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I am Toying with the Idea of Returning to Trumpland with Either a Thai Woman or an Indonesian Woman (Which is Better?)

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I am NOT joking, this time.


I have already found a good place in the desert, someplace in Arizona, and now I am thinking about dessert.


What kind of woman would be better for living in the desert, sort of apart from mainstream society?


In my opinion, and from my experience, Indonesian women are very kind. Yet, I prefer Thai women because they are more exciting and beautiful.


I cannot take two, and can only take one to Arizona.


Being in Thailand, Thai women are more readily available to me. I have a friend in Indonesia who might be able to introduce me to an Indonesian woman, but the extra logistics would be a downside.


Still, Indonesian women are more even tempered and better for the desert, I think.


So what might the advantages be of women from either Thailand or Indonesia, speaking of qualities of either specifically suitable to desert life in Arizona?


I might need to live on a budget, as well.

And so, which nationality might be more likely to favor this type of hardship living situation?


Just wondering, but not wondering idly, since I am already making plans for when the international airline situation begins opening up.


I love hot weather, and Arizona will not be too hot for me, maybe.

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Well I think the Thai will get more bored. I think the Thai has bigger chances to leave you especially if she starts meeting those pro Thai. 

Indonesian I guess is Muslim. Will be more Faithful but can have their downsides if met by other Muslims who will look down on her for being with you. But if you yourself are Muslim then keep the Indonesian. Living on a budget?? You will ned to send money home to either 

Edited by sead
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10 minutes ago, PerkinsCuthbert said:

You're joking of course. 


Actually, I am not joking.


1. I am at a point in my life where I am seeking a new experience, in fact my last experience.

2. I have always loved the dryness of the desert with its low humidity, cold nights and hot days.

3. I am not sure what I might do there in the desert, but due to the lockdown I am not sure what I am doing here. Every day is the same. I wake up. I eat. I do my work. And then I sleep.

3b. I am becoming a hermit.

4. In the desert of Arizona, I would be able to roam free with the prairie dogs, and maybe even be able to shoot a few of them with my .30-06 Springfield.  That would put some food on the table, for sure.

5. There is great beauty in the desert, especially the nights.

6. I would still need adequate internet connection, and I think that in the desert this might be a challenge. Maybe there is a solution for this.

7. I am too old for Wyoming winters, and so Arizona might be less stressful for me.

8. I love women. And, if I found the right one, then this lifestyle might become my paradise, sort of the final best ending to my life.

9. I could blast loud music as much as I like, and no one would complain, especially if I found a deaf girl from Indonesia.

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Years ago, I did apply for a green card, and it was a piece of cake.


That was back in 1975.


That was back when the US gov just asked if you were in love.


These days, the green-card process is too cumbersome for me.


Maybe it might be better to just have your GF come to America in a 40-foot shipping container?

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27 minutes ago, JohnBarleycorn said:

if I found the right one,


27 minutes ago, JohnBarleycorn said:

especially if I found a deaf girl from Indonesia.

Your girl who doesn't exist yet ... won't she have something to say about your project?

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10 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Has the Muslim been circumcised? if she has sex will be a waste of time, they feel nothing at all with no clit.

... and remain dry as the desert you want to say?

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The older I become, the less I seem to care about what once seemed most important.


Being in Arizona with a nice female friend who is not a shrew, seems like heaven to me now.


I have lowered me expectations, maybe.


Still, I am young enough to find great happiness with an old bag of bones, as long as she is truly female.


After a year or two, we stop caring about what our partner "looks like", and we begin caring more about how kind she might be.


This is so true.


Also, does she have a good sense of humor....this is most important to me.

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Honestly speaking:


In past years, I have met some fantastic women from Indonesia and Thailand.

These women were farm girls.

They normally exhibited a very happy disposition, in almost all cases.

They seemed to believe that putting on a happy face was their responsibility, no matter what.


And so, if I am to retreat into the Arizona or Nevada desert, then I would surely be blessed if I were to have one of these farm girls by my side.


Also, they were modest.

I prefer modest women.

I am not comfortable around women with short shorts or tiny black mini miniskirts that ride up until you can see everything.


This is why I say that I am NOT joking.

What I am saying is that....

America is a great country, a wide open space.

There is room for everyone.


And, if I can find either an Indonesian woman or a Thai woman willing to live in the desert with me, then I will definitely give this a try.


There is nothing to lose.

And, there is much to gain.


Maybe I will finally find the love I have always yearned for.


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2 minutes ago, JohnBarleycorn said:

Well, this is how I envision it....


Just me an her, and the cactus, hand in hand, never expecting rain, yet dazed by the glory of the sun.


Such beauty,

Each of us communing with God in our own way.



QUOTE: "Each of us communing with God in our own way."


Yes you need faith. Blind Faith, or john Barleycorn must die.

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5 minutes ago, JohnBarleycorn said:

Well, this is how I envision it....


Just me an her, and the cactus, hand in hand, never expecting rain, yet dazed by the glory of the sun.


Such beauty,

Each of us communing with God in our own way.



Did I just see Wile E Coyote go past?


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Most importantly......

Of utmost importance.....


I plan to choose either a Thai woman or an Indonesian woman who speaks no English.


I don't expect to live more than another 10 years, or so.


And, during the first seven years in the desert, I will teach my bride to speak perfect English.

I will spend my time in the desert teaching her to speak impeccable English.


We, all of us, should choose a hobby during our waning years which might prolong our days.


In my view, teaching some farm girl, from Indonesia, English up to Oxford or Cambridge undergraduate level will give me something to do, something which I might find more satisfying than just stuffing my face with drunken crumpets, in Thailand, one after the other.


And so, life in the desert might be far better for me.

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7 minutes ago, JohnBarleycorn said:

Most importantly......

Of utmost importance.....


I plan to choose either a Thai woman or an Indonesian woman who speaks no English.


I don't expect to live more than another 10 years, or so.


And, during the first seven years in the desert, I will teach my bride to speak perfect English.

I will spend my time in the desert teaching her to speak impeccable English.


We, all of us, should choose a hobby during our waning years which might prolong our days.


In my view, teaching some farm girl, from Indonesia, English up to Oxford or Cambridge undergraduate level will give me something to do, something which I might find more satisfying than just stuffing my face with drunken crumpets, in Thailand, one after the other.


And so, life in the desert might be far better for me.

You are looking for a fair lady? Stay away from MY Fair Lady mister Higgings.

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Do you know why I would never invite a Chinese girl to live in the Nevada or Arizona desert with me?


I have lived with Chinese girls in New York City, Pennsylvania, Taipei, Hong Kong, and other similar places.

Chinese girls are never satisfied, and they rarely smile.

They are too worried about living up to family expectations, for generations to come.


But Indonesian girls, if they like you, and Thai women, if they like you, are willing to cleave to you far more than the Chinese women I have known.


Knowing what I now know, I would never have had a Chinese GF, what a waste of my life.


So, if you really want a great woman who loves you enough to live the rest of her life with you in the desert, then I guess an Indonesian woman would be the first choice.


But, if you want to live in some desert in NYC, the both Thai and Indonesian women would suffice.

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