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Thailand now ready for cautious easing of lockdown restrictions – Dr. Prasit


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15 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Also, even if the restrictions are completely lifted, four measures will still be in place: control on international arrivals; 10pm to 4am curfew; ban or restricted interprovincial travel; and prohibition on social gatherings.



How could they describe the restrictions as being completely lifted if those four restrictions remained in place?

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3 hours ago, Moonlover said:

I am also in rural Thailand (Issan) and there quite a few differences.


People, even within families, are practicing 'social distancing'. Quite a few, but not all are wearing masks. All returnees to the village have observed the 14 day isolation rule. (one guy has been staying in a hut down by the river) 

you must be doing some serious travel to make such a statement 


you seem to know more about things than the government are publishing 


how many deaths in Thailand in the last 120 days have been reported let alone investigated 


Good to see you have your finger on the pulse - you must be the person in Thailand

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Any person looking for changes in the 'entertainment industry' will be disappointed, excepting some food outlets and non food shops may be allowed to open with strict social distancing measures


The big sign that all is well that any country is firmly on the road to recovery will be evident when the schools are allowed re-open


Expect some concessions to validate the signs of containment and progress with a look to getting the economy moving but actually little in the release of movement and restrictions for another month

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2 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

3 words: lack of testing!



Testing is not good but it's also not Appa appaling. Many don't know, but testing here is on the same level as Taiwan and much better than Japan.

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3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

There are a lot of mutations already. It would be illogical none of them has any effect.

any "so called" mutations I have read about so far are so tiny that they would make no difference in the general scheme of things - they are not significant enough to make any difference 

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6 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

Seems sensible enough. 

Although I just can't seem to workout what makes places like Italy and New York so vicious in regards to the virus yet Thailand has had IMMENSE exposure and barely did anything to stop it other than a loose stay-at home order, hand gel, and masks. 

Not sure this is relevant to your insightful comparisons and question asked, but perhaps the dire impact in italy as an example may have something to do with one of the mutations of the original strain that came out of Wuhan and thus proved more deadly than the original strain?

I believe scientists have to date found 4 strains of Covid 19.

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2 hours ago, rwill said:

I see more Thai's at the local market not wearing masks now.  But a high percentage of them still are.  But out of those I see maybe 40% wearing them below their nose or just on the chin.

the general thinking is that masks protect the uninfected from the infected and are of little use to protect the uninfected 


Just saying - right now I wear a mask as it is does not increase any risks

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1 hour ago, Logosone said:

"The relaxation of the measures will be divided into four levels, 25 percent to 100 percent

I think a very sensible post except this


Thai government doesn't do percentages - it's a military thing, there is no such a thing as a 25% order

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19 minutes ago, Eibot said:



Testing is not good but it's also not Appa appaling. Many don't know, but testing here is on the same level as Taiwan and much better than Japan.

throw some figures out there 


you're talking nonsense BTW


the only possible way of reporting accurate data on the status of infection in any country is through testing, there is no possible way to know anything without it

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6 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

I tend to agree that the weather and proximity to the equator has something to do with it, but how do you explain countries with similar weather and latitude having way higher infections? 

Different strains of the virus, probably. We've all seen the charts showing how three versions of SARS-COV2 have spread around the world, with the most aggressive form dominating in Europe and the US east coast, and a milder strain on the US west coast. I read elsewhere that they have now catalogued at least 30 mutations of the virus, though most mutations behave in the same way. I'm guessing that Indo-China, Australia and NZ have been afflicted with a relatively mild version of the virus, which explains the low death rates and the fact that some countries in the region are already relaxing restrictions. Good news if correct, but it makes it all the more vital to keep potential vectors carrying the more dangerous strains out of the country by imposing very strict border controls, or compulsory quarantine measures if they have to enter the country.

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I would like a haircut but not really important.

Never liked massages so do not have them.


