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The week that was in Thailand news: Faith, Hope and Charity - Buddha gets an even coating of gold leaf!


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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Rooster is someone who puts great store by the expression that "Charity Begins at Home" meaning that one should look after one's family first.

That is one definition of the expression.

The one I was taught (Primitive Wesleyan Methodist mother and tough-as-nails agnostic coal hewer father) is that children learn to be charitable from their parents. In other words "Charity is learnt at home".


I never heard the expression "applying gold leaf to the back of the Buddha image" before, but it really does describe very well the act of giving without thought of reward.


Great read as always Rooster, thanks.

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14 hours ago, rooster59 said:

He is surrounded by a huge cast of incompetents.

Your comment 'huge cast of incompetents' regarding our illustrious leader reminds of a Brian Rix farce.

I notice one of his productions was called One For The Pot, surely a reference to the Loony Tunes DPM 'pot belly calling the kettle black'


A cracking reference to 'Uncle Too' and specifically 'Uncle Toupee'. I hope you've got Pat. Pending on it.

At the time of the US election that saw Uncle Toupee elected, I said to my Septic friend that I'd like to see him win: I have no interest in US politics at all, but I said it purely for the entertainment value he would provide, having seen him speaking. I haven't been disappointed.


Thanks again for your caustic wit.

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21 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

The simple fact is that, despite all the informed/educated speculation, there is no way to know with any accuracy when countries will end the social/medical measures, or to what degree they will be eased/dropped, what the interaction(s) will look like on a global scale (this virus is NOT a local phenomenon) and how things will look if/when it finally occurs. In light of that, I am unable to speculate/project/make educated guesses/etc about what will come next, so I don't really try. I just hope that those in authority, in Thailand and beyond, make the best possible decisions and that we all get out from this sooner rather than later and in one piece.

My thoughts exactly.????

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21 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

An interesting read as always; cheers, mate.


"... On an average week I translate about 60 stories. In recent weeks 50 plus either started with Covid-19 or contained coronavirus... But still the Covid-19 stories came, still us noble translators struggled to stay awake as yet another angle of the same narrative was explored..."


I could not agree more. I do not blame TVF or other news organizations, but the tedium and repetitiveness of the content has gotten to me. That said, today had a story of a projected NASA rocket launch! Whoo-Hoo! One of my favourite subjects; as the saying goes, thank you three times.


I don't pay as much attention to the news as I used to as I am unable to 'sink my teeth' into news stories about the virus anymore. The simple fact is that, despite all the informed/educated speculation, there is no way to know with any accuracy when countries will end the social/medical measures, or to what degree they will be eased/dropped, what the interaction(s) will look like on a global scale (this virus is NOT a local phenomenon) and how things will look if/when it finally occurs. In light of that, I am unable to speculate/project/make educated guesses/etc about what will come next, so I don't really try. I just hope that those in authority, in Thailand and beyond, make the best possible decisions and that we all get out from this sooner rather than later and in one piece.


To sum up; it blows.


In lieu of speculating about the future, I often share stories with a few old mates at the beach while swimming (on Koh Samui, the beaches are open); we all have stories which begin "One night in Bangkok...". I suspect that the entire roster of TVF members have at least several similar stories, and a few members have hundreds. Yes, "One night in Bangkok..." stories, especially from back in the day, might contain references to copious amounts of whiskey and beer, three-eyed sloths, run-in(s) with police, haggling with street vendors, tales of groping with a surprise or two, dancing bears or elephants, meetings with... er... ex-CIA/ex-Special Forces guys at the bar, nudity in all the wrong places, Connect Four, seedy hotels/apartments, further haggling with whoever, truck loads of alcohol, tales of wild taxi/tuk-tuk rides, roof top/riverside sunrises, wild and groovy sex, even more haggling about something, etc; given what we all know of Bangkok, the list of possible elements in a story is frankly endless. However, ALL the stories will, at some point, include two things; the song "One night in Bangkok..." and hot dancing girls.


So, in order to prompt the memories and allow you to share a story or two with your mates, I give you an up-dated remix version of "One night in Bangkok..." with some hot dancing girls. 


It is medicine for mental health and comfort against cabin-fever.






Best rendition of this tune ever! Cheers for this bit of excellent entertainment on an otherwise quite slow Sunday afternoon :intheclub::clap2:

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5 hours ago, Ponlamai said:


Really? I personally find Thai women have bodies like little school boys. I think you just need a reminder of what a real woman looks like. Much harder to woo a real woman like this, easy to obtain favour with a young Thai woman when she is chasing down your pension to feed her family and buffalo. I prefer women who are closer to my culture and who I can talk to without the topic of money cropping up every second sentence. 

hot copy.jpg

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29 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Really? I personally find Thai women have bodies like little school boys. I think you just need a reminder of what a real woman looks like. Much harder to woo a real woman like this, easy to obtain favour with a young Thai woman when she is chasing down your pension to feed her family and buffalo. I prefer women who are closer to my culture and who I can talk to without the topic of money cropping up every second sentence. 

hot copy.jpg

Lots of Thai women have bodies just like the one pictured.

However, so many western women are way-overweight, something that has become even more apparent since I moved back to the UK 18 months ago. Western women are also physically larger, taller, broader.

In fact virtually all the western women that I see with good bodies are in their mid to late-teens -20 years old.

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well thanks for that recap, and Mr S Bodoh for the entertaining video... damn that made my day, and yep there are many stories untold about long ago nights in some places that need to remain that way, ...555 yr grandchildren would never believe it.. peace out.. Bless Asian women, those who like the big old gooduns and the good old bigguns' to each his own.. 

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7 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

Lots of Thai women have bodies just like the one pictured.

