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Covid plus lack of democracy ‘spells disaster’ for Thailand

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7 hours ago, soihok said:

I enjoyed reading that, so true it made me feel sad.
Shame for the country in general (pun intended).

Shame for general in the country, good one, also an anagram of sorts ! Given the incredibly benign statistics in this country it would have been so easy to return to normality and not cause such terrible hardship to the Thai working population. It appears to me that perhaps the politicians in control are all acolytes or actually afraid to disagree with decisions made by a general who obviously cares not one bit for his subjects ????

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6 hours ago, lovinglife said:

If only Professor Anusorn were PM. Wise words. 

If Perfesser Anusorn was PM, Thailand would probably be bankrupt.

This being said, Thailand needs some kind of safety net for the poor...even if it is just food coupons.

Edited by Vigilante
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23 minutes ago, Ketyo said:

The Chinese spokesman last week mocked the USA and said that if China had 90,000 deaths the Chinese would riot and kick the government out, demanding a change to the entire system of government there. He was right.


This sounds interesting- do you have a link?  Not disputing the veracity, just interested to see what he said.


I certainly think it's possible that different government styles are better/worse fits for different cultures.  I consider myself brainwashed that freedom and democracy are fundamental values, but I acknowledge that I had that drilled into me since youth by my public education system.


I could be wrong- but I suspect that the majority of Thais that agree with the professor were likely educated in the West.


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7 hours ago, Pilotman said:

If you want an example of democratic power gone off the rails, just look at the UK.  That place is a mad house of over bearing Police, incompetent Central Bankers, Civil Servants  and politicians, with too much time on their hands, not a clue what is going on and with too much power to abuse.  In comparison, Thailand is a beacon of stability and common sense. I am just glad I was here in LOS during this social media driven, monumentally economically damaging fiasco

Unfortunately, none of us know the full and whole picture. Most of the problems surrounding the Covid 19 in the UK, just happened at an unfortunate time when the Captain was not at the helm. Its easy to point the finger and make accusations, but without full knowledge???? The argument was to follow the science, and even some of the scientist couldn't agree. Only one minister among the cabinet is a qualified scientist, and again, unfortunately she was a lone voice crying in the wilderness. Which begs the question, in both the UK and Thailand, do we have the right people running the country at a time of crisis? I won't name names, but one minister in particular stands out as most definitely unqualified for the position held. And that applies to both countries.  

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57 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

Let's make a deal.  You can keep your non-democratic government--just get the damned Baht back to its 10-year average.

Errm.....it already is. 10 year average compared to the dollar is 32.324943.

Not really much of a difference today.

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

Are you American? Socialism does not equate to communism.


Have a look at some countries that have a highly educated workforce, have some of the highest standard of living indexes in the world (consistently) are democracies and are socialist.

Of course, I'm talking about the four Scandinavian countries.

look how far Bernie Sanders got. sad

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7 hours ago, Pilotman said:

If you want an example of democratic power gone off the rails, just look at the UK.  That place is a mad house of over bearing Police, incompetent Central Bankers, Civil Servants  and politicians, with too much time on their hands, not a clue what is going on and with too much power to abuse.  In comparison, Thailand is a beacon of stability and common sense. I am just glad I was here in LOS during this social media driven, monumentally economically damaging fiasco

Or are you just glad to be here in LOS with no financial worries ? 

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7 hours ago, Pilotman said:

If you want an example of democratic power gone off the rails, just look at the UK.  That place is a mad house of over bearing Police, incompetent Central Bankers, Civil Servants  and politicians, with too much time on their hands, not a clue what is going on and with too much power to abuse.  In comparison, Thailand is a beacon of stability and common sense. I am just glad I was here in LOS during this social media driven, monumentally economically damaging fiasco

In my opinion, Thailand is a "mirror image". As for a beacon of stability and commonsense in relation to Thailand - never!!

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

You are calling the Scandinavian countries inefficient? The citizens are clearly willing to pay high taxes to ensure a social safety net and to stop wealth inequality getting out of hand.


