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Pattaya: We warned you about not going on the beach! Eleven foreigners taken to police station


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3 hours ago, Kwaibill said:

For those deficient in reading skills, the article in fact mentions twelve Thais picked up in the same sweep.

Please read the entire articles before making ignorant remarks based only on headlines.





The headlines should have factual balance in my opinion, not be designed to encourage clickbait foreigner/Thai differentiation. When you read a lot of the comments you see the result of selective headlining. 4 posts, maybe you've not been around long enough to see the direction the regular reporting has been heading. 

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So they arrest them for being out on the beach...SURELY with a much safer distance between themselves...and cram them all into a single Songtaew shoulder to shoulder. BUT this is for their own safety! :vampire:



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On 4/28/2020 at 10:17 AM, pchappo said:

is this an anti-foreigner website? - why not post about the Thai's on the beach as well? 

It SAYS foreigners and Thais.. it even SAYS


On 4/28/2020 at 10:28 AM, z42 said:

Complete overkill. People and authorities have completely lost the plot and all sense of reality this last couple of months.


Sure Covid 19 is a dangerous bug to catch for some. But the risk should be weighted against other necessities for the modern world.


This virus is NOT ebola, the virus by itself doesn't kill by itself ftom what has been reported.


By the authorities becoming so heavy handed they are just creating more problems. 


Quite a few on the threads need to get a dose of reality too. Some hilariously OTT posts of late regarding covid19. 

Just look at the ACTUAL WORLDWIDE NUMBERS, you numpty.. before you start off with kind of 'everyone's just over-reacting' absolute <deleted>!!! The British PM, even, nearly died, <deleted>!!!

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57 minutes ago, nicerounderereinnit said:

The British PM, even, nearly died,

A virus that attacks politicians can't be all bad can it?


And will someone puhleeeease explain to me why we cannot use the beach, so long as we maintain social distancing? Is there some weird Thai logic to this thought up by a committee? It hurts my brain.

Edited by DaRoadrunner
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I am glad I am not locked down where I live. I enjoy the sea and people are well=spaced and everyone is wearing masks and basically not interacting with each other. They all look sad and frustrated but they all look healthy otherwise. No jackboots giving out fines and forcing people indoors to go crazy watching news reports and governments fighting. The sun is giving people hope and businesses are slowly returning to life. Apparently nature caused this so seeking refuge in nature to help retain a semblance of humanity makes sense to me. Keep your distance, wash your hands, use your own transport where possible and you will have a better chance of coming out of this saner and healthier than the poor people being forced to stay indoors. Anyone that can work online, good luck to you. I lost my job and it doesn't look like coming back soon. So if anyone has a problem with me walking in the hills or along the beach by myself, go f@@k yourself.

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3 hours ago, nicerounderereinnit said:

It SAYS foreigners and Thais.. it even SAYS


Just look at the ACTUAL WORLDWIDE NUMBERS, you numpty.. before you start off with kind of 'everyone's just over-reacting' absolute <deleted>!!! The British PM, even, nearly died, <deleted>!!!

The UK Prime Minister didn't 'nearly die'. I saw the nurse report. He just had a cough.

Edited by owl sees all
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I've been wandering along the Jomtien beach walkway the last few afternoons (even this afternoon in the rain) and more than half the farang using the walkway and hence in close proximity to others are not wearing a face mask. Why are the police picking on people sitting or swimming well away from others yet allowing dozens of people to walk around with no face mask, which is potentially much more dangerous? Somebody needs to explain to them which illegal activity they should be focusing on, and it's not people in the sea and on the beach. 

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14 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

So they arrest them for being out on the beach...SURELY with a much safer distance between themselves...and cram them all into a single Songtaew shoulder to shoulder. BUT this is for their own safety! :vampire:



And a result of their own actions due to ignoring the closed beach rules. 

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On 4/28/2020 at 10:10 AM, webfact said:

Pattaya's authorities have had enough of foreigners and Thais flouting the Covid-19 regulations. 

But only farangs can afford to pay the fines so no Thais are ever bothered.

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What a pity they dont arrest  "hundreds" of people in every street market in East Pattaya, many without masks, particularly  Soi Siam Country Club market. ....Motorbikes  queueing to park

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