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18 hours ago, teatime101 said:

Social distancing has been highly effective in reducing the spread of the virus globally. The potential for a pandemic with very high mortality rates is massively increased if we allow people to mix. It could kill tens of millions worldwide. Not the rich, of course. They have the means to protect themselves and their families.

What evidence do we have that social distancing is working, if I hear correctly there are many countries that are not testing, Thailand is one of them, others have tested in the millions.


What we know is that we can not contain it, so why not allow the herd out to make the rest of us immune, isn't that why they call it herd immunity ?


Businesses have suffered massive losses, as have shareholders holding stocks in stock markets worldwide, millions out of work, no incomes, economies about to go into recessions.


This has got to be the first time this has ever occured, I mean in the beginning they didn't know what they were dealing with, no they do, so why not let it play out with best practise precautions possible, e.g. protect the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, including toddlers, although we know we cannot protect everyone.


I don't believe the academics know what is going on using models, projections, we know Covid-19 spreads as does the flu, albeit it is more contagious, but it does kill as does influenza, and it's mainly the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, sel-la-vee, that is life, but once herd immunity is done, the virus has to mutate and or become less of a problem, as for a vaccine, all and good if one is made, but then you have to convince people to take it, not force them, as for influenza, there is a vaccine but only 50% of people take it, so what is the point, this Covide-19 will be lingering for a while unless we build up herd immunity period, as for millions dying, I doubt that very much.


In the meantime, we have people desperate for food, and others in arrears with all sorts of payments on their mortgages, car payments etc etc, because they don't have jobs to go to, businesses closing or suffering, and economies taking the brunt of it, somewhere down the line, someone is going to make a hell of a lot of money out of this and I wonder who it is, this is big play at hand, and it's not China IMO.


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5 hours ago, chessman said:

I think you are spot on. You can also see the follow up news report from a local news network. In the video the doctor talks a lot about how the health authorities agree with him but it turns out they don't.

I do not put much weight on that issue  - The doc talks to the guy from the health authority - Was it on the phone ? .. You can just imagine how the call would have gone .. yea .. yea .. ok ok .. what shall we do .. great idea .. keep up the good work .. bla bla ..  Was anything written down as official minutes ?  No .. by the sounds of it .


I am sure both of them was stressed .. the doc from his work and the person from the health authority about the general situation ... They both think differently and maybe the Doc thought one thing and the health guy something different. 


Would not be the first time two people on the phone did not agree on what they thought they had agree on after the call ...



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6 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

The 'regular' science guys will dismiss me embracing the common sense medical approach those 2 doctors advocated, and the conspiracy guys will challenge my naivety for not buying the dark conspiracy narrative.

I have just a little question for you, are you having a look at the mainstream media or the American tv ?

And are they giving some space to dissenting theories ?

I ask, because i have the impression that those of us who live in Thailand have a different perception of the reality than those in the countries where covid is (said to be) so lethal.

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4 hours ago, Yinn said:

If you loose you job/money will think like that.

if your mother die, you will not.


Different opinions. 

And what if you lose your job, all your savings, and your mother dies?

It is not an either/or question.

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14 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

What we know is that we can not contain it, so why not allow the herd out to make the rest of us immune, isn't that why they call it herd immunity ?

As with a lot of what posters are calling "science" in this thread, it seems sketchy at best. A real big problem with the herd idea, so fashionable these days. What if Wuhan Virus doesn't want to play herd games? 


"GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Saturday that there was currently "no evidence" that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second coronavirus infection."



Wooops ---- If you are big with the herd, get the real herd.




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3 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

As with a lot of what posters are calling "science" in this thread, it seems sketchy at best. A real big problem with the herd idea, so fashionable these days. What if Wuhan Virus doesn't want to play herd games? 


"GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Saturday that there was currently "no evidence" that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second coronavirus infection."



Wooops ---- If you are big with the herd, get the real herd.




Yes.I agree-in this case the facts are too "new" to draw any firm conclusions as yet-which is what most reputable scientists and researchers are trying to tell us.

Therefore some types of "barriers" will need to remain place tho' how rigid these barriers might be will be up to the individual gov'ts of the various nation states.One presumes that they will communicate and co-operate with each other and the WHO in order to prevent a possible "second wave" in the future.

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21 hours ago, sucit said:

If you do not have the wherewithal to know what happens when an economy gets shutdown and people go jobless it is difficult to have a discussion. 

It has already happened, the economy has been partially shut down.

Just trying to be a bit positive rather than taking the "sky is falling" attitude. 


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11 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

- I surely don't endorse the Trump administration, because anything Trump does has only one purpose and that is to benefit the Donald and his re-election chances or business interests

For a non-American, you have a much better understanding of US politics than most Americans....well, much better than any Trump supporter.

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19 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Look, millions of people are already on the brink, do you think they will eat what, while they are increasingly harassed by this scientific dictatorship ?

I don't believe the tests anyway, one reason being, it's apparently possible to heal from the contagion and get infected again. We know already that huge numbers have been infected, and healthy people have not much to worry.

