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Third phase of lockdown easing likely from June 1


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29 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

According to the government's lists, almost everything is open, and little remains closed.


But in fact it is not like that.


First, the country itself is not open, since we are still not allowed to travel freely from one province to another.


Then, as already mentioned, schools are not open, which is probably the biggest aberration in a country basically free of the virus.


Then, many beaches and hotels are still closed.


Yes, some hotels are open, but the ones I have contacted are not fully open, either it's the pool, or the gym, or the restaurants that are still not operating...but something is always missing.


Of course, bars, movie theaters and all entertainment places are still closed.


Shopping centers may be open, but when you walk inside, it feels like they are still closed.


While having some of the best covid 19 numbers in the world, Thailand appears to be the country the least in a hurry to reopen, as if its economy didn't matter at all.


There's gonna be hell to pay for such nonchalance...

I don't think so

Edited by Percy P
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They are allowing Banks, Pharmacies and Salons  to resume,?  but in East Pattaya they have never stopped..!!,  & as for children being efficient carriers of the Virus back to their homes, i have seen many many children helping their families in the Street Markets which also have never closed...but i must sit behind a plastic screen in a restaurant  with my wife who i spend 24/ 7 with....

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4 hours ago, TomJoad said:

Yes.  It's been known among epidemiologists (for decades!) that children are efficient carriers and that returning to school in the fall invariably corresponds to a large increase in flu every year.  

Proporganda they have weaker immune systems only

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2 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


OMG.... That would be my worse nightmare, even without a small chance of catching a cold...

You need to ignore the foreground and look at the striped bikini in the background to the right. It will help you recover from the shock.

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Just now, bkk6060 said:

Took one recently from CM to Bangkok Viet jet.

no need to quarantine in BKK ? if you go back (from BBK) to CM do you have to quarantine there? is Air Asia flying as well

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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

What peeeeeees me off is that the night markets are so crowded, yet the local water-holes where the expats here socialise, no working girls, unless wives or girlfriends, would be lucky to have a dozen people there at a time and are open with plenty of airflow, or on a corner and not closed in.


One size doesn't fit all, but then again, this is Thailand and the last time I tried putting one on, well like I said, one size doesn't fit all.

It's not only stupid here...UK at long last starting self qauranteine 8th June....however, fruit pickers...yes fruit pickers from anywhere in the world travelling to UK don't have to....how ludicrous is that

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12 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

no need to quarantine in BKK ? if you go back (from BBK) to CM do you have to quarantine there? is Air Asia flying as well

CM to BKK (suvarn) no quarantine.  Nobody at BKK did not even see security.  Driver directly to Pattaya.


However, I checked yesterday and if I fly BKK to CM, 14 day quarantine.  So, will not be going back until that is lifted.

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They can open many of those venues behind closed doors like the German's and Koreans. Though obviously Thailand government is about 30 years behind and has not yet entered the modern age.


I know that Prayut is a scared old man with very limited intelligence.


But even he should see that its possible with new technology.


If the people wear masks at the outside bars there would be no problem.

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7 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

CM to BKK (suvarn) no quarantine.  Nobody at BKK did not even see security.  Driver directly to Pattaya.


However, I checked yesterday and if I fly BKK to CM, 14 day quarantine.  So, will not be going back until that is lifted.

thanks, that's what happen to my brother, flew from Krabi to BKK no problem, next day returned to Krabi place in quarantine it's all very confusing and hard to schedule travel

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23 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:



The curfew; Bangkok had a curfew for years, and they are a staple of authoritarian regimes - they prevent people from meeting in their spare time to exchange views and ideas - dangerous things views and ideas. The same argument applies to pubs and clubs - the real reason why they are "dangerous".

What on earth are you taking about? 


I've lived in Bangkok for 25 years. Remind me when these years of curfew were because I must have missed them. Please? 


And bars are closed because they don't want people to meet and share ideas and plot the revolution. Nothing to do with the global pandemic. Right. Gotcha. You really know your stuff., I'm impressed. 

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"Honey I miss you so much. How much longer are you going to be stuck in Thailand?"

"Sell the house. Sell the car. Sell the kids. Find someone else. Forget it. I'm never coming back. Forget it."



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37 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

The main concern of this and previous governments, who have come to power through means other than an open election (the normal in Thailand) is to control the movement and association of the people.


So perhaps we can expect that many of the restrictions introduced will become permanent, or at least indefinitely extended, features of life here.


The state of Emergency - manna from heaven, it allows for rule by decree, exempt even from the questionable supervision of the hamstrung parliament. It will allow, in due course, the suspension of elections, local and national.


The curfew; Bangkok had a curfew for years, and they are a staple of authoritarian regimes - they prevent people from meeting in their spare time to exchange views and ideas - dangerous things views and ideas. The same argument applies to pubs and clubs - the real reason why they are "dangerous".


Restrictions on freedom to travel - another staple of authoritarian regimes - not saying you are not free to travel, of course you are, but we decide when, to where and how you can travel...


The rest, beaches etc, are by way of "collateral damage" and will either be relaxed, or more likely ignored until it suits the uniforms to clamp down.

There's that, but a collapsed economy is not good for any regime.


China does its best keep its economy afloat in order to keep the masses in check.


Brute force is not enough, unless the objective of the regime is to imitate North Korea..


As of now, it is not clear where the Thai government wants to bring the country, assuming there is a defined objective...


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I know of some restaurants, where the "1 person - 1 table"- rule had to be implemented (apart from the ridiculous plastic shields, dividing tables)!

Yes...that's right: even couples get separated!

But at markets and malls, they squish everybody through 1 entrance or exit!

Social distancing, my backside!

Also: some markets NEVER even closed!

These rules are not even halfheartedly enforced- others are draconian. like with pubs and bars!

This country is an absolute mess!


...and NO...I absolutely DONT believe the numbers of death and infections!

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22 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

"Honey I miss you so much. How much longer are you going to be stuck?"

"Sell the house. Sell the car. Sell the kids. Find someone else. Forget it. I'm never coming back. Forget it."



As soon as they stop pole dancing, they put on some serious weight!

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2 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

In every single thread related to Covid you have to pop up and warn of the impending doomsday scenario.  Absolutely none of them have transpired - not one scenario you said was inevitable has happened.  What makes you think opening schools will turn children in super spreaders?  Why will this be the one that comes true and brings us all great peril?  

Have you heard of the boy who cried wolf?

Use the ignore list. I did. Screamingly smug and ill informed people go straight on it.

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