Regarding a beer or other forms of drinks I got stocked up well b4 the lock downs.    I and my partner will remain in our little paradise by the river for another 2 weeks. No rush to mingle happy with Nature and the fresher air. Stay safe do not trust this government with the BS.

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8 hours ago, ukrules said:

Excellent news, all that needs to be done to maintain this status is to quarantine everyone for probably 10-14 days on entry to the country with follow up checks for another week or so.


If they can keep this up until the disease has disappeared from the entire world then it's a road back to normality.


It's going to take time....

I think it is safe to say that the virus will not disappear. No matter how many measures are being taken. As to quarantine everyone for 10-14 days on entry, that might work for long term visitors, it will kill whatever is left of tourism. No-one is going on a holiday and then being quarantined for a whopping 14 days of valuable vacation time. They simply will choose to not go, or go elsewhere. 

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Science must also guide policy decisions. Reliance on comprehensive seroprevalence data and a solid, research-based grasp of correlates of protection will allow policy to be guided by secure, evidence-based assumptions on herd immunity, rather than optimistic guesses.


There is next to no seroprevalence data since they decided "antibody testing is not worth it". So, optimistic guessing it is. Place your bets.

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8 hours ago, JAG said:




By which I mean to suggest. Away from a comparatively small section of the population, most Thais, certainly in the rural areas and smaller towns and cities, live very much outdoors. Shopping, cooking, eating, socialising and relaxing are carried out outdoors, or under the shade of an open sided roofed structure. Warm (hot), humid, and cooling (if any) is done by fan.


This means that they rarely experience the sort of enclosed environment with extensive air conditioning found for example in Singapore. They have plenty of exposure to sunlight/natural light which I understand gives vitamin D, and a diet strong in fresh fruit and vegetables which provide vitamin C - both of which are good for the immune system.


These, let us call them environmental factors, together with the virtual cessation of domestic travel ( I suspect this is the greatest beneficial effect of the lock-down/curfew) is perhaps one of the reasons why the virus has seemingly failed to have as serious effects here as in other cities and countries throughout the world, Italy, Singapore and New York City for example.


Now I am no expert, but I offer them as thoughts for consideration, the result of my ponderings in the down time between the booze ban being imposed and my home made cider coming ready. It is on stream tonight, so expect nothing more than semi-coherent burblings for the next few days.


Milk of Amnesia awaits!


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4 hours ago, smedly said:

you must be doing some serious travel to make such a statement 


you seem to know more about things than the government are publishing 


how many deaths in Thailand in the last 120 days have been reported let alone investigated 


Good to see you have your finger on the pulse - you must be the person in Thailand

There is always one ,and your it.

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4 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

Not sure this is relevant to your insightful comparisons and question asked, but perhaps the dire impact in italy as an example may have something to do with one of the mutations of the original strain that came out of Wuhan and thus proved more deadly than the original strain?

I believe scientists have to date found 4 strains of Covid 19.

OMG another one!!!

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

throw some figures out there 


you're talking nonsense BTW


the only possible way of reporting accurate data on the status of infection in any country is through testing, there is no possible way to know anything without it

What part of my talking is nonsense?

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15 hours ago, Thailand said:

And on another thread Covid man is not recommending easing of restrictions.

And on yet another thread: "Just to share what has been proposed and to be endorsed by state of emergency committee this afternoon: 1/ state of emergency decrees extended to May 31 except below. The followings will be relaxed on a National Basis with social distancing and other safety measures from May 4 onwards: 2/ barbers and salons can open 3/ all department stores can open 4/ all non-air conditioned restaurants can open 5/ night entertainment places in the White Category can open. White is defined as non-sex related (ie. Soapies, massages, Nana, Patpong etc these are non-white) Hence, my reading is all pubs in Thailand with NO air conditioning can now open from May 4) All these are to be endorsed today or tomorrow. Note: - Curfew remains as is - all other provincial decrees expiring April 30 will be subject to each respective Governor’s decisions. For example golf, ban expires April 30 so if no further announcement from Governors then they can open. Hope this makes sense."

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