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Thailand reports three new coronavirus cases, as some restrictions ease

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4 minutes ago, MrMo said:

It seems it's not only the Thai government that needs to give approval on the easing of restrictions.   The provincial governments need to as well.   In Buriram, we are still not permitted to buy alcohol.

Spot on.  The government issued the maximum lifting of restrictions.  It's now up to the governors to state the situation in their province.  

in Petchaburi, for example, many stores were still reflecting the ban awaiting the nod from the governor.


Governors should all have got off their a*ses yesterday at the latest to inform of the situation.


It's not rocket science.

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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

They don't seem to think it's worthwhile reporting where these 3 new cases are and background. I say it's important

if you watch the daily report on FB from the Covid centre, you will see all the information you need

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9 minutes ago, nickmondo said:

if you watch the daily report on FB from the Covid centre, you will see all the information you need

Yes i can find the info elsewhere but a news report should include so you don't have to look elsewhere

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9 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

Congratulations, Thailand.

.... for being very very lucky.  Nature has been good to you.  God forbid what would have happened should it have 'ballooned' here!

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I wouldn't be so quick to poke fun at the people lining up at even distance. These people are hungry and they will do everything like all of us would. No need to poke fun at the sheep because you will find your own yokels lined up as well.  All this fuss over a coronovirus. I suspect most of us by now know what gives and what does not give. The Russians are claiming their <deleted> pot of cash.

Edited by Magenta408
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17 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

a lot of forum farang are going to have to eat their cynical comments with regards to Thailand handling this crisis.

its pretty clear by now that western countries like America are falling apart. Unfit political leaders, unruly citizens, medical care that cant cope,  blame game, complete chaos. Thailand: united responsible citizens and practical leaders. Results: just look around.

Congratulations, Thailand.

What are you referring to here, your right about bad politicians its the democrats in America. The people you see protesting are those who want to work and live their lives again without govt interference its also guaranteed in our US constitution that the corrupt politicians have basically ripped up. They stand to loose everything they've worked for in life. Does Thailand have a Constitution like we have in America that patriots spilled blood for 300 years ago. Hows that 5000 baht promised by the Thai govt working out? I read people are having a hard time getting it! Meaning no food and also living on the street. So the shut down has been good for Thailand I assume then no one is complaining everyone is going along and happy!

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4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

They don't seem to think it's worthwhile reporting where these 3 new cases are and background. I say it's important

Watch the English daily report. They usually report there.

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3 hours ago, zeamonkey said:

Phuket bang tao as usual, reported lots of places. What does it matter? They gonna keep us prisoners indefinately anyway.

Exactly.  "New normal?"  Open!...close.  Open!...close.  Open!...close.

Honestly.  Can they keep common colds from happening?  Can they keep seasonal flu strains from happening.  How about dengue?  HPV? Pneumonia?  Japanese encephalitis?  Can you bring any of these to zero?
And yet what we'll see for the future of humanity is Open!...close.  Open!...close.  Open!...close as those "leaders" who are inclined toward being authoritarians, despots, and dictators keep making the proles and plebs dance and dance and dance until Covid-19 has been eradicated - which is an impossibility.

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23 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Im curious I keep seeing new cases reported, is Thailand shooting for Zero percent incidences of CV because its unattainable and you might as well come out and say Thailand will never reopen because someone in govt is afraid people might catch the virus. I have a wife in Thailand will I be able to be with her again? No one has an answer, I need an answer! Who can I contact for reasonable questions Im sure many people want answered this whole thing is absurd.

If your fearful of this CV, shut yourself in you room or house and never come out thats OK! Their are people who want to live life again and also be with the people they love.

I'm sorry you're locked out from seeing your wife. 

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22 minutes ago, connda said:

Exactly.  "New normal?"  Open!...close.  Open!...close.  Open!...close.

Honestly.  Can they keep common colds from happening?  Can they keep seasonal flu strains from happening.  How about dengue?  HPV? Pneumonia?  Japanese encephalitis?  Can you bring any of these to zero?
And yet what we'll see for the future of humanity is Open!...close.  Open!...close.  Open!...close as those "leaders" who are inclined toward being authoritarians, despots, and dictators keep making the proles and plebs dance and dance and dance until Covid-19 has been eradicated - which is an impossibility.

My friend that scenario is only if the people will allow it!

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4 hours ago, Guderian said:

Good news, Thailand. Now let's hope there's no spike in new cases over the next couple of weeks as a result of the lifting of restrictions. If new cases stay in single figures until the end of the month then they should be able to loosen things further, maybe open the beaches and pools. Bars are a more difficult problem, sadly, I miss my daily BS session with my mates. 

There's no problems opening the bars there's hardly anyone to go in them!!! Where I am in Chiang Mai there were very few in the bars before they were made to close!

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5 hours ago, EricTh said:

Good job, Thailand. Three cases is very low but Vietnam is doing better at 0 cases.


Can we reopen most of the the business centers?

You really have to wonder how honest they have been in there reporting, Vietnam that is

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32 minutes ago, LeamchabangLarry said:

I call bull flatus 

if it was really 3 new infections they would not be quarantining homeward province folks for 2 weeks

Think about it, they do not want a new flurry of cases to come up and travel to the provences had not been lifted, these people broke the law. 

