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Pattaya's Coronavirus Cock-up: Chaos on first day of lockdown as leaders scurry for rethink


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They tried to emulate the Chinese, but having far inferior organizational and cognitive capabilities (world champions though at knee-jerk reactions, and doing anything just to be seen doing something) they failed miserably. A long Thai tradition, won't change any time soon. MTGA

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500 baht to get into the city and 200 to get out. Have it ready as you pass the officer. That will show who is on necessary business. No other papers necessary. In Pattays it always costs more to get in.

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and the unfair negativity and ridicule continues here on TV....

its an unprecedented global crisis. all countries and the ppl who actually deal with it (unlike the forum farang) struggle with it. 

Thailand is a country that actually is doing pretty well and avoided a disaster.

Instead of RIDICULING ppl who have to make tough decisions, why not go back to yr own perfect country, maybe Italy or the rest of collapsingEurope, or NY and the rest of that crumbling nation.

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its not a re think its a case of not thinking period,we have millions out of work, businesses collapsing,poverty and suffering of people who are ill  because theyre not getting medical attention.for what?30 dead in almost 3 mnths .this is rediculous the cure is killing the patient.the dead are largely composed of very ill people who are elderly .this is turning into a self inflicted wound of enormous proportions.

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... Guess 'planned' by the same person(s) who planned to dig out many roads in town first and once all opened, start thinking how to close and make them good for traffic again... 

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7 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Why do you think the Virus daily figures are lowest in the World, and the contagion curve is completely different from any other Nations.

Covid19 revisited to come.

erm, because it is not accurate and a very flat, linear infection rate of 100 (ish) is either restictive testing or manufactured numbers.


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1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

When did I post anything about that? I just made it clear that no other government will pay relief for lost work if it was not a registered income either. Basically saying that Thailand is not doing wrong compared to other nations or, if you wish, that almost all countries would do the same.

other countries would pay benefits if unemployed, set up food banks and probably a lot more than that. What is Thailand doing about the people who have no money and can't register for the 5k a month? let them starve?


some further reading for you, think empathy.



Edited by scubascuba3
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7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

No big deal! Mistakes happens. This is not a normal situation, and many of the persons planning this, is doing this for the first time and hopefully once in their life time. I am sure they will fix it and make it work. Everybody can make mistakes.

No big deal, thousands of people close to each other ... figuring out what is going on and what to do?


In times of social distancing.


I thought you are always so critical about things ... and this one is no big deal, just move on ... we all make mistakes.


mhhh, well, you can be a bit more critical about this, no problem to talk about it ????


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7 hours ago, smedly said:

24 million across Thailand applied for financial support, even if only 12 million deserved it only 1.2 million were approved, a lot of Thai people work off book (freelance), now that most of that market has been shut down what are they supposed to do, the government quite obviously doesn't give a toss and these lock downs are preventing needy people going to stay with family or friends


a lot of Thai people work off book (freelance), now that most of that market has been shut down what are they supposed to do,


well, playing devil's advocate,... maybe if people had paid their taxes and contributed in the good times then they would have been supported in the bad times. what goes around comes around?

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Maybe they should have tried something easier first as practice for good planning, like taking a bunch of drunkards to a brewery and trying to persuade them to drink their fill.

They couldn't organise that.????

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To all you guys in Pattaya that think that lock down in your city is lifted.....Guess again as according to the the geniuses that run Pattaya the lock down can NOT be cancelled and all the checkpoints traffic and barricades are just moving from the dark side over to central Pattaya as of next Tuesday.  Cant wait to see this #%#!$ show next week.



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31 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

and the unfair negativity and ridicule continues here on TV....

its an unprecedented global crisis. all countries and the ppl who actually deal with it (unlike the forum farang) struggle with it. 

Thailand is a country that actually is doing pretty well and avoided a disaster.

