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Trump takes hard line on U.S. monuments, threatens force against protesters


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33 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I seriously doubt buildings will be demolished. Not seeing that to be honest. 


At the moment, not. As a possible near future demand or development, not far fetched. I think the main reason buildings were spared, so far, was that technically they are harder to destroy. If it comes down to that, guess it'll be more about arson.

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3 minutes ago, Morch said:


At the moment, not. As a possible near future demand or development, not far fetched. I think the main reason buildings were spared, so far, was that technically they are harder to destroy. If it comes down to that, guess it'll be more about arson.

I mostly agree with your positions on the threads over this issue so far, but here we will have to agree to disagree. I just don't see it becoming a part of the BLM protests.

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1 hour ago, ChouDoufu said:


which led to the american...........revolution.

never heard it called the american freedom-of-speech protest, nor read about the trending #coloniallivesmatter.

Wow! Successful protest leads to revolution... what an insight.


I guessing many, many people didn't know that, I mean, I just learned it yesterday and, you know it's not something people know about. By the way, have you seen my crowd size?

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4 hours ago, Morch said:


Upheaval? If and when something actually changes, perhaps. Remains to be seen. Worldwide? Sorta, not in every country, not in the same force, not even with same agenda always. And hyperbole aside, it is not a worldwide majority or even a US one. Most people do not partake, most people aren't fully signed to all that's related to the protests, the vandalism and violence in particular.

Ok, I agree it is not a majority in the streets (is Hong Kong?) but it is people making a stand against bigotry and racism in many places around the world and I feel is overdue and large enough to make a noticeable statement, possibly resulting in meaningful change. Violence (police) is a thug mentality and I see no one being hurt by tearing down the symbols that glorify the subjugation of humanity in any form. 

Edited by Dap
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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Attendance in protests is almost never by a  majority, the question is more to do if the protest and various sentiments associated with it represents majority views and opinions. I'd venture to say that in most cases there's no wholesale public identification with what a protest is "about". Some may support this, but feel less strongly about that, while distancing themselves from the other. What can be counted upon is that at some point someone will attempt to claim the protests "prove" general public support for something.


With all due respect to the latter bit, I kinda doubt all following, related and semi-related protests revolve around exactly the same issues. In many places it's more to do with local variants, or with groups taking a ride to further agendas. Using the same slogan doesn't actually mean everyone's united behind a cause.


Noticeable statement, sure. Meaningful change? Not really, or more accurately, not immediately following protests. Violence is not only from the police side, although I'd agree that when it is, there ought to be more condemnation than when "civilians" engage in it. Officers of the law are supposed to be held to higher standards.


I'm not going to debate specifics of monuments and statues. It can be suggested though that removal or replacement of such symbols can be achieved by other ways other than vandalism, and that the way things seem to develop, looks more like a mob mentality on that one, what with some of the statues vandalized. Further, acknowledging the protests narrative doesn't automatically imply superiority to all other narratives. It's conceivable that people would feel differently about historical figures etc. and for different reasons. Judging the merit solely based on the supposed tenets of the protestors is not always reasonable or even acceptable.

Well stated.

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4 hours ago, darrendsd said:

Trump has been out of step with most of the country, blasting the protests even though a majority of Americans sympathize with them

We shall see in November after President Trump wins in a landslide! But of course the liberals will not accept it! They still haven't gotten over 2016!

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9 minutes ago, MyTHaiMyKe said:

We shall see in November after President Trump wins in a landslide! But of course the liberals will not accept it! They still haven't gotten over 2016!

I thought that pre-virus but now I'm less sure. The virus has been a Godsend to dinosaur Biden's campaign but if BLM and ANTIFA keep it up and escalate maybe he can still do it.  Wait and see.

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52 minutes ago, MyTHaiMyKe said:

We shall see in November after President Trump wins in a landslide! But of course the liberals will not accept it! They still haven't gotten over 2016!

A landslide huh? Facing reality ain't your thang huh? 

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16 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

Creepy Joe has to come out of the basement at some point

I think he will just collapse in the debates.

He literally doesn't make any sense when he opens his mouth

Incoherent babbling old pervert

Very mature. 

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On 6/23/2020 at 11:53 PM, Eric Loh said:

Have you heard of the phrase “those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it”. The statues are a reminder of the past and a powerful symbols of tragic and brutal events. It should not be around as symbols that give psychological sustenance and succor to white supremacists. It help normalized the ideology of these groups. 

So your suggestion, so that we do not forget the past, is to efface all these historical monuments--the only purpose of which is to validate "white supremacy"? Much better to erase history, or re-write it, than actually to confront it. Get rid of it entirely from the history books, and somehow we're NOT going to repeat history? Why not just support the burning of books by the same logic?

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People on the Right, or even disillusioned people on the Left, or the civil libertarians, need to abandon this silly and sanguine notion that the radical Left can be "reasoned" with. All they care about is power-dynamics. They don't care about such lofty concepts as intellectual honesty, consistency of thought, argumentation, or even a juvenile's innate disdain for hypocrisy. Ergo, zero possibility of reasoning with such mentalities. Even less of appeasing them or--seriously?--reconciling with them. There's no meeting of the minds here. There's only the question as to when the opposition is going to allow itself the same freedom to exert their "might is right" against the Left. And that is what they absolutely should, but are unwilling, to do. Power against power. And the Left loses scarcely before the battle has begun. But at some point the Anti-Left will lose its patience, realize that any attempt at reconciliation is futile, and always was, and will shrug off its restraints and welcome the Left on the battlefield. And that will not be a good day for the Left.

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28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Those vandals and hooligans are not trying to bring about a better world- all they want to do is riot and break things.

Without "order" society breaks down and everyone gets hurt.


You go Donald, give the thugs a message even they understand.

"A message even they understand"--the only message they can understand, which is a commensurate use of force. They only understand force, therefore give them force. The only question is when the right-wing will understand this and oblige them.

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