hand picks up during a day..this is why i think it was 1930 gloves were introduced into hospitals and immediately there was an 80% reduction in germs/viruses and bacterium being carried and thus contaminating and infected other surfaces and patients and staff. Staph. Aureus is still a major health threat in any hospital..oh but then you probably knew that!

                    ..the idea is too take the gloves off after you've done your business.

3 minutes ago, tandor said:

...the virus is alive on many different surfaces for varying times..this is how it is transferred to the eyes, mouth, nose by people mainly in an involuntary action. The wearing of gloves would make an additional barrier..as doctors/surgeons/nursing staff do. It does make perfect sense.

Again unescessary as "an additional barrier " is not needed as the "first barrier" your skin cannot be penetrated by the virus and if you wash it often you won't transmit to your face/eyes. That is why you haven't seen the WHO/CDC Dr's or nurses recomend wearing gloves.  In the video I sent you a link to the nurse demonstrates why wearing gloves are not needed. If you touch your bare contaminated hand to your face you will also do it with a glove on. Hey if you feel safer wearing them up to you.

12 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

Again unescessary as "an additional barrier " is not needed as the "first barrier" your skin cannot be penetrated by the virus and if you wash it often you won't transmit to your face/eyes. That is why you haven't seen the WHO/CDC Dr's or nurses recomend wearing gloves.  In the video I sent you a link to the nurse demonstrates why wearing gloves are not needed. If you touch your bare contaminated hand to your face you will also do it with a glove on. Hey if you feel safer wearing them up to you.

Nurse Molly Lixbie..doesnt exhibit an aseptic technique, and being a nurse she should know better. I realise too that ACE2 receptors are not on the surface of human skin..Im talking about adding an extra barrier to those areas that are vulnerable..and very few wear eye protection...you go ahead with your ideas and i will wear my gloves..PS I am quite within my rights as TV member to express any pertinent view and offer suggestions.

2 minutes ago, tandor said:

Nurse Molly Lixbie..doesnt exhibit an aseptic technique, and being a nurse she should know better. I realise too that ACE2 receptors are not on the surface of human skin..Im talking about adding an extra barrier to those areas that are vulnerable..and very few wear eye protection...you go ahead with your ideas and i will wear my gloves..PS I am quite within my rights as TV member to express any pertinent view and offer suggestions.

Of course you can give your opinion I am simply answering your question in older post where  "you" asked why no one seemed to be recomending wearing gloves. Gave you the answer. And as far as eye protection all the cashiers at Tops in Central Lad Prao had face shields or safety goggles and masks on when I was their Wensday. Also some 7--11 girls have them on and shoppers at Tops ----all had masks on and some wore wrap around sun glasses and a few safety goggles and 1  had a face shield.



Can you confirm that they remove all the road barricades but that they will announce 24 hours curfew for Songkran ?


  • Like 1
57 minutes ago, ReLo said:


Can you confirm that they remove all the road barricades but that they will announce 24 hours curfew for Songkran ?


Yes i can confirm all the road concrete barriers havebeen removed.

At the moment i don't have the answer for Songkran and the curfew

but i don't see any reason to change the actual nightime curfew

there is very little people staying in Pattaya actually and they don't

really have the wish to do a big party for songkran, most of them are

struggling financialy and all their energy is focused on how to find some money

to pay food and accomodations.

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Of course you can give your opinion I am simply answering your question in older post where  "you" asked why no one seemed to be recomending wearing gloves. Gave you the answer. And as far as eye protection all the cashiers at Tops in Central Lad Prao had face shields or safety goggles and masks on when I was their Wensday. Also some 7--11 girls have them on and shoppers at Tops ----all had masks on and some wore wrap around sun glasses and a few safety goggles and 1  had a face shield.