However, so many western women are way-overweight, something that has become even more apparent since I moved back to the UK 18 months ago. Western women are also physically larger, taller, broader.

In fact virtually all the western women that I see with good bodies are in their mid to late-teens -20 years old.

I find Thai women have zero curve to their bodies. Many women are overweight everywhere including Thailand. Yes women are bigger then Thai women, the same that men are bigger then Thai men. However being bigger certainly doesn't mean fat does it. In short your broad generalisation of western women being big and fat is utter nonsense and only a buffoon would defend that point. 

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1 minute ago, GAZZPA said:

I find Thai women have zero curve to their bodies. Many women are overweight everywhere including Thailand. Yes women are bigger then Thai women, the same that men are bigger then Thai men. However being bigger certainly doesn't mean fat does it. In short your broad generalisation of western women being big and fat is utter nonsense and only a buffoon would defend that point. 


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11 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

I find Thai women have zero curve to their bodies. Many women are overweight everywhere including Thailand. Yes women are bigger then Thai women, the same that men are bigger then Thai men. However being bigger certainly doesn't mean fat does it. In short your broad generalisation of western women being big and fat is utter nonsense and only a buffoon would defend that point. 

What I commented on was also a broad generalisation, that Thai women have bodies like "little boys", which is also clearly not the case.

I know what I see with my own eyes. I'm a Brit, and I'm sure lots of our American cousins see a similar thing in their own country.

The proliferation of fast food joints does seem to have coincided with there being more overweight people in Thailand.

Unlike some, I won't descend to name calling if someone doesn't agree.

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On 4/18/2020 at 6:46 PM, Samui Bodoh said:

An interesting read as always; cheers, mate.


"... On an average week I translate about 60 stories. In recent weeks 50 plus either started with Covid-19 or contained coronavirus... But still the Covid-19 stories came, still us noble translators struggled to stay awake as yet another angle of the same narrative was explored..."


I could not agree more. I do not blame TVF or other news organizations, but the tedium and repetitiveness of the content has gotten to me. That said, today had a story of a projected NASA rocket launch! Whoo-Hoo! One of my favourite subjects; as the saying goes, thank you three times.


I don't pay as much attention to the news as I used to as I am unable to 'sink my teeth' into news stories about the virus anymore. The simple fact is that, despite all the informed/educated speculation, there is no way to know with any accuracy when countries will end the social/medical measures, or to what degree they will be eased/dropped, what the interaction(s) will look like on a global scale (this virus is NOT a local phenomenon) and how things will look if/when it finally occurs. In light of that, I am unable to speculate/project/make educated guesses/etc about what will come next, so I don't really try. I just hope that those in authority, in Thailand and beyond, make the best possible decisions and that we all get out from this sooner rather than later and in one piece.


To sum up; it blows.


In lieu of speculating about the future, I often share stories with a few old mates at the beach while swimming (on Koh Samui, the beaches are open); we all have stories which begin "One night in Bangkok...". I suspect that the entire roster of TVF members have at least several similar stories, and a few members have hundreds. Yes, "One night in Bangkok..." stories, especially from back in the day, might contain references to copious amounts of whiskey and beer, three-eyed sloths, run-in(s) with police, haggling with street vendors, tales of groping with a surprise or two, dancing bears or elephants, meetings with... er... ex-CIA/ex-Special Forces guys at the bar, nudity in all the wrong places, Connect Four, seedy hotels/apartments, further haggling with whoever, truck loads of alcohol, tales of wild taxi/tuk-tuk rides, roof top/riverside sunrises, wild and groovy sex, even more haggling about something, etc; given what we all know of Bangkok, the list of possible elements in a story is frankly endless. However, ALL the stories will, at some point, include two things; the song "One night in Bangkok..." and hot dancing girls.


So, in order to prompt the memories and allow you to share a story or two with your mates, I give you an up-dated remix version of "One night in Bangkok..." with some hot dancing girls. 


It is medicine for mental health and comfort against cabin-fever.






Mate, that is a seriously good video. Thank you!

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On 4/18/2020 at 11:46 PM, Samui Bodoh said:

So, in order to prompt the memories and allow you to share a story or two with your mates, I give you an up-dated remix version of "One night in Bangkok..." with some hot dancing girls. 

and some TVF posters wonder why some of us like LOS.

I no longer want to be reincarnated as an astronaut, I want to come back as a choreographer to hot Thai dancing girls.

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On 4/20/2020 at 5:38 AM, GAZZPA said:

I find Thai women have zero curve to their bodies.

No idea where you live but that's hardly true. You may be commenting in code as to them being smaller in the upper chest area, but for this admirer of the female Thai form that's just fine. Never was a fan of Cooper's droop.

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On 4/19/2020 at 6:30 PM, tonysilly said:

I am sure you can find a better Hero then Bill Gates. The Thai Family is what going to keep this thing together.  Don't bother asking rich people for help. They are already suffering for there millions they lost. 

Gates got super rich by not supporting his <deleted> windows OSs so we had to buy new ones we didn't want. I doubt he's doing it hard by giving a few of his millions to whatever he does. He's no hero of mine.

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On 4/19/2020 at 9:37 PM, GAZZPA said:

Really? I personally find Thai women have bodies like little school boys. I think you just need a reminder of what a real woman looks like. Much harder to woo a real woman like this, easy to obtain favour with a young Thai woman when she is chasing down your pension to feed her family and buffalo. I prefer women who are closer to my culture and who I can talk to without the topic of money cropping up every second sentence. 

hot copy.jpg

Strange you use a photo like that when she would be the exception to the rule.

Some of us have been in LOS long enough ago to remember before Thai women discovered bad western fast food. Now they are often looking as chubby as western women.

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