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China, South Korea to be removed from Thai list of Covid hotspots


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26 minutes ago, DavisH said:

This doesn't mean much as no foreigner is allowed into the country for tourism purposes, where their country is on the list or not. And certainly not until they life the 14-day self isolation. Thailand needs to get it's one country functioning 'normally' before letting any tourists in. 

watch this space - they are chomping at the bit 


the world is in lockdown until a vaccine is developed and everyone is vaccinated - but not Thailand 

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Yes, bring in the Chinese and Korean  tourists to save the poor in Thailand. China and Korea are now more afraid of foreigners spreading the virus into their countries rather than the other way around.


The number of new cases in China, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand is really too low to be paranoid about.


The chances of  'asymptomatic' cases is almost non-existent because that virus is quite deadly. If you do contract it, you WILL have some symptoms.


I would be more afraid of being swabbed by possibly contaminated swabs while they are swabbing my throat. There have been cases of contaminated test kits recently in Thailand which turned false positives.


Edited by EricTh
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Typical..... Took over the best knocking shop in the world and in just a few years destroyed it to a point where they're now selling the wreckage to the Chinese.....  Is there any wonder this lot have never fought a war and their biggest military achievements have been against their own people......  You just watch when they finally flog it to the Chinese, little TU and Anutin and his cronies will be legging it to a nice little civilized farang paradise to catch up with their ill gotten gains....... Mind you Tu's gonna need some English lessons first......  

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1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

A lots of over reaction for a provisional approval and matters still needing much discussion before careful steps taken especially regarding travelling. As normal, frenzy turned to China bashing. 


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1 hour ago, phkauf said:

Definitely NOT Taiwan. Taiwan is the complete opposite of Commie China. Taiwan handled the Wuhan Virus better than any other country, with serious efforts at the beginning and they should be a role model for the future. For a country with such close ties to China, Taiwan should have been hit hard but they didn't rely on the lies from China, made their own decisions and used modern accurate technology to stem the spread of the virus. While China continues it deception to this day, first lies about the virus, then numbers and spread of infected, and now the manufacture of defective PPE. They are an <deleted> Evil Society and the government there should never be trusted again. 

Taiwan on the other hand should be the recognized government of China. And Taiwanese people are some of the nicest people one could meet - polite, civilized, educated, free thinking and love baseball (huge plus!!!).

Taiwan has some of the most vicious scammers I ever personally encountered. I will never deal with a Taiwanese again in my life. 

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34 minutes ago, robert888d said:

If you honestly believe Chinese figures you must be stupid

Nobody is asking you anything.


Just read it and enjoy. Thais run their country for Thais and you dont matter. Get used to it. ????

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40 minutes ago, hapy2rtire said:

Does anyone know which counyries are on the list and which are not? I'm just curious.

I’m wondering what “list” they’re talking about the real list or in this case I don’t know apparently someone’s personal shopping list I guess or something they found in the trash maybe written in crayon. Because I researched this information and no one else in Thailand is reporting this. 

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