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Biden attacks Trump health policy as 'cruel' in election battleground state


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Oh if Joe only knew. Of course, he won't even have to use Medicare.


I tried Obamacare when I went back in 2017. It was way too expensive for me. It is a complete fallacy and that was with a deductible that was a few thousand bucks. 

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On 6/26/2020 at 3:10 PM, Isaan sailor said:

Poor confused Joe said the US has 120 million deaths from Wuhan virus (a.k.a. Coronavirus).  He needs to go back to his basement in Maryland.

Who's confused? Biden said it once. Trump keeps on claiming that the reason there are more covid cases is because they're doing more testing. Not because there is an actual increase in the rate of infection. 

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10 minutes ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Oh if Joe only knew. Of course, he won't even have to use Medicare.


I tried Obamacare when I went back in 2017. It was way too expensive for me. It is a complete fallacy and that was with a deductible that was a few thousand bucks. 

A big reason for that being Republicans wouldn't allow for any corrections to the original bill. The only option they offered was to repeal it. Despite Trump's best efforts to undo it, enrolments via exchanges has held steady. And that's to say nothing of the Medicaid portion of the bill which has been a huge success despite states like Texas refusing to offer it. Even many Republican states now offer it. In some of those states it took a voter referendum to get it done.

And now, with the covid epidemic and millions out of work, Trump is pushing hard to have it repealed. Even Senator John Cornyn of Texas recommended to workers that they go for it. The lower paid workers will be eligible for free care under the Medicaid provisions. Low paid Texas workers - of which there are many - are out of luck. This is going to play real well for Trump in November.

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On 6/26/2020 at 3:22 PM, Jingthing said:

He doesn't sound confused at all. I get it that 45 fans want to push this big lie that Biden is incompetent. What else have they got? 


(Yes, I deleted the video. No sense in posting it again, and again, and again...)

Well, first off, he didn't even come close to "quoting" what Trump said, but I really liked this interview.

https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/04/17/biden-economy-health-choice-sot-vpx.cnn It made a lot of cents. ????

I'd post some others, but you'd get upset. And they'd probably get deleted by a moderator. 

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26 minutes ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Oh if Joe only knew. Of course, he won't even have to use Medicare.


I tried Obamacare when I went back in 2017. It was way too expensive for me. It is a complete fallacy and that was with a deductible that was a few thousand bucks. 

Yes it needs to be reformed. Not destroyed. You were obviously high income if the premium was very high. For low income people above the minimum level their premium is heavily subsidized. But everyone like the preexisting condition thing. 45 promises he wants that but in 3 years has never presented even one concrete plan on how to do that if ACA is killed. So he lies to his gullible fans that he does. That's atrocious. The man has no morals whatsoever.

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3 minutes ago, J Town said:

Trump is not behaving like a man interested in re-election. Actively pursuing the death of ACA, throwing 20 million people off healthcare in the middle of a pandemic that is clearly making the US a global pariah? Allowing federal funding to dwindle for Covid-19 testing amidst catastrophic rise in cases? Sean Hannity lobbed him a softball, asking him his intent of programs for his 2nd term, and he rambled on, never answering the question. In what reality can anyone deny these facts and still support him?

Yes it's quite bizarre actually. He rode the wave of a black swan in 2016 and is not only incapable of being a competent president, he's also incapable of adjusting his message for the new reality. Black swans are called black swans because they're very rare. 

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On 6/26/2020 at 7:00 AM, simple1 said:

Nothing better than quoting  sources from hard line conservatives with an axe to grind. What are the actual facts in the supply chain and political interference by Republicans which have created so many problems for Obamacare? I have read the trump administration attacks on Obamacare will cause millions of more Americans losing out on medical cover. interestingly not referenced by the trump world.

I happen to support not having to pay more taxes  as in a obamacare's mandate(forced, if one doesn't have insurance or doesn't meet obamas requierment criteria),  annual payment ,close to 700 dollars per person annually!  It works very well for me! 

