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Thailand could allow alcohol sales for two days before new ban is enforced


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27 minutes ago, jomtienisgood said:

In the end we may be better off in Saudi. Never heard of such a , to say it softly, strange idea... What a bunch of B.........T.

I had trouble understanding why as a farang we are also not to drink Alcohol on election day and prior to this... Assuming you respect all this to start with. Given it some reflection I realized that allowing this would probably be a cause for major riots among the local, somehow understandable.... But what is the point after 1 month ban to allow it for 2 days?????


at least it allows people a little time to STOCK up.....which is what I will be doing....!!!

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2 minutes ago, essox essox said:

at least it allows people a little time to STOCK up.....which is what I will be doing....!!!

On June 1 you mean?




Government says all emergency orders extended until the end of May; jeopardizing easing measures


It also means that the loophole which allowed for alcohol purchases on May 1-2 will now be closed.

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Don't bet on it, looking like a straight through ban until June 1st, and I'm not holding my breath for an end to the ban then. Wow! Announce a new organisation to boost Thailand as a "ready to go" tourist destination then remove one of the main reasons people come here (well you wouldn't do anything with the girls on Sukhumvit WITHOUT a skinful!

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5 minutes ago, marvin1950 said:

1) this is not Florida.

2) Do you think the government is giving you the true statistics.

3) The government has not done comprehensive testing to determine the actual number of infections.

4) How many covid-19 deaths get unreported.

1) Agreed, but comparisons can be made.

2) Absolutely not giving the true statistics, however, the same could be said for UK etc. who IMO are exaggerating the statistics, or do you truly believe there have been an ADDITIONAL number of deaths in line with the numbers, for example, UK has had 26,000 deaths on top of the normal deaths that would happen anyway? (227,000 deaths worldwide out of population of 7.8 Billion people, % wise is negligible)

3) Again agreed, which would suggest that the death percentage would be a lot lower had they tested more, test or not, if people have it, they have it.

4) All deaths are reported, cause of death is key, how many of the deaths reported in UK etc. as Covid-19 are only because of this, or is it easier to put this as the cause? How many people died of other common causes of death in these past months in comparison to previous years, I'd lay money the % of those causes are down.

5) What has any of this got to do with the banning of alcohol?

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1 minute ago, Canuck1966 said:

The Thai people are so apathetic, the govt can do whatever they want to them and they still take it

They wouldn't dare do this in a western country, there would literally be riots overnight

very true....and it needs these people to create some riots....to try get the message over to the loonies in charge !!

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23 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

sounds like it will be extended everywhere


the most horrendous thing is that they've combined it with not being able to leave and re-enter the country

You can still leave the country, i just booked my flight out for Monday with Lufthansa

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3 minutes ago, Mattd said:

1) Agreed, but comparisons can be made.

2) Absolutely not giving the true statistics, however, the same could be said for UK etc. who IMO are exaggerating the statistics, or do you truly believe there have been an ADDITIONAL number of deaths in line with the numbers, for example, UK has had 26,000 deaths on top of the normal deaths that would happen anyway? (227,000 deaths worldwide out of population of 7.8 Billion people, % wise is negligible)

3) Again agreed, which would suggest that the death percentage would be a lot lower had they tested more, test or not, if people have it, they have it.

4) All deaths are reported, cause of death is key, how many of the deaths reported in UK etc. as Covid-19 are only because of this, or is it easier to put this as the cause? How many people died of other common causes of death in these past months in comparison to previous years, I'd lay money the % of those causes are down.

5) What has any of this got to do with the banning of alcohol?


18 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Read it again.  The stocking up loophole appears to have been closed.

i have NOT read anything about NO 2 days to stock up ......

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"So, you know this infographic on the front page of the (the paper that cannot be mentioned) today? It’s basically a big tease as it may not happen for a while now, as last night the PM put the brakes on any lifting of restrictions. So, no alcohol, no parks, no barbers etc. Until further notice"

:Courtesy of Richard Barrows.




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1 hour ago, ChipButty said:

Thats her off to the attitude adjustment center soon

I guess you don't watch or if do, do not understand the news. she hung herself because of...… RIP to the girl. Also left an 8 months old son I believe behind. Such a sad story and talented girl. 

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27 minutes ago, shocky2014 said:

I'm pretty sure they (the dinosaurs running the country) hiding something that we don't know. 

Let's do some maths here (and i'm terrible at math so please correct me if i'm wrong).

If we go with the numbers given at this time right now there has been 2,947 confirmed cases, 2,665 have recovered and 54 have died which mean that right now there's 228 people with the COVID-19 in Thailand.

228 people out of 69 450 000 people is around 0.00033% of the population in Thailand. 

This is way less than 1 person per million of people. 

Meanwhile despite these numbers, the governement (dinosaurs, sorry) is still willing to let millions of people lose their job (the estimated number now is around 8 millions) while implementing absurd laws that have nothing to do with the virus. The alcohol ban made alot of sense during the Songkran, not now. Alot of people here like to think from a drinker point of view but try to think from the people that work for the alcohol compagnies that are losing their job ATM.

This doesn't make any sense IMO. They're definitely hiding something. If i was them, i would ease some restrictions (including the alcohol ban, restaurants, park etc) while keeping the night curfew and impose higher sanctions for people getting caught breaking the laws. 

I'm sorry but Prayut and his administration are ruining this country. Once the virus pass, there will be some very very dark days ahead of Thailand and i feel really bad for the Thai people. 

I believe the <deleted> will hit the fan when this is over and people can walk around freely again. Maybe thats why they are extending it again with so few cases. The p.m is scared of the people bring picthforks to his door.

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@Essox Essox. " i have NOT read anything about NO 2 days to stock up ......"  

In the article with the link you commented on is a sentence  copied below

So, either you haven't read it or skipped that sentence?


FYI April ends at midnight on 30th April and May starts at 1 second after midnight on 01 May There are not two days in between 


It also means that the loophole which allowed for alcohol purchases on May 1-2 will now be closed.



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No alcohol ban here in Australia. 

Am on Dan Murphy’s website now, ordering another carton of JB, beer and fine (affordable) wine. 

Hope everyone is livin’ the dream up there in Thailand. 


Cheers ????









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57 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Digging out the bottom cupboard; half a bottle of Jameson, a bottle of Kahlua, Sang Som and Prosecco.


Getting down to the bare bones.  ????

Just been to 7/11 and confirmed no sales and throughout May.

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59 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Digging out the bottom cupboard; half a bottle of Jameson, a bottle of Kahlua, Sang Som and Prosecco.


Getting down to the bare bones.  ????

sounds LIKE YOU NEED to STOCK up  !!!

I have bottles of whiskey and bacardi in my wardrobe.....been there for yrs as I am not a spirit drinker, but can drink with mixers......Oh !! also two bottles of stones's green ginger (which can not be bought in this backward country )

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