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Asia pivots toward plants for protein as coronavirus stirs meat safety fears


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6 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

After the coronavirus, Chinese people have more consciousness not to eat wild animals and eat the right sources of protein,” said Lu.

Yea yea whatever .. They might be able to dress up plants as burgers and nuggets but I've yet to see a full on seafood buffet made of mung beans .. 

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19 minutes ago, Roadman said:

I gather you are not talking about plant material highly proccessed either in the lab or in a factory as the issue just like processed cuts of meat is the additives are what will do you harm.

Is it where the vegans are heading with lots of soy based products that require the continued cutting down of more South American native forests, encouraged moreso with idiots like Trump slapping tarriffs on China thereby given market opporunity to South American peasant farmers with their matchetes and matches?

Or perhaps its organic plant food which has no quality standards to trace its authenticity claims and which still allows for plant based sprays that are some of the deadliest in the world to both humans and bees?

Or perhaps you just did not know that there are countries in the world that raise animals in a natural outdoor environment on lands that are unsuitable for cropping?

I guess you might know that even 60 years ago prior heavy food processing practice it was common sensible health knowledge then to have your dinner plate one quarter carbs, half of five different veges and a quarter of meat with the emphasis on one word..."whole". And fruit for desert.

And they say humans are getting more intelligent. 

I am not sure I agree with that statement




But I would say that Phones and cars are ...... ????

Edited by rvaviator
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11 hours ago, ukrules said:

Utter rubbish. If they've stopped eating meat it's because the prices have gone up due to shortages.

Aren't wild animals meat more expensive that chicken and pigs? I am not sure about China but my friends in India tell me that chicken prices have dropped 1/10th of what used to be in pre-corona days. Most indians get their proteins from legumes and lentils and the prices have almost doubled. 

Edited by Mulambana
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Bottom line to all this crapolla:- There are too many people on the planet, it is unsustainable, regardless of what they eat, what they drive, and what phones/guns/toys they have.


Wars,  pestilence and climate change are simply the planet fighting back, as best it can. It's worked before, it will again. We just don't know when.

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14 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Yea yea whatever .. They might be able to dress up plants as burgers and nuggets but I've yet to see a full on seafood buffet made of mung beans .. 

I think the days of buffet style restaurants have gone the way of dinosaurs and hand shakes.

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9 hours ago, Roadman said:

I gather you are not talking about plant material highly proccessed either in the lab or in a factory as the issue just like processed cuts of meat is the additives are what will do you harm.

Is it where the vegans are heading with lots of soy based products that require the continued cutting down of more South American native forests, encouraged moreso with idiots like Trump slapping tarriffs on China thereby given market opporunity to South American peasant farmers with their matchetes and matches?

Or perhaps its organic plant food which has no quality standards to trace its authenticity claims and which still allows for plant based sprays that are some of the deadliest in the world to both humans and bees?

Or perhaps you just did not know that there are countries in the world that raise animals in a natural outdoor environment on lands that are unsuitable for cropping?

I guess you might know that even 60 years ago prior heavy food processing practice it was common sensible health knowledge then to have your dinner plate one quarter carbs, half of five different veges and a quarter of meat with the emphasis on one word..."whole". And fruit for desert.

And they say humans are getting more intelligent. 

Seriously you need to get educated about plant based diets.

Meat is not necessary for human health or optimal performance. Several dietetic associations around the world list plant based diets as being nutritionally adequate for all stages of life.


And Yale University did a study that concluded that 80% of soy crops grown in South America go to feed livestock which are raised for meat.


Ethics, environment and health are all served better with plant based diets. 


All I will say is open your eyes. Meat based protein isn't a sustainable long term option as it is incredibly inefficient to produce. 


Harvard University did a comparison across Protein sources. Animal proteins were all ranked as more inefficient to produce than whole food (unprocessed), plant based sources.

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This has just turned into a wonderful opportunity for the vegan photoshoot.

The reality for the world is that this virus has probably come from a REAL wild animal,

which after death has been transported possibly thousands of KM in non refridgerated  

transport over weeks, skinned on arrival, possibly even some of the entrails dried & marketed 

as well with no thought that it is putrid.

That needs to be stopped.

We know the Chinese believe in hokus pokus over wild animals, monkeys, tigers balls, Rhino horn 

etc all believed to have powers, which is absolute rubbish.

Stop demand,,,, stop the slaughter.

Only the President of China can do that & Governments of other countries that supply like

Africa,Thailand, Laos, Burma, Malaysia to name but a few could help by making trafficking of

this <deleted> a criminal offence & charging not only the transport people but the bribe reciever who looks the other way 

I know I am dreaming 


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