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what helped me:

some structure with scheduled activities and force me to do them
right food and drink for me

the book The Mindful Way Through Depression
group activities.

For now exercise and meditation.

21 hours ago, cyril sneer said:



I do feel that most people in my living situation would be depressed too though, so maybe this is the main thing I need to address



you have a great insight in your situation.

21 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

There is literally nowhere to walk to apart from the mama papa store 1-minute away


Everywhere else requires transport which I don’t have until 7pm each evening


I can’t even go to a restaurant or buy food to cook (unless its eggs and mama noodles from the local shop)


My partner has just managed to take tomorrow off work and take me to a specialist in the city tomorrow morning, so I’ll see what they say then..

Get a mountain bike. Very good for physical and mental health.


So just spent 3 hours at a government specialist where they’ve tried to prescribe me 3 medicines including an imported one costing 3000 baht


Stormed out without paying. I expect this at private but not <deleted> government, disgrace. 

time to hit the booze 

  • Sad 2
19 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

So just spent 3 hours at a government specialist where they’ve tried to prescribe me 3 medicines including an imported one costing 3000 baht


Stormed out without paying. I expect this at private but not <deleted> government, disgrace. 

time to hit the booze 

It is a disgrace when hospitals take advantage of the sick.


Maybe write down things you don't like about your life and what will improve your life, having positive steps will help


I can remember a time ages ago when i was really depressed ,i had seperated from my first wife ,it was a really bad time ,i remember meeting up with her and she said she wanted to get back together and not get a divorce ,god it was awful,still once the divorce came through i was never depressed again .


Stay off the meds to me that is the road to ruin, have a drink but control how much and buy a motorbike even a second hand one there is no way I would be grounded in the middle of nowhere,

We always had a truck and a motorbike at least we both had wheels should it be needed,

Ask your wife where in KK is the pawn shops they usually have some second hand bikes and maybe now you would get a good deal, they are usually from Thais who have pawned them and have no money to clear the debt.

The other alternative is why dont you take your wife to work and pick her up when she's finished that would give you something to do,


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59 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

So just spent 3 hours at a government specialist where they’ve tried to prescribe me 3 medicines including an imported one costing 3000 baht


Stormed out without paying. I expect this at private but not <deleted> government, disgrace. 

time to hit the booze 

Anti depressants are rubbish anyway, far better off with some tramodol and some decent booze, not Thai stuff obviously

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  • Sad 1
1 hour ago, orchis said:

what helped me:

some structure with scheduled activities and force me to do them
right food and drink for me

the book The Mindful Way Through Depression
group activities.

For now exercise and meditation.

All boring and even more depressing, walking an hour a day is not bad if you can avoid dogs and other people, group activities? good god anything is better than that

  • Haha 2
11 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Get out of Thailand is the best advice, living in an isolated village with nobody around in the day is never going to get any better. Probably on the internet far too much watching endless downloads, can't really walk far becuase of the nasty soi dogs, heat, insects, rubish food and nobody to talk to, no wonder we get depressed. Booze and pain killers are a big help, but not every day. Living the dream ha ha village in Issan is more like a nightmare.

the house i live, gf and weather is nicer than anything I could have back home


i'll be working in the city again next month and have car access so will just drink through it


Find something to do, to distract you from the usual stuff when you feel the day is more worse than on average. Even its a ride of 2 hours to fetch some coffee.
Get into nature, being in a forrest has been proven to reduce stress level in as short as 20 minutes. This hike will right away be some exercise as well. 
Would not start on meds of it is just a mild depression and temporary. Perhaps try smoking some weed. Not sure if you hide from the sun, take 20 mins daily.


What I do wonder, just not having work etc is usually not a turning point to depression. This often lays deeper and comes to show now there is little distraction.

Are you sure to have dealt with things from your past? Are you sure to be happy in this relationship, life? I don't need the answers here.

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

You are coming across now as just a massive whingebag feeling sorry for himself. I said on page  that meds and seeing a shrink is a complete waste of time and clearly it is. You are just bored, too much time to think stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do whatsover. You need to get a life and you will be fine.


Many in the same boat as you mate, I'm fed up here too but stuck here for now.


Living the dream?? It's s nightmare here for many including those who won't admit to it and live in denial.

Few real social contacts with some intellect here. Everything else mostly being based on the hospitality and tourism... 
Good weather is nice but here it is actually mostly too hot or too rainy / polluted. Thai food can be gotten everywhere else too, girls as well.

Have to say, without the fun things that got ruined since Coup 2014, Thailand is becoming less attractive to stay by the week and I agree with you on what you mean, I get that, but you can't judge someone on being just fine or having a mental health issue dude.