No, sorry, you are not going anywhere dragging on this show, instead a massive economic relief plan has to start immediately, or else.

It's more a political dictatorship being advised by a small group of selected scientists. I don't think anyone voted on the lockdown here. It was just imposed with 2 days warning. MPs are also locked down.

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1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

It has already happened, the economy has been partially shut down.

Just trying to be a bit positive rather than taking the "sky is falling" attitude. 


It's not the falling that is the problem; it's when it hits the ground that the :hit-the-fan:.

It won't hit the ground till all the lockdowns end. At present we are in stasis. We may come to think of the lockdowns as the calm before the storm.

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20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's more a political dictatorship being advised by a small group of selected scientists. I don't think anyone voted on the lockdown here. It was just imposed with 2 days warning. MPs are also locked down.

Possibly, one have just to look at the world media, it really looks like a bad joke.

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5 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

So...the video violates Youtubes terms.......VERY interesting!

Yes, not available on YouTube anymore,

But here's another link to it >


Note: I have mixed feelings about the end of the video, but they make some very sensible points so worth watching.

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12 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

So...the video violates Youtubes terms.......VERY interesting!


To be expected... People that pay for these media outlets don't want any opposing views. 

It wasn't proven that their data was inaccurate, even though some other scientists said it "might" not be..

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On 4/27/2020 at 3:00 PM, Berkshire said:

Firstly, I'm not a pro-lockdown guy by any stretch.  But if you consider the most important responsibilities of a gov leader, health and safety would be way up there.  Most of these "elected" leaders are not doctors or experts, so of course they would have to rely on those that are.  It would appear that doctors around the world agree on the course of action, so it's not really a small group of scientists calling all the shots. 


One thing I will say is that doctors tend to err on the side of safety/caution.  So is it overkill it some cases?  Absolutely.

Some scientists in NZ disagree with the way the government is dealing with the virus, but the government ( or at least the few MPs still working ) is apparently not taking advice from them. By the governments OWN criteria we should be in level 2 now, but in level 3.9 for at least 2 more weeks and no guarantee that we will go down a level then.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Some scientists in NZ disagree with the way the government is dealing with the virus, but the government ( or at least the few MPs still working ) is apparently not taking advice from them. By the governments OWN criteria we should be in level 2 now, but in level 3.9 for at least 2 more weeks and no guarantee that we will go down a level then.


Because it's not just Thailand that is using this as a convenient cover to assert control...

Many governments are pushing the limits, I believe, so any future threat of a lock down will bring the populace back in line quick sharp. 

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2 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


Because it's not just Thailand that is using this as a convenient cover to assert control...

Many governments are pushing the limits, I believe, so any future threat of a lock down will bring the populace back in line quick sharp. 

No disagreement from me on that.

I don't know a single person that has been infected, and no one they know has been infected. It's all just what they say on the radio, and on here that I even know it is happening.


any future threat of a lock down will bring the populace back in line quick sharp. 

Perhaps. This lockdown is notable to me for the number of people NOT obeying the diktat. Thousands of people breaking the rules ( or perhaps hundreds of people hundreds of times ), including the NZ minister of health, or so they say on the radio and google finds it too. ( I don't watch tv anymore, it's so rubbish ).

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4 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


Because it's not just Thailand that is using this as a convenient cover to assert control...

Many governments are pushing the limits, I believe, so any future threat of a lock down will bring the populace back in line quick sharp. 

The last sentence seems contradictory.  Why would the government be able to "bring the populace back in line" once we realize this Covid virus threat was overblown in many countries/cities?  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice shame on me. 

Death rates less than the seasonal flu, the "idea" that the elderly and at-risk population should be "protected".  The fact that elderly and at-risk population need to protect themselves and are more prone to an infection/disease is nothing new. 


Yes, in the future, families need to realize that going home to see Grandma to give her a hug is a lovely idea,  yet a deadly practice,  science and government cannot save those people 

Yes, in the future 65 - 80 year olds going to a Rolling Stones concert to relive their youth are idiots unnecessarily risking their health,  science or government cannot save them.   

The idea that science and government can save people from their own stupidity is ridiculous, though they seem to spend an inordinate amount of time and funds trying to. 

Yes I see both sides of the "stay at home" situation/solution. 

Yet see the economic hardship problem now as paramount and see no evidence that healthy workers cannot go back to work. The problem in America is that likely 30% of all workers are in fact unhealthy even in their 40's and 50's. 

Edited by Skallywag
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3 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

The last sentence seems contradictory.  Why would the government be able to "bring the populace back in line" once we realize this Covid virus threat was overblown in many countries/cities?


1. Majority of the people won't realise that.

2. Because governments have police and army at their disposal to enforce control.

3. Even those that realise that it's over reaction, still won't want to have any lock down imposed on them, so more than likely will comply with anything asked to prevent that happening.


Look at all the Aussies signing up for the Trace my movement and contacts App !! 

Because they are told that is the quickest way to relax restrictions !!!

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