Witness the difference where US citizens that have lost their jobs are eventually going to run out of money, even though the government has spent more than  three trillion dollars (how very socialist of them) on them.

The Scandinavians in contrast don't have that fear, nor do they fear the cost of health emergencies that can wipe-out a life-times worth of savings.

Santa Monica is looking like a refugee camp these days, thousands homeless

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8 hours ago, Tarteso said:

Since 1932 Thailand has had 25 generals election, 20 constitutions, 19 coups d’etat,  

the last one in 2014. Maths speaks for itself...

Democracy is not something Thailand can handle. They're better off being told what to do than thinking for themselves. 

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41 minutes ago, Denim said:


Wrong. If you cast your mind back the protests started to stop the government granting an amnesty to everyone including Thaksin. The protests did not originally start with a view to overthrowing the elected government.


However , once the original anti amnesty protests gathered momentum Suthep and the military saw their opportunity and hi jacked the protests for their own agenda. Many people manning the barricades to the north of the government buildings were annoyed at this usurpation of leadership by Suthep ( with support from Prayuth behind the scenes ) since his objectives to overthrow the elected government were not part of their own programme. 


Suthep himself stated that he and the military had been planning a coup behind the scenes before the protests started but they quickly saw that they would not get a better chance.


How many times did pro yellow supporters complain that Phua Thai did not have the support of the overwhelming majority of the Thai voters. How many times did I read on TV threads that the democrats were just a stones throw behind Phua Thai and that they could close the gap at the next election. But no. Too risky. Why chance yet another defeat at the polls when you can engineer yet another coup only this time make it stick. Grab power, write a new constitution , grant yourself  an amnesty , ( oh the irony ) rig the ' elections ' , disqualify any new threatening parties that come along on trumped up charges and make things even less transparent then they were. As for money wasted, well lets not start on military expenditure and nepotism or we'll be here all night.


Thaksin ...the lesser of two evils .............absolutely. No contest , not even close.

Taksin is a crook only in it for what he can get out of it. Any supporter of his must be of the same ilk. 

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I have a headache. And I’m glad I chose to stay. The US dollar is being reset to gold. Chit chat of by by to the fed reserve. It’s going to get more difficult. Thai people will force change.  

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On 5/23/2020 at 6:30 AM, rooster59 said:

Speaking on the anniversary of the 2014 coup, Assist Prof Anusorn Tamajai, director of the Economic and Business Research Centre at the Institute of Economics, Rangsit University, said there had been no concrete evidence of reforms in the country over the past six years.


On 5/23/2020 at 6:30 AM, rooster59 said:

To solve the crisis, all sides – government and opposition, progressives and conservatives, authoritarian and pro-democracy – must put the people’s suffering first and stop using their hardship as a tool to gain political power, said Anusorn


On 5/23/2020 at 6:30 AM, rooster59 said:

he added, and employ people who are knowledgeable, capable, honest and diligent to govern.


On 5/23/2020 at 6:30 AM, rooster59 said:

Governance should also be more open to opinions from opposition voices on resolving the economic crisis, while authorities should not seek to centralise power via a coup or other means as this would add a political crisis to the list of national difficulties and lead to national catastrophe.

All very good points... unfortunately the master has a different outlook.

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9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Prof Anusorn, who is also a pro-democracy campaigner, said the government should use the current crisis to reform the nation and restore harmony as the 2017 Constitution has no clear context or mechanism to shape Thailand into a developed democratic country.

I think in the present climate, world-wide, even the so-called Pro-Democracy crowd are actually Pro-Dictatorship as long as they get one of the chairs when when the music stops in this game of Musical Virus Lockdowns.  Democracy.  <laughs>.  Look around the world right now and see how "Democracy" has worked out.  Sweden, Belarus, and a few other - but that's about it.  All the other "Democracies?"  They ain't.

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9 hours ago, smedly said:

great piece and hits the nail right bang center on the head 

And that's where several of them need to be hit.

Smack bang in the middle of the head.

But then again. 

No sense no feeling. 

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