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8 policemen dismissed after allegedly demanding Bt40,000 from woman


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16 hours ago, webfact said:

Provincial chief police Tianchai Kama-Paso today (June 2) ordered all eight policemen who appeared in the video – a lieutenant-colonel, a captain, three lieutenants, a sub-lieutenant and two senior sergeants major – to be dismissed.


The policemen were transferred to Phetchaburi’s police operations centre and will be investigated for prosecution.

And there's the problem! Dismissed, and yet still have a job. LOL.

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17 hours ago, colinneil said:

Heavens above.... What ever next policemen demanding money.... Shocking absolutely shocking.:cheesy:

If they sacked every policeman here who demanded money, there would be nobody left to police the country.

And that would be a bad thing?

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17 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

So they weren't dismissed then?

The article states “ to be dismissed” I understand with government employees here there is a process to be followed even if a criminal offence has been committed.


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32 minutes ago, thequietman said:

And there's the problem! Dismissed, and yet still have a job. LOL.

I don’t know which country you are from but in Australia and I know in some other Western countries even if a person has allegedly committed a criminal offence a process has to be followed before their employment can be terminated.

Its referred to as procedural fairness or natural justice often the employee is suspended while this takes place, suspect that’s what’s happening here.

Certainly applies to the police and most government employees in my country.

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

The policemen were transferred to Phetchaburi’s police operations centre and will be investigated for prosecution.

Is this where the inactive post is??............LOL

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20 minutes ago, thequietman said:

It was recorded on camera, so no doubts in this situation. In Australia, that would be regarded as gross misconduct, and the employee would be dismissed on the spot.

Not so here. ????

Nope. There is actually no such thing as instant dismissal, you are always suspended pending investigation. if it is then agreed you are guilty after viewing the evidence and you having your say then you can be dismissed for gross misconduct. In this case the policeman have actually committed a crime so they absolutely should be up for dismissal and more importantly criminal charges, but everything still has to follow a fair and just process.

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17 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Apparently, "dismissed" from their prior assignments... but not "dismissed" in the sense you or I or others might expect, meaning dismissed from their employment.


The latter only happens here in the rarest of instances, no matter how grievious the offense.



Sent to an inactive position. Which also means out of the tea money chain

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18 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

So they weren't dismissed then?

Looks like they will be dismissed but are under investigation to see if criminal charges will be persued or not. Probably depends if they pay restitution to the Lady and how much Tea money they pay to protect themselves.

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If  the woman didnt use any drugs nothing to worry about for her. Dont pay take the test.

if the woman DID take drugs, i am sure she would rather pay 40k or less if she bargains, than to go to jail.

like it or not, these police did her a favor by offering an alternative punishment of 40k instead of jailtime.

Edited by herwin1234
spelling misstakes
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18 hours ago, Hayduke said:


But first they're being given time to raise enough money to bribe the provincial chief of police. Then he will have a valid reason to ignore the whole thing...without violating police core values.



They don't need time to raise the bribe money, they already have THB33k

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13 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

At the police you don´t get a higher position because you are doing your job well, you have to pay up to 1 million Baht to come to a higher level. Well, and then you have to take bribes to get this money back.

Not much different in the schools. Directors pay several million for the position, which they see as a business investment. They then make it back by demanding payment from teachers and admins for their positions, organizing big projects from which they can skim (a new building, gym, or those huge metal domes you see for assembling under the rain), silly activities requiring fees to be collected, and fancy shirts to be printed up for everyone, and then of course, from parents helping their little ones bring up those grades.

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 "a lieutenant-colonel, a captain, three lieutenants, a sub-lieutenant and two senior sergeants major – to be dismissed".   What ?  Not a Field Marshall amongst them .......   And this lot and others of a similar pedigree are ordering decent law abiding people to jump through hoops......  Sadly laughable..... 

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18 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

So they weren't dismissed then?

Thats what I thought too, funny kind of dismissal, should be out of the police force entirely and then prosecuted by a court of law. ?

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14 hours ago, ryane66 said:

If they dismissed every police officer and government official that demanded and expected bribes there would be few left on the payroll. I personally had to pay a 20000 baht bribe at the land title office to get something approved in a reasonable time. When building, the boss of the workers had to pay 15000 baht to the police get a worker off trumped up charges. Previous to that the head of the truckers filling our land told me he pays the police monthly so all his trucks and drivers aren't harassed.  It's absolutely everywhere. 

 My DIL husband is the driver of a refrigerated truck, he makes regular trips, not to say always the same routes, he has a large reserve of 20 Baht bills and he gives one at each police check,  it may seem like not too much but it is several times a day, his boss trusts him so they do the accounts at the end of the week and he reimburses him everything, it's a rather big company with at least ten refrigerated trucks so ten drivers doing it in the same way. 

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Well, the woman was tainted, no doubt but the eight police officers - hooray and congratulations for a job well done. Promote them and assign them a new posting in the Ministry of Inactive Posts for a while, then a further promotion to 19-star generals and back to the gold mine of law enforcement. 

Wondering for how long all these Thai citizen will be dealing with such manure ......... 

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1 minute ago, colinneil said:

Have you any personal experience regarding school directors?

Or are just just posting based on hear say.

My wife is a school director, never paid 1 baht to anyone for her position.

As members who have been on here several years will know, we moved from Issan to a mountain village 39 ks into the mountains from Mae Hong Son, rather than pay money.

Good for yer Mrs, many others don't have those kind of morals.......   

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8 minutes ago, colinneil said:

we moved from Issan to a mountain village 39 ks into the mountains from Mae Hong Son, rather than pay money.

You just answered your own question. Obviously, this scam isn't going to work in every school. Certainly not small schools out in the mountains. But big, famous schools in the big cities, certainly. And yes, of this I have personal knowledge, from my Thai former colleagues, and farangs with Thai teacher wives.

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It's a sad situation where all levels of society are infected by corruption to this degree, and unfortunately the presence of a uniform just seems to guarantee it...... One of my ex's used to work for a very well known glasses company all over Thailand and she was up for promotion to Manager, the only problem was as she told me was that she'd have to sleep with the district Manager to secure the position...... Truthfully she told me she would of, but she can't stand the slimy git...... Legged it to another company.....   It was here when i came here, and i'm pretty sure it'll still be in full swing when i'm long gone........ 

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no corruption right .... everything fine also at immigration with demanding needless papers that cannot be obtained, forcing people into expensive agents...


dismissed...so no EXTORTION charges


if you want to make it in thailand with zero education :   POLICEMAN !

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