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Knifeman kills two in Glasgow before being shot by police - BBC


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20 minutes ago, JonnyF said:
4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Whenever they say that it means the perp was an Islamic fanatic.

If they don't want people to speculate, why not tell us the facts, instead of attempting a cover-up.

Yep. They'd be quick enough to tell us if he was an 'alt right' white man who once had a photo taken with Nigel Farage. The BBC and Sky would be on it like a fly around excrement. 

No. He was simply a hungry and angry Sudanese refugee with a questionable but now forever unknown mental status.


The misinformation surrounding this major incident is quite startling. Both Sky and BBC were quick to publish totally unsubstantiated facts that have been shown as totally incorrect.


The Reuters article linked in the OP suggests three fatalities including the knifeman. Only @cyril sneer and @brommers have noted this. Thanks.


Earlier 'breaking news' suggested that he went berserk after being advised that his refugee application had been denied and the police had arrived to deport him.


Very early in the piece, the Deputy Chief Constable made the public announcement that this wasn't a terrorist act. Subsequently, there's been no evidence suggesting any links to IS or his religion (most educated people will already have sussed out that being from Sudan, he would have been Muslim anyway).

Edited by NanLaew
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For goodness' sakes, what is going on in Britain? It is falling apart by trying to become a mini-America by taking on American values? Is this a terror attack? It seems similar to the Reading attack.....knife and all!

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

Not saying it's the current case, as police have to finish their investigation, it's possibly Salafi Islamist motivation. As an example some other knife attacks on civilians in the UK have been due to mental health problems IMO anyone who subscribes to Salafi ideology has mental health issues, as does anyone subscribing to any violent ideology.

don't know if this was the case here, but I'm betting on some "mentors", online or not, brainwashing people that already are feeble minds into islamist ideology. these networks must have agents on site who scout for manipulable mentally unstable persons to become islamist nutters. they observe their targets for some time, then they forward their info to off-site handlers who make contact and then proceed with the ideological lobotomy. I don't think the timing is important, I guess they send them off as soon as they are ready, for fear that they will be discovered due to their increasingly erratic behavior.

Edited by tgw
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2 hours ago, Opl said:

and why apply for asylum in a country of disbelievers? 

Would have thought a subject matter expert regards Muslims such as you would know. Just in case, many Muslims are subject to oppression in their home countries for a variety of reasons, most Islamic countries do not provide guaranteed security / support for refugees and so on. Yes, it's terrible some turn to Islamist terrorism when given sanctuary.

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6 hours ago, mr mr said:

no mention of race or color. seems to be a pattern.

Yes, it's a pattern on this forum for members to immediately demand race / skin colour before police have have completed investigations / briefed the press. Why skin colour is so important only you can answer the question. But don't worry, relevant info will be disclosed when police have completed their investigation.

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24 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

to the vast majority of people they are not ,but then we know you are not one of the vast majority.

And you have canvassed the vast majority? Are they happy for you to pronounce on their behalf?

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7 hours ago, pegman said:

Seems the knifeman was a Sudanese asylum seeker 

If this is true, then it lends itself to the belief that the U.K needs to rethink its immigration policy right now, and stop dicking around. This is the 2nd stabbing like this in a week from an Asylum seeker, and it needs to stop. If a government cannot protect its people then it is illegitimate.

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11 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Yes, it's a pattern on this forum for members to immediately demand race / skin colour before police have have completed investigations / briefed the press. Why skin colour is so important only you can answer the question. But don't worry, relevant info will be disclosed when police have completed their investigation.

A recent unrelated complaint against plod centered on the fact that they were 'looking for a sex attacker who had assaulted a woman' but weren't allowed to add that they were 'looking for a Man dressed in women's clothing' (which is why they hadn't caught anyone)! :blink:

Edited by evadgib
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7 minutes ago, Aspaltso said:

If this is true, then it lends itself to the belief that the U.K needs to rethink its immigration policy right now, and stop dicking around. This is the 2nd stabbing like this in a week from an Asylum seeker, and it needs to stop. If a government cannot protect its people then it is illegitimate.

It's a weekly occurrence. On mothers day a 7yo girl was all but beheaded in front of her mother by a 'woman from Bolton' who turned out to be Albanian.

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Internal unrest gives the government excuses for stricter and more aggressive internal control and policing.

You let in a few asylum seeking maniacs, then in the interests of equality you can treat everyone as a stabber.

The normal citizens who get killed, injured and subsequently oppressed are just collateral damage.

Believe the term is "social engineering" they knew exactly what they were doing encouraging "asylum" seekers............................................ ????

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

I didn't raise the issue of how our country treats ex servicemen, but you cannot expect it to be bandied about as a stick with which to bash immigrants without context, otherwise it is just weak and lazy analysis. 

"I didn't raise the issue of how our country treats ex servicemen" no but you pounced on it like a cat jumping on a mouse, as per predictable, this hatred will destroy you RR, learn to love Boris.

I can't remember how Labour did with rough sleepers, it was that far back.

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3 hours ago, johnray said:

This is what happens when you mess up a food order.

Most folk would simply leave a bad report on Trip Advisor. Obviously not enough for your average freeloading fake asylum seeking deranged knife wielding Sudani  bon vivant.

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