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2 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

a lot of forum farang are going to have to eat their cynical comments with regards to Thailand handling this crisis.

its pretty clear by now that western countries like America are falling apart. Unfit political leaders, unruly citizens, medical care that cant cope,  blame game, complete chaos. Thailand: united responsible citizens and practical leaders. Results: just look around.

Congratulations, Thailand.


Clearly alcohol is freely available again.!

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2 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Im curious I keep seeing new cases reported, is Thailand shooting for Zero percent incidences of CV because its unattainable and you might as well come out and say Thailand will never reopen because someone in govt is afraid people might catch the virus. I have a wife in Thailand will I be able to be with her again? No one has an answer, I need an answer! Who can I contact for reasonable questions Im sure many people want answered this whole thing is absurd.

If your fearful of this CV, shut yourself in you room or house and never come out thats OK! Their are people who want to live life again and also be with the people they love.

I think aiming for reporting zero new cases is attainable since it seems that they are making up numbers anyway. Why not just say "zero today!"?


Someone posted earlier that in 2017 24k people died in Thailand of the normal flu. That's 2k per month. 


If Covid 19 were infectious at the same rate as the flu and had the same mortality rate, then in the first four months this year, around 8k people would have died in Thailand from Covid 19. 


Researchers seem to be speculating that though the flu has a R0 of around 1.3, Covid 19 might be twice that high or as high as R0 6. Mortality rates vary in different countries but while the flu kills less than 1% of people, if you take Thailand's reported data of cases with outcomes, around 2% of people die from Covid 19 here which makes it more than twice as deadly. 


So, if the infection rate of Covid 19 isn't higher than the flu, but mortality rate is twice that of the flu, around 16k people would have died from Covid 19 so far in Thailand in the first four months this year. That's a lot more than 54. 

Edited by JCP108
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Probably the results of the only 3 test done on the weekend. The numbers will remain low as long as they keep the test numbers low. 
3 is probably high for the number of tests they are doing. 

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9 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

I think aiming for reporting zero new cases is attainable since it seems that they are making up numbers anyway. Why not just say "zero today!"?


Someone posted earlier that in 2017 24k people died in Thailand of the normal flu. That's 2k per month. 


If Covid 19 were infectious at the same rate as the flu and had the same mortality rate, then in the first four months this year, around 8k people would have died in Thailand from Covid 19. 


Researchers seem to be speculating that though the flu has a R0 of around 1.3, Covid 19 might be twice that high or as high as R0 6. Mortality rates vary in different countries but while the flu kills less than 1% of people, if you take Thailand's reported data of cases with outcomes, around 2% of people die from Covid 19 here which makes it more than twice as deadly. 


So, if the infection rate of Covid 19 isn't higher than the flu, but mortality rate is twice that of the flu, around 16k people would have died from Covid 19 so far in Thailand in the first four months this year. That's a lot more than 54. 

Mortality for flu is .01% current estimated mortality for COVID is 3.4% so 34 times more fatal. 

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14 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

I think aiming for reporting zero new cases is attainable since it seems that they are making up numbers anyway. Why not just say "zero today!"?


Someone posted earlier that in 2017 24k people died in Thailand of the normal flu. That's 2k per month. 


If Covid 19 were infectious at the same rate as the flu and had the same mortality rate, then in the first four months this year, around 8k people would have died in Thailand from Covid 19. 


Researchers seem to be speculating that though the flu has a R0 of around 1.3, Covid 19 might be twice that high or as high as R0 6. Mortality rates vary in different countries but while the flu kills less than 1% of people, if you take Thailand's reported data of cases with outcomes, around 2% of people die from Covid 19 here which makes it more than twice as deadly. 


So, if the infection rate of Covid 19 isn't higher than the flu, but mortality rate is twice that of the flu, around 16k people would have died from Covid 19 so far in Thailand in the first four months this year. That's a lot more than 54. 

Far too logical for some here.

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3 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

a lot of forum farang are going to have to eat their cynical comments with regards to Thailand handling this crisis.

its pretty clear by now that western countries like America are falling apart. Unfit political leaders, unruly citizens, medical care that cant cope,  blame game, complete chaos. Thailand: united responsible citizens and practical leaders. Results: just look around.

Congratulations, Thailand.


3 hours ago, NoComment said:

Well done to Thailand.

Maybe the secret should be shared with European Countries and the USA.

There's a conspiracy theory that says Thailand is so tight with China....and you can guess the rest.

I believe the Thai healthcare workers and other key workers should receive an immediate pay rise and possibly a Thank you from the highest powers possible. The Government and Police deserve a pat on the back for their efforts.

Let's hope this is the end.

Lol. They have either buried this thing or been extremely fortunate in locale. Put Thailand - or any other country touting nice figures - in Europe (big business/multicultural tourism hubs/climate) and how well would it have fared? Look, I along with everyone else want Thailand to be rid of this thing, but it is very naive to compare regions of the world, much less believe the word of a military junta.

Edited by daveAustin
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