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Two Americans afraid to go back home, want to remain in Thailand


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On 4/28/2020 at 7:18 AM, SpokaneAl said:

The US is a big country. We returned in February and the coronavirus numbers in our neck of the woods are very small. It ain’t all New York City, however, if it suits your narrative, go for it.

As long as Trump's president, it suits my narrative.

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11 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

The odds are 10 times higher that you die being struck by lightning, than Covid 19.

Does that make you feel safer?


I feel safer in Thailand because of the swift and strict measures they've taken to help contain the virus, unlike the U.S.


The odds may be small, but during a lightening storm, I'd rather be hunkered down in a secure building, like in Thailand, than be running around outside holding my Chinese-made, counterfeit M-16 up in the air and waving a Confederate flag (also made in China) yelling "No one can tell me what to do!", like many in the U.S. ????

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11 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Where I live, if you never listened to the news, you would never know that there is a pandemic.


Life is better than ever.


While that may be true for him in (I believe) his county in FL, it isn't true for all


COVID-19 'stay at home' order tough on homeless who need food and supplies to stay put
Florida Today Published 7:00 a.m. ET April 13, 2020


Florida residents have been ordered to “stay at home” to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but for people without permanent homes, following that guidance is complicated.


For Brevard’s homeless population, social distancing means remaining right where they are. Those living outdoors in tents or other makeshift shelters in Brevard’s various homeless encampments are encouraged to remain in the encampments and move tents and sleeping areas at least 12 feet apart while following hygiene guidelines to the greatest extent possible.


Other people without permanent homes might live outside in cars or on the streets. In 2019, a headcount by the Brevard Homeless Coalition found 815 people experiencing homelessness in Brevard after searching encampments, motels, parking lots and other locations people often temporarily find shelter.



Edited by SkyFax
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10 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

you must be drunk . If you think that Thailand acted fast then you really live in la la land . Out of curiosity do you know when the first case of coronavirus came to Thailand and how long it took Thailand to shut down ? Do you know that Thailand’s negligence could be the reason why it’s a world wide epidemic? Do you realise how many travelers went through the great hub of what is Thailand ? Seriously put down your blinkers and keep up . My god there is some clueless people in this world . 

No, I'm not drunk. I'm living here in Thailand where the government took swift action to recommend social distancing, impose a curfew, closed down all but essential stores, and require those that enter the stores that are open to wear masks and have their temperature taken. That is much, much more than is even being done now in my home county, the USA, and your home country, the UK (which I assume because of your spelling of "realise." The result? The number (percentages) of Covid-19 cases and deaths are much, much lower here in Thailand.

I don't know where you get your information from, but your beliefs about what has gone on does not jibe with mine.

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1 hour ago, billsmart said:

No, I'm not drunk. I'm living here in Thailand where the government took swift action to recommend social distancing, impose a curfew, closed down all but essential stores, and require those that enter the stores that are open to wear masks and have their temperature taken. That is much, much more than is even being done now in my home county, the USA, and your home country, the UK (which I assume because of your spelling of "realise." The result? The number (percentages) of Covid-19 cases and deaths are much, much lower here in Thailand.

I don't know where you get your information from, but your beliefs about what has gone on does not jibe with mine.

Ok here’s a clue when and where did the corona virus start ? When did Thailand shut down ? Here’s another clue (after the USA stopped flights from China ) where in the world geographically is China ? How many millions of Chinese tourists entered Thailand for the high season ? How many tourists left Thailand to go back to Europe/America ?Thailand was hugely complicit in the spread of the virus and only shut when they were absolutely forced to . They had record breaking pneumonia cases but very few corona virus infections ! Does it sound like a typical Thai cover up ? Absolutely yes ! 

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On 4/28/2020 at 11:32 AM, allen303 said:

Where do you get twice the rate? Its true it affects African American people more because of their life style. The AA tend to smoke more, be overweight, eat more fatty food. Generally, they have a far worse life style. 

Black and white Americans smoke at the same rate, 16.8% and 16.6%. Black Americans drink less alcohol than white Americans.  There is no significant difference in the diets of black and white Americans. 


Blacks are 2.5 times as likely to die from Covid-19 as white, Hispanic, and Asian Americans.


 Hispanics in New York City have a high Covid death rate, but most of them are of African-descent (Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, etc.).  One of the likely causes is probably a vitamin D deficiency since blacks do not get a enough sun.


For each 100,000 Americans (of their respective group), about 11 Whites have died from COVID-19, a mortality rate nearly the same as Asians and Latinos (11, rounded), but well below Blacks (28).


