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After Age 60: Is it possible to learn to Read and Speak Thai? And, Is it Worth the Effort?


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37 minutes ago, JohnBarleycorn said:

If you are serious about learning the Thai language, then you should let your mother know.

If she is as wonderful as you say she is, then she will help you learn Thai.

There are very few people in Thailand who are not very willing to help others learn their language.

If you wish to let your mother know that you are serious about learning Thai, then please begin by learning 1000 basic Thai vocabulary words. If you can do this, then I guarantee that your mother will take your Thai-language learning project much more seriously.

More importantly:  Your mother may not feel comfortable or qualified to teach Thai.  And, if this is the case, then please don't press the issue.  Instead, if you wish to learn Thai, then take advantage of the many resources on the internet.

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Basic Thai is a good tool to have so at least you can manage your way around, and if you think that you still have the patience and capabilities to learn than do so, what have you got to lose?...

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37 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

It's too bad so many expats miss out on its unique pleasures.

I am relatively fluid conversationally but even after 20 years feel I am scratching the surface of what does give me some insight into the unique Thai personality and outlook on life... my original curiousity here was in finding people [even poor people] who seemed much happier than the middle and upper middle class people that I knew from Western culture... the language does give insight.


37 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

ราดน้ำมันเข้ากองไฟ, หน้าไหว้หลังหลอก (an indispensable phrase which I had learned, but forgotten), and ปล่อยไปตามยถากรรม, discussion of which helped refine my understanding of the niceties of the Thai concept of karma.

can you translate these phrases for us? - - - my ability to read is poor - I can sound them out poorly but the meaning is beyond me... thanks C.

Edited by kenk24
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2 hours ago, tracker said:

discovered anki couple months ago. use is every other day. It really is boosting my thai. I know a lot of words, but the connection words to make the thai sentences I do not know. Anki has been a great help in this regard. 

Connector words are very important, but there isn't a huge number of them.  So, learning them pays a big dividend in expression for not that much effort.  A few years ago I started tagging them in Anki with the tag "connector."  I currently have 123.  I periodically review them filtering on tag:connector.  It's very helpful particularly in specifying the logical relationship between clauses.  My current favorite connector is actually an adverb, not a conjunction: ต่างหาก which means separately, See also: independently, on one's own, on the contrary, far from it."  

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8 hours ago, JohnBarleycorn said:

If you want to learn the language, a GF will just slow down your progress and deplete your resources of time and money, and generally make you tired due to wasted bodily fluids, etc

That's where I went wrong , by going too Pattaya first........complete waste of my bodily fluids --took me 5 years to be able to say Sawadee.........:coffee1:

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8 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


Waste of time especially if you travel around the country.  The dialects are different Thais lets say in the north, cannot understand everthing a Bangkok Thai says.

Typically a lazy persons answer. 

Edited by Kadilo
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Too old to bother. Learn other languages when young when your brain is a sponge.


no its not even worth it. Get a girl who has the education to speak the international language of english.


What happens if you have to leave because of another change in visa, do you then want to learn vietnamese, tagalog etc.


If the girl cannot converse enough with you in english then dont bother.

Edited by Sujo
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