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Safety guarantee added to lure tourists back to ‘Amazing Thailand


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I think the 'Amazing' part of the moniker has to extend to the thinking process involved here.  Their figures and estimates are ludicrous of course, for so many reasons, but for us plebes in the cheap seats, the thing to pay attention to is the echo chamber logic they're using.  Our noble patricians really DO believe that in a month or so everything will just switch on and be OK.  Because for them, nothing's really changed.  They still have money, still go to their jobs/offices, still socialize with friends, travel if they want, live in multiple large properties throughout Thailand with servants, etc.


The other way I'd ascribe 'Amazing' to is the nature of the cruelty they've shown the Thai people.  There's simply no other way to describe the overbearing and patronizing attitudes they've taken with their own society and population.

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Amazing Thailand, yes amazed people still go, maybe in this down time the government could use this time to clean the place up, rubbish in there so called tourist attractions parks temples they should be ashamed, stop the double standard of charging one for Thais and one for Falangs make people want to come back and think about helping your country and not your greedy little selves

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This is the dumbest idea ever. As a tourist, I am more worried about letting in tourists from countries with all kinds of crazy ideas about safety and containment. I worry about them infecting locals and myself! Figure out a way to promise me that everyone coming in is covid-19 free and I will be happy. 14 day quarantine on arrival is a nonstarter. Covid-19 certificates are dumb too because you can get infected on your way. Maybe give everyone a quick test on arrival. If you get tests in bulk, I would be happy to pay 1000-2000 baht on areival for a test.

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16 hours ago, Mavideol said:

TAT at its best.... would like to see how it will be implemented and controlled/inspected





Implementation:  whoever pays the money gets certified. 

Controls/inspections:  None, we must save face


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16 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

There are currently armed vigilante mobs in Phuket posting photos on Facebook of themselves targeting foreigners with the slogan 'stay at home <deleted> tourist or get out of my country'. How can safety be guaranteed with people like that around?

Can you supply a link. I can't find anything like this.

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2 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Can you supply a link. I can't find anything like this.

There was a posted TV article a few weeks back which showed a facebook page of Thais with the comments he is stating

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To the TAT - "good luck with that one". I don't envisage anyone wanting to travel anyplace for at least a year or even longer and the worlds' major airlines are surely of the same opinion. Major airlines have begun mothballing or 'storing' their fleets with many of them putting their aircraft to sleep in the desert at Alice Springs airport in Oz, or other similar places well away from the heat and in particular the moisture of SE Asia that can rot an aeroplane in months. No one had ever seen an A380 or a 747 jumbo arrive at 'the Alice' before but a load of them from Singapore landed in the desert to go into long-term storage earlier this week and it even made the ABC news. The cost is said to be a minimum of $25K USD to keep one mothballed per month, as they have to be started up every two weeks and moved around too so the tires don't go square. I can only see airfares going one way when this is over and only the big names surviving. Didn't see any TG planes arriving to be stored here tho' - guess they'll just park anywhere 'Thai style'. Maybe the end of TG ? 

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16 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Here's a tip to start off with .. 

Stop using the bloody lure word .. 



Hahaha... then again, perhaps not the wrong word to use? Come to think of it, it is what they do! It's like fishing to them.


Lure people to come, introduce them to some scams and two-tiered pricing, show them some thickly-veneered 'attractions' complete with fabricated Thainess, harass them with a bit of a shakedown and empty them of their money. Once the are cleaned and gutted and have gone through the wringer a few times, they're spat out. The lucky ones will get a wai and 'thank you please come again' on their way out.


To be fair, and snide and sarcastic remarks aside, Thailand isn't 100-percent sh|te, but it is no longer the gold standard in hospitality and charm. It has a long way to go, and then some, to be even near the shadow of its former self.



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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“We have informed operators that to receive the logo, their businesses must meet or exceed the Public Health Ministry’s standard,” she explained.

Or slip some money the right way.

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Well it will be Amazing Thailand if they get any tourists from Europe The USA ect this year

Who in their right  mind will be thinking of travelling this year

most will be putting off their holidays until this virus has ended

And here I emphasize Tourists as I know others have different reasons to come here


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16 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

Well put .. Last week there was a thread about some of the conditions that may be imposed on foreigner's like a 14 day quarantine on arrival and Covid insurance .. People ain't gonna fly half way around the world to endure that as when they do start flying in numbers again ..


Thailand and in particular TAT, still think tourists are straining against their leashes and border turnstiles, waiting to flood the country in the millions. They think a 'safety guarantee' is going to open that floodgate. Safety guarantee from them, if past experiences, recounts and reports are anything to go by, is like them telling you to cross a busy highway, with the 'guarantee' coming in the form of a blindfold and ear plugs, so you don't see and hear what's coming.


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My daughter who lives in London normally comes to Thailand every year but is having a terrible year in the UK this year. She will skip her trip this year. She doesn't trust that Thailand will be ready to accept guests by Christmas apart from having to regain lost business. 

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16 minutes ago, outsider said:

Thailand and in particular TAT, still think tourists are straining against their leashes and border turnstiles, waiting to flood the country in the millions.

I can't wait to leave for a holiday in Cambodia or Vietnam.

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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The “Amazing Thailand Safety and Health

Well, the health system indeed is one of the best and if you can afford as a foreigner you will get excellent quality. 

However "amazing " is that Thailand's death rate concerning accidents on roads are the most terrible in the world. 

It's more likely to be killed on a road or by a maniac with a gun or machete than to die by corona. ????

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Unrealistic to expect masses of tourists this year.

1. People have no money. They lost their jobs or are in short work living on small money.

2. They cannot make flight bookings, nobody knows when airlines will resume flights, so advance booking is not an option..

3. Even if Thailand opens up its borders, tourists will need permission to leave their own countries, and even if not, they need to be sure they don't have to go thru multi week quarantine upon returning from holidays, imagine you have 2 weeks holidays and have to return to work in time. Will you risk a quaranine?

4. Tourists don't feel safe to trust Thai authorities no matter what they claim or do. No credibility with or without TAT measures and programs.

5. Tourism gets suffocated by visa and insurance requirements and bad immigration officers.

6. Even if airlines will resume flights, do you expect cheap tickets after many of them, if not all, are 5 minutes before bancrupcy? They will double the ticket fares...

7. Other countries recommend this year not to travel far, holidays in your home country will be the first thing.

8. In bad times safety is most needed, not just in covid19 questions but in general. Thailand is not that safe any more. Millions have lost tourist money and struggle to survive. Many of them commit robberies and tourists will be their favourite target! Anoutin's hate speeches against foreigners are not forgotten and are not over, he will keep on doing it as long as he remains in his designed-to-be-lifetime office. You feel safe in a country where so many are hating you and blaming you for corona, you remember the warning of Anoutin to keep clear from farangs because they are dirty and don't shower and bring the corona virus... They are still many Thais believeng this and hating foreigners now even more than before!


Good luck TAT! Get back the Corona-Chinese, they will be shipped in first, when Thailand gets sold out. And farangs will keep away because of those Corona-Chinese.

Edited by P100
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3 hours ago, bluesofa said:

OK, that hadn't occurred to me.

So can the OP provide a link or some other proof that this is happening?

It was reported here on Thaivisa  about a facebook group with large following  advocating  using catapults to shoot any "dirty farung" seen without a facemask.

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