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I just don't care anymore.


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I'd love to go into 4 weeks of  isolation, my daily rouyine is 6am to 6pm at work monday to friday then run around like a loon on saturdays doing some shopping then sunday relax in the pool with a few JD's.

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2 minutes ago, Muzzique said:

So much for this tropical paradise people talk about. Take out the beer and the girls and there's nothing really here. 

That is what you think.. but that is why some people come here. For i still love it corvid or not. Never been a bar guy so no problems for me at all.

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15 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

so true mate. whats the point in staying home all day in front of a computer screen?

may as well be in Grimsby. 

have you ever been to Grimsby? Almost anywhere else is better, regardless of any restrictions. . 

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28 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

oming to the end of isolation week 4. apathy has really set in now. I have lost all will to do anything productive. My days basically consist of eating, drinking and reading. 

3 activities that on the surface are harmless, but couple that together with not wanting to get out of bed and basically laying on the couch all day and they could be a deadly combination. 

I shower twice a day, but why? What is the point?

by the time i'm back on the couch within ten minutes i usually spill some doritos dip on my vest anyway.

i'm gaining a lot of weight. I have a weight set upstairs but i can't be bothered opening it.

whats the point?

I don't see any. 

depending on how long this lasts my apathy may eventually turn into nihilism. something I don't really want to experience but it's perry hard not to go down that path once already on it.

The financial fall out of this corona virus pandemic will have severe worldwide ramifications for years to come. Hundreds of millions will be out of work and thrown into poverty.

this will affect all of us greatly in one way or the other and to be honest I just don't care anymore.


Anybody else feeling this way?

 anyone managing to stay positive despite all the obvious signs of catastrophe on the horizon?



All this after just 4 weeks, Are you looking for sympathy? Do you need attention by writing this post? or are you just weak willed. Whatever the reason, you need to pull yourself together and think positive,  For many people it's all doom and gloom and that's all they can see or in fact want to see. It's all a state of mind. Sure the world has problems, and yes, maybe things won't be the same but things will go on. 

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I have gym equipment at home, plenty of food and entertainment, my dogs, the wife so life is good. Drinking, bars, curfew etc does not affect me at all. The main issues for most people to deal with are psychological. I was prepared for something  like this and am comfortable with my own company so am unaffected thus far. The wife finally admitted  that I was not crazy for having  been prepared long term instead of just for the next few days. Take care everyone and try not to make too many babies ????

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Just now, Pilotman said:

now that is true. And boy, do I miss good fish and chips.  

I would love nothing more than a good old fish and chips tonight.

nigh on impossible to find a good one out here though.

Same with donner kebabs. 

Best I had was in Pattaya and certainly don;'t fancy going there at the moment ????

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