Your comment is correct about the source being a source.I wouldn't think a progressive source would support my particular  circumstances!



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On 6/26/2020 at 9:26 AM, simple1 said:

Thanks - I checked out a few i.e.


Switzerland - compulsory private insurance

Belgium - compulsory private health insurance

Germany - mix of compulsory and private health insurance

Japan - compulsory health care financial contribution / insurance


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears compulsory private health insurance is in reality a tax funding welfare state type of universal health care. If I understood you correctly it seems extraordinary the US haven't been able to organise and administer a similar system for decades, which generates so mush pain across US society for the less fortunate.



On 6/26/2020 at 9:26 AM, simple1 said:

it seems extraordinary the US haven't been able to organise and administer a similar system for decades, which generates so mush pain across US society for the less fortunate.


I couldn't have said it better.


I'm Belgian and the health care system works charm.


The US private insurance system is a pure rip off and only available to those who can afford it.


I don't have any knowledge about Obamacare, but my understanding is that it's a good attempt to make healthcare more affordable, but I believe the main reason people are against it is because a large percentage of the US population has no healthcare insurance and want to keep it that way.

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1 hour ago, johnpetersen said:

Thanks to Obamcare, four out of five people who lost their jobs are eligible for free health insurance through expanded medicaid. Of course, those in states such as Texas and Florida are out of luck. And Trump is now actively trying to destroy this via the Supreme Court. Politically suicidal.

Texas and Fla and many other red states have joined in to file a  petition !  Currently, obamacare has been declared unconstitutional ! 

"The current case gained attention after Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District of Texas ruled in 2018 that the entire health law was unconstitutional because the individual mandate penalty had been essentially eliminated".

The SC will fix that one way or another . The SC doesn't destroy petitions ,they decide them!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reed_O'Connor#:~:text=On October 5%2C 2018%2C O,Child Welfare Act was unconstitutional.


Its crazy so many people possibly having to consider on a choice now on what state to live in, because of taxes and safety 

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

Texas and Fla and many other red states have joined in to file a  petition !  Currently, obamacare has been declared unconstitutional ! 

"The current case gained attention after Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District of Texas ruled in 2018 that the entire health law was unconstitutional because the individual mandate penalty had been essentially eliminated".

The SC will fix that one way or another . The SC doesn't destroy petitions ,they decide them!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reed_O'Connor#:~:text=On October 5%2C 2018%2C O,Child Welfare Act was unconstitutional.


Its crazy so many people having to make a choice now on what state to live in, because of taxes and safety 

And Trump joined in that petition why? He didn't have to. There was no compelling reason. I do believe it's a cry for help, viz. "Please stop me before I win again!"

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9 hours ago, riclag said:

I happen to support not having to pay more taxes  as in a obamacare's mandate(forced, if one doesn't have insurance or doesn't meet obamas requierment criteria),  annual payment ,close to 700 dollars per person annually!  It works very well for me! 

Your comment is correct about the source being a source.I wouldn't think a progressive source would support my particular  circumstances!



I do not understand your comments. How is medical care to be provided for the less fortunate without paying additional tax if they cannot afford insurance. Also I understand the current trump admin proposals mean people with preexisting conditions will not have coverage, all up approx 22 million additional American citizens without cover; how can anyone can vote for a President who supports such cruel policy I do not comprehend.

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Given the still to be determined long-term effects of Covid-19, it's easy to envision the insurance industry pushing trump hard to remove any protections for pre-existing conditions. They've poured a ton of money into the swamp to hold off any sort of improvements in health care, and maybe they see they only have a few months left to enact protections?


So even if you have a job which provides health insurance, the 50 - 100 million people who ultimately contract Covid-19 will NOT be covered for the myriad complications they suffer throughout their lives.


Obviously presenting a "replacement" option, while you are removing protection, would go a long way. Petitioning the SC at this time looks beyond cartoonishly evil, and downright stoopid.


I'm not certain trump wants to serve another term? He probably lost interest in performing the duties and upholding his oath of office sometime in mid-2017?

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