..i was making a statement..posing the question..your reply meant nothing..there has to be a major flaw in all these cases..the huge amount of persons being infected..lets say one month ago most wore a mask..few wore eye protection as well, but a fair percentage of Asians do wear prescription glasses, which in itself is another barrier. This leaves the presence of the CoViD-19 that has landed by coughing, sneezing or transported by another human on their clothing, or on the surface of their masks, or on the surface of their skin which is then transferred to their face, eyes, mouth due to poor personal hygiene. I know that the human skin cannot absorb the virus and i also know that there are no ACE2 receptors on the surface of human skin. So there has to be an avenue where this virus is regularly getting into the recipients body, and that has to be by their own hand. If disposable gloves are worn whilst you are out doing your business and then stripped off one inside the other and then wrapped in your mask, which must be disposed of correctly; then you have dramatically increased your chances of not catching this virus. This month (April) is see many more folk wearing a visor but are still gloveless and handling a multitude of things, be it packaged or perishables plus the dirtiest thing of all, paper money! (I carry a zip-lock plastic bag and open it for the cashier to drop my money in..i seal it and disinfect it when i get home).

As far as your shop staff goes..it is now obligatory everyone wear a mask when out in public; visors etc are optional. Keep safe Mr. Tony125.

On 4/9/2020 at 11:12 AM, mahjongguy said:

I did not say I was confused. Perhaps you confuse me with some other poster.


The translation provided was "People of all nationalities are to wear masks when outside their homes and places of stay."

Our mooban is in many ways an extension of our homes. We own the streets and sidewalks, we pay guards to restrict access. We walk around to stretch our legs, keep a polite distance as we pass. I just wondered if I take off my mask for a moment while I'm watering the lawn, am I gonna get pounced on by some self-righteous jack*ss.  



unless you live on a gated and guarded compound (similar to one on the Walking Dead show) that does NOT ALLOW any visitors then you should be wearing a mask for EVERYONES benefit. Time to grow some common sense.

  • Haha 1
On 4/9/2020 at 7:29 PM, Parsve said:

Maybe not stupid at all. Maybe just because they know what part the most, or maybe all of those in Pattaya that get infected lived or work. You have to be a little bit smarter before you call anyone an idiot. 


Maybe it is you who should try to be a little smarter...



On 4/10/2020 at 6:44 PM, tandor said:

..i was making a statement..posing the question..your reply meant nothing..there has to be a major flaw in all these cases..the huge amount of persons being infected..lets say one month ago most wore a mask..few wore eye protection as well, but a fair percentage of Asians do wear prescription glasses, which in itself is another barrier. This leaves the presence of the CoViD-19 that has landed by coughing, sneezing or transported by another human on their clothing, or on the surface of their masks, or on the surface of their skin which is then transferred to their face, eyes, mouth due to poor personal hygiene. I know that the human skin cannot absorb the virus and i also know that there are no ACE2 receptors on the surface of human skin. So there has to be an avenue where this virus is regularly getting into the recipients body, and that has to be by their own hand. If disposable gloves are worn whilst you are out doing your business and then stripped off one inside the other and then wrapped in your mask, which must be disposed of correctly; then you have dramatically increased your chances of not catching this virus. This month (April) is see many more folk wearing a visor but are still gloveless and handling a multitude of things, be it packaged or perishables plus the dirtiest thing of all, paper money! (I carry a zip-lock plastic bag and open it for the cashier to drop my money in..i seal it and disinfect it when i get home).

As far as your shop staff goes..it is now obligatory everyone wear a mask when out in public; visors etc are optional. Keep safe Mr. Tony125.

Latex gloves are NOT sterile and could spread coronavirus



13 hours ago, Tony125 said:

...you still dont get it do you..and want to keep arguing against common sense.

The gloves of whatever synthetic material you care to put on will pick up/absorb the virus for sure as would your un-protected hands..if you have an additional barrier, which you take off and discard correctly, then sanitize your bare skin; it must reduce the likelihood of contamination..stands to reason.

I suggest to you my friend you do it your way, and i will do it my way. No-one for sure will mock me or take me to task for wearing gloves.

The whole of the planet will have to learn to live with this new virus until it is eradicated, which is highly unlikely into the forseeable future.

2 hours ago, tandor said:

...you still dont get it do you..and want to keep arguing against common sense.

The gloves of whatever synthetic material you care to put on will pick up/absorb the virus for sure as would your un-protected hands..if you have an additional barrier, which you take off and discard correctly, then sanitize your bare skin; it must reduce the likelihood of contamination..stands to reason.