Instead of RIDICULING ppl who have to make tough decisions, why not go back to yr own perfect country, maybe Italy or the rest of collapsingEurope, or NY and the rest of that crumbling nation.

you are doing exactly the same as the people you are poking in the eye! Europe is not crumbling, its having massive problems but it is dealing with an impossible situation. however I have a different worry. The UK has massive investment in the economy so people are paid whilst they are forced off work which obviously minimises unemployment and companies collapsing. They have built huge temporary hospitals with thousands of extra ICU beds with respirators, all completely free of course. When this is all over the UK and other European cities and the USA will return back to normal (whatever the new normal will be), in short the countries with cash will bounce back.


My concern is countries that do not have that kind of money like Thailand. firstly Thailand certainly have far more cases then they are reporting (like most countries I guess), many will be hidden in the remote parts of Thailand. So if Thailand make a huge effort to test everyone and reports accurately the numbers will be much scarier. 


I wonder in this case how much damage the government will do to the people and the economy without the finance backing up the lockdown. EG, poverty, hunger, unemployment, homelessness, lack of treatment, no icu beds being available, crime and so on. So even if Thailand government I dont see how they can publish big figures without sparking a public panic.


The question is will more people die and suffer trying to prevent this virus from spreading in Thailand? Thats the real question I think. The same question for any developing country in the world.

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48 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

its not a re think its a case of not thinking period,we have millions out of work, businesses collapsing,poverty and suffering of people who are ill  because theyre not getting medical attention.for what?30 dead in almost 3 mnths .this is rediculous the cure is killing the patient.the dead are largely composed of very ill people who are elderly .this is turning into a self inflicted wound of enormous proportions.

Exactly the point I was trying to make, well put. Thailand do not have the money, resources or possible desire to deal with the devastation on the economy and people. How many people will die because of the measures and economic effect.. I also heard there was a charge to get in and out of Pattaya? I hope that money is going towards icu beds and feeding the now unemployed in Pattaya.


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2 hours ago, LarryLEB said:

Imbeciles should be recognized formally at an annual nation-wide awards event and be presented with a statuette, like at the Oscars. Broadcast the event live on television to face/name-shame the winners and runners-up.

Is there enough gold in the universe to cast all those statuettes? And at 20 seconds per presentation, will anybody live long enough to see it through?


No, I thought not. But, a good concept!

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9 hours ago, Toany said:

They will have to sort things quickly.  The airports of Wuhan are open again.  Soon there will be hordes of Chinese trying to enter Pattaya.

The Chinese will be allowed to enter ok, you can bet on that, westerners have been forced out, not just in Pattaya, for various reasons.

I do not see anything happening to attract western tourists and expats in to Pattaya in the near future, and certain pockets need to be filled.

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It comes down to idiots just sucking the governments @$$ and believing everything they see in world news. Usually in the more poor places (I.e Thailand) it’s easier to control the masses. They don’t ask questions, they snap to attention and they do as their told. This is why you see so many poor and uneducated people that go with the flow. Hey is that a giant Cell tower? Yeah just build it right next to my home that’s cool! 

Now we just tell them to wear a mask (even though it doesn’t stop the spread of anything) they will all do it like a herd of cattle. Tell them they can’t go out past 8pm (which makes no logical sense at all) then they will follow the rules and get upset at others that don’t. It’s a monkey brain. I mean a lot of monkey brains on these threads too. What a GREAT idea lock down a city and keep poor people who are already struggling stuck in a city where you have banned essential business from selling essential goods like....food. Great idea genius’s!

Everyone reads mainstream BS and then reacts without using their “unevolved” brains. I’ve never seen so many weak, ignorant minds in my life until I started traveling. Crazy how easily controlled and brainwashed people are by the same 6 companies that own all of your media. 

But hey, keep spraying that hand sanitizer water all over the streets that will keep the boogieman away. Lmfao.

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8 hours ago, Matzzon said:

No big deal! Mistakes happens. This is not a normal situation, and many of the persons planning this, is doing this for the first time and hopefully once in their life time. I am sure they will fix it and make it work. Everybody can make mistakes.

The Thai authorities are one big mistake which will only be rectified when certain pockets need filling.

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