Anyway, they say how happy you are at around 50, also with relationship / friendship contacts, determines how old one might become. They say that unhappy people can die up to 12 years younger (something that is also often seen with old couples, one dies, the other follows). Many retirees here seem to not be happy at all, as well being single and mostly isolated, so I do not expect them to get that old 


  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

Few real social contacts with some intellect here. Everything else mostly being based on the hospitality and tourism... 
Good weather is nice but here it is actually mostly too hot or too rainy / polluted. Thai food can be gotten everywhere else too, girls as well.

Have to say, without the fun things that got ruined since Coup 2014, Thailand is becoming less attractive to stay by the week and I agree with you on what you mean, I get that, but you can't judge someone on being just fine or having a mental health issue dude.

Yep, weather here - awful. Thai food - rubbish. Woman - 1 is already more than enough. Why am I here? Absolutely no idea at all, apart from my kids.

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Tramadol is a pain killer, not the best thing to take for depression

I take them for back pain, work great but knock the life out of you.

All you feel like doing is sleeping

  • Like 1
25 minutes ago, Grumpy one said:

Tramadol is a pain killer, not the best thing to take for depression

I take them for back pain, work great but knock the life out of you.

All you feel like doing is sleeping

it's an opioid.

On 5/27/2020 at 7:28 AM, cyril sneer said:

i'm suffering from mild depression,

seems a normal response to what sometimes appears to be an apocalyptic world... though it sounds like you are taking it a step too far....

On 5/27/2020 at 9:08 AM, tonray said:

Maybe avoiding alcohol would be a good first step

get off the booze and see if that helps... though you might have some resistance at first if you have an addiction. As for me, I don't even like to watch people drink... drunks that is... many people seem to get help from AA meetings... good luck.




OP, "Not think too much" is what I learned from stoical, enduring Thais, whose lives are ten times worse than mine.


If you must "think" then compile a list of good words and things and repeat that list over and over again, in order to displace and replace the bad think with good. 


Mystics call it a Mantra.


Learn to be what we of the West learn not to be........learn to be quiet:


“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

                                                                                             Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662.




  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Grumpy one said:

Tramadol is a pain killer, not the best thing to take for depression

I take them for back pain, work great but knock the life out of you.

All you feel like doing is sleeping

I don't, perks me up no end as does solpadol but that has codeine, still opiod dirived, better than any anti dperessant mumbo jumbo.

29 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

I can't believe a lot of the advice on this thread comes from people who have had depression. Some of them are absolutely crazy recommendations.




The side effects from drinking too much alcohol are worse. 

  • Confused 1
  • Haha 1

I think the motorcycle option is great (if you dare to ride it) it can bring you to other places and out of the house. 


Makes you at least a lot less house bound. How old are you ?

  • Like 1

My school's been teaching online. We've picked relevant topics of discussion related to the virus. From one of the worksheets:


"Social Media can be a very negative environment and is hyper filtered, which can distort how we see and feel about ourselves."


Thai Visa's certainly no exception, unfortunately.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

Few real social contacts with some intellect here. Everything else mostly being based on the hospitality and tourism... 
Good weather is nice but here it is actually mostly too hot or too rainy / polluted. Thai food can be gotten everywhere else too, girls as well.

Have to say, without the fun things that got ruined since Coup 2014, Thailand is becoming less attractive to stay by the week and I agree with you on what you mean, I get that, but you can't judge someone on being just fine or having a mental health issue dude.

Anyway, they say how happy you are at around 50, also with relationship / friendship contacts, determines how old one might become. They say that unhappy people can die up to 12 years younger (something that is also often seen with old couples, one dies, the other follows). Many retirees here seem to not be happy at all, as well being single and mostly isolated, so I do not expect them to get that old 


Excellent talk. Here it is subtitled in Thai in case you want share with your partner:


On 5/27/2020 at 11:57 AM, cyril sneer said:

I should feel happier than I do, I more or else now have everything I planned to get when I moved here.

Here lies the key, me the shrink speaking...


Personally, I no longer have depression as I get older. But I remember my first few years in Thailand, whenever I started feeling blue, self-pity, etc. I said to myself, if I'm not feeling well in another country I better get back home and suffer in the lap of "relative" comfort (if not luxury)...

However the thought of what was waiting for me "back home" that alone pulled me right out of depression! And then I got out of my room and started walking down the streets of Bangkok with all its colors and curves (wink-wink,) I asked myself "Depression? huh, what depression?" First time that worked, second time worked even faster and third time on, my legs did the job themselves.


Now that I can no longer walk much, left leg getting weak, it's impossible for me to get depressed, all I can think of is if only I can walk as fast as I used to. So I keep trying. My intake of alcohol has come down to zero ever since I got here, except for whenever my French building mate comes back from France with a few bottles of rouge.

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