Edited by SEtonal
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9 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

Ok here’s a clue when and where did the corona virus start ? When did Thailand shut down ? Here’s another clue (after the USA stopped flights from China ) where in the world geographically is China ? How many millions of Chinese tourists entered Thailand for the high season ? How many tourists left Thailand to go back to Europe/America ?Thailand was hugely complicit in the spread of the virus and only shut when they were absolutely forced to . They had record breaking pneumonia cases but very few corona virus infections ! Does it sound like a typical Thai cover up ? Absolutely yes ! 

I think you're paranoid. 

All you have to do is look at the figures.

Thailand has 70M people. It has had 3K cases (.0004%) with 50 deaths (.000007%).
USA has 330M people. It has had 1M cases (.3%) with 60K deaths (.02%).

Which country do you think has handled this pandemic better based on the results? 

You can check these figures yourself at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?utm_campaign=homeAdvegas1?

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1 hour ago, billsmart said:

I think you're paranoid. 

All you have to do is look at the figures.

Thailand has 70M people. It has had 3K cases (.0004%) with 50 deaths (.000007%).
USA has 330M people. It has had 1M cases (.3%) with 60K deaths (.02%).

Which country do you think has handled this pandemic better based on the results? 

You can check these figures yourself at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?utm_campaign=homeAdvegas1?

Are you asking me to believe Thai figures ? Seriously ? How many Thais do you think are being tested right now ? How many Thais do you think have had it but have not shown symptoms or mild symptoms ? You and I both know one of the greatest scams on earth is the American medical system - at the moment they are getting government money every time a patient tests positive with the corona virus ...... Thais have hugely underreported their numbers to save their Economy while here in America we have pharmaceutical companies running amok all in the name of profit . Why don’t you check the numbers yourself . Deaths are down 4% for this same time of year in the US https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm

Edited by chrisandsu
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5 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

Are you asking me to believe Thai figures ? Seriously ? How many Thais do you think are being tested right now ? How many Thais do you think have had it but have not shown symptoms or mild symptoms ? You and I both know one of the greatest scams on earth is the American medical system - at the moment they are getting government money every time a patient tests positive with the corona virus ...... Thais have hugely underreported their numbers to save their Economy while here in America we have pharmaceutical companies running amok all in the name of profit . Why don’t you check the numbers yourself . Deaths are down 4% for this same time of year in the US https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree... ????

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On 4/28/2020 at 3:11 PM, chrisandsu said:

I live in America and can tell you for absolute certainty that it’s not even close to being the best healthcare in the world . Closer to bottom of countries in the developed world . You are a client and not a patient it’s all about extracting as much money as they possibly can . 

Yes, thanks Greatly for your Intelligence, and Knowledge here mate !!! .... I, though actually being an Australian though, did write something briefly like this, but alas, I could not control my Anger, and my sassy Moouth ... so it was Pulled, ...  But thanks for your very good evaluation of the situation. ... Yes, I think that the Financial in equality in the States, probably will never be Fixed, as like, it is really just part of their whole MO. ...  BUT to get a better and more fare health care system, like most other countries these days, do have would be very nice. ... And well it does seem to be moving towards this much better outcome now. And this WILL just make it so much a better country I think ! ? ... (Good on you, you, Good Americans)

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On 4/28/2020 at 3:26 PM, DaveK68 said:

If you stay out of the Northeast, you are pretty safe in the US.

Statistics tell a skewed tale.

Over half of the infections and deaths are in NY, NJ, Mass and Conn. Most of those are concentrated in their ghettoes which is why it seems that the virus affects Black people worse. It's not about their skin color. It's about their financial situation. 

The Welfare State is to blame for this. The State dependent are least likely to be able to socially distance in urban areas. They're stacked on top of each other in Liberal Welfare housing projects.

Like getting to the truth here, and thanks for this mate ... The Death Toll is much MUCH Higher in the black population over there, (And in the UK also I do believe ? and Probably Europe also ?) ... d/t their life circumstances !!! ...  Yes starting to get to the Point here mate, and thanks for that factual look at it. I even being Australian, wrote something like this, but could not control my Anger, so it was probably fairly justifiably pulled, ... but good to see you here starting to get to the point, ... It is the Black Populations circumstances that makes them just so much more Vulnerable to getting it ! ... And also to dying from it also I would guess. .... Obesity being the second most important factor after Age I do believe ??? ... But well, I would not go to mad about Social Housing !!! ...  Like <Deleted> they / many People / and even ME ! ... We have to live some where ! ?  ... Even if we have been out side the system for most of our lives !!! ... But thanks Mate ... It is their circumstances ...  Like just Right on mate !!! and Thanks.

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