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Details on a Covid-19 vaccine soon, Anutin promises


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3 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

I do believe this whole thing is about selling a vaccine, since all the other vaccines were by now old hat ????

By the looks of things Gatesy will be offering the miracle vaccine soon.......   I'll be sticking with what i used for Aids, two aspirins and a bottle of Chang.........  

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Hang back folks on all the criticism, it's never going to happen.


First item on his fanciful strategy will be 3 months of developing a glossy PowerPoint presentation on how the process and people will work on developing the vaccine.


Then 3 months of peddling it around to the news media and Thailand research institutions and universities.

By that time the rest of the world will have collectively finished the vaccine development and trail evaluations and be rolling out the vaccine for administering globally.

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15 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


They've got a blueprint... Next they need ? A committee, that's what they need next...

Then a sub-committee.. then an interim period in a think tank, then put to the board, then put out for tender.. then, Ohhh those dirty farangs have done it first.

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16 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

I do believe this whole thing is about selling a vaccine,

Vaccines aren't money makers, so your conspiracy theory don't make a lick of sense.  Some vaccines you only need once per lifetime.  Others, such as flu only need one dose a year.


Now, drugs that only treat the symptoms of a disease that you have to take every day the rest of your life...?


Now that's a money maker. ????

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I might be an outlier here, but I think Anutin is perfect for the next Prime Minister. He will take up right where the current PM leaves off and there will hardly be any difference in job performance. Prayut set the bar about as low as possible and there is no chance in hell Anutin will raise it.

Poor little Anutin has to actually do something without Daddy's help now. Does he still have the training wheels on his bicycle?

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Hey HM, what about eradicating other diseases in your country first like malaria rabies Jap E, dengue fever etc that other countries have already eradicated?


never seen a guy (okay trump) out of his league more than this guy....the PM should remove Him for being a dangerous threat to his own citizens...


He’s a laughingstock...

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The more scientific articles are concerned that a rushed vaccine could actually damage and harm the body's immunity system over the long-term because of the of the way the virus works and vaccine works. So you can be sure that I personally will not let any doctor jab me with an untested and rushed vaccine until it is proven beyond doubt that it works and is safe .... by which time the virus would have mutated further .... requiring, yes other new vaccines to be developed. This might be a case where prevention could do more harm than cure. Remember Thalidomide ....

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I hope a vaccine makes it all the way to approval.  When SARS 1 came out there was a rush to make a vaccine for it too.  But once the pandemic died down all the funding stopped and none of them made it through all the trials to approval stage.


Here are 3 of the covid-19 ones in human stage trials:



Edited by rwill
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16 hours ago, Thailand said:

They are going to try to develop it, not in progress and they are going to beat the rest of the world.

What are you talking about? There will be no working covid-19 vaccine in at least a year in the western world. Do you really think thai scientists without a clue can come up with one? Dream on,pal. You seem a bit naive. 

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15 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:


Read a report that a Yank  company named Gilead Science is already in the third stage of testing.

Is this not for a drug to treat already infected patients.....or do they have a vaccine on the go as well?

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China will probably make the first vaccine. It will be made in the same factory that made the baby formula that killed hundreds of babies or the factory that made the dog food that killed the dogs or the factory that made.....well, hopefully you get the picture.

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15 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:


Read a report that a Yank  company named Gilead Science is already in the third stage of testing.

that will not do they do not know how to wash their hands, besides he is hoping China will give him theirs he still has not worked out they tried to kill him

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Details on a Covid-19 vaccine soon, Anutin promises

And this morning I read that an English expert said that it will take at least until next year  before we have a vaccine. Who should we believe? Mr Anutin "Bigmouth" or the expert?

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1 minute ago, 727Sky said:

China will probably make the first vaccine. It will be made in the same factory that made the baby formula that killed hundreds of babies or the factory that made the dog food that killed the dogs or the factory that made.....well, hopefully you get the picture.

Haven't the Thai authorities just signed up to a deal to test the Chinese vaccine on 10,000 Thai citizens...........how stupid can they be? Test 10,000 Chinese first and let's see the results.

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15 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

No no next they have to have a meeting to decide on who will be at the meeting to decide how to form a meeting to verify the formation of on how the committee will be formed.

Do they really think thai people are taken in by this hogwash

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15 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

No no next they have to have a meeting to decide on who will be at the meeting to decide how to form a meeting to verify the formation of on how the committee will be formed.

Followed by some very important meetings to decide on the logo for the t-shirts and hats the vaccine dispensers will be wearing.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

He said relevant agencies will contact both local and international institutions to sign a memorandum of understanding...


But that would mean working with foreigners. Farangs even! Are you sure about this?


As for "... and hopefully Thailand can be a leader in the vaccine development" maybe you can be Test Subject 00. Ahead of the lab rats, monkeys and other animals they will eventually use.


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A blueprint for the vaccine, this jerk can not be serious can he? Anutin is just another of the cronies Prayut has in his ministries, this is the quote i like best "  Thailand can be a leader in the vaccine development. " Anutin could not find his ass if there were not so many kissing it.

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16 hours ago, dogfish180 said:

You better get a wriggle on mate! The UK already started human trials.... Not sure about flattening the curve, more like behind the curve!

not to mention the other 50 or so research centres around the world who are either already working on a vaccine or on developing anti-body proteins.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

more time will be required to make the vaccine truly effective

So this sounds to me like a fast track to a fictional vaccine. For starters, it won't be "truly effective" and never mind the necessary lab testing, clinical trials, mass production, and distribution.


On occasion, politicians are not truthful. Sometimes, be it rare, they tell you just what you want to hear for ulterior motives, manipulation, and control. I am speaking in reference to my country, I am sure the politicians in Thailand are of a much higher ethical standard.

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