I suggest to you my friend you do it your way, and i will do it my way. No-one for sure will mock me or take me to task for wearing gloves.

The whole of the planet will have to learn to live with this new virus until it is eradicated, which is highly unlikely into the forseeable future.

Not aruguing with your choice simply posted the article on the specific point we were discusing. Made no comment about it , just posted it for those that wanted latest opinon on gloves. As far as masks the article below shows a US doctor who was infected  said he never wore a N95 mask before and wasn't  shore he was puting in on or taking it off correctly.  Health groups say those masks should be worn only by health care workers as they know how to wear, BS---they don't  go to med schools and stydy for months on how to wear a mask but any of us can go on Youtube and learn how to use a mask or gloves and dispose of properly. Take care


Emergency room doctor, near death with coronavirus, saved with experimental treatment




  • Thanks 1

Why persist in calling it a "lockdown"?  People can still go to work, go shopping for food or takeaway food, go out to exercise or just go for a walk.  A lockdown is what they had in Whuhan, Italy and Spain.

14 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Why persist in calling it a "lockdown"?  People can still go to work, go shopping for food or takeaway food, go out to exercise or just go for a walk.  A lockdown is what they had in Whuhan, Italy and Spain.

Well since yesterday we can not go on the beach or on the sidewalk near the beachroad

all the swimming pools have been closed few weeks ago, a lot of shops also

and tomorrow we can not go anymore from the ''darkside'' side of sukkumvit to south Pattaya

and vice versa. so can we call it a ''half lockdown'' or a ''semi lockdown'' it's ok for you?


2 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Well since yesterday we can not go on the beach or on the sidewalk near the beachroad

all the swimming pools have been closed few weeks ago, a lot of shops also

and tomorrow we can not go anymore from the ''darkside'' side of sukkumvit to south Pattaya

and vice versa. so can we call it a ''half lockdown'' or a ''semi lockdown'' it's ok for you?


You can still go on the beach sidewalk. Plenty of people there at lunchtime.

1 hour ago, fred110 said:

You can still go on the beach sidewalk. Plenty of people there at lunchtime.

Good to know

it was not the case yesterday evening on Pattaya beach

municipal police was here and all the people was forced to cross the road 

We couldn't stay on the sidewalk on the sea side

8 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Well since yesterday we can not go on the beach or on the sidewalk near the beachroad

all the swimming pools have been closed few weeks ago, a lot of shops also

and tomorrow we can not go anymore from the ''darkside'' side of sukkumvit to south Pattaya

and vice versa. so can we call it a ''half lockdown'' or a ''semi lockdown'' it's ok for you?


Swimming pools are NOT all closed... I walk and not alone on the both sidewalks on Beach Road.  Don't know about Dark-Side.  The biggest problem (for me) are the packs of dogs in isolated areas.  Food is plentiful and I see more smiles and friendly people than vise versa.  

  • Confused 1
14 hours ago, fred110 said:

You can still go on the beach sidewalk. Plenty of people there at lunchtime.


No, you can not anymore.


Confirmed by a TVF member.


That people still do it, is lack of knowledge, and ignoring the large posts in Thai and English.

That is until they get caught, arrested and issued a fine.






2 hours ago, OnTheGround said:


No, you can not anymore.


Confirmed by a TVF member.


That people still do it, is lack of knowledge, and ignoring the large posts in Thai and English.

That is until they get caught, arrested and issued a fine.






You can use the beach sidewalk aka pavement

13 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Good to know

it was not the case yesterday evening on Pattaya beach

municipal police was here and all the people was forced to cross the road 

We couldn't stay on the sidewalk on the sea side

Plenty of people on the boardwalk this morning. I guess the police don't mind exercising but don't want drinkers in the evening. Some Thais are still fishing from the beach.

9 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

You can use the beach sidewalk aka pavement


For those who don't understand thai, ask a native to listen to the speaker (outside of the camera) in this video, and translate it for you.


Title of the video is a clue.


I know, still some of you don't think the law is for you. Whatever.





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