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COVID-19 is “worst crisis in Thai tourism history”: TAT spokesman


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7 hours ago, andy72 said:

quality over quantity


tell that to the almost half a million girls who prop up theit tourist industry


or the foul polluting tuk tuks 

take more than covid to change the ways of Thailand

how can it not be hurting over 20% of GDP plus its almost annual not seasonal

the EU opens while SE ASIA has not allocated a single travel bubble

Thailand is over the quality thing

been there done that once you have the low rent reputation it lingers

you is what you is 




I agree complete.


Talk about the Thai authorities trying to ' put lipstick on a pig! '


They are so removed from people on the ground, these pillocks belong in ' One flew over the cuckoos nest.'

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You're wrong,

WW2 provided Thailand with plenty of high value Japanese visitors.

Plus a lot of Brits Aussies Kiwis Dutch Indians and others too, all working/dieing away on the Railway to Burma!

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"Mr. Tanes said it will be a long time before Thailand again chalks up the 2019 record visitor arrivals of nearly 40 million."

They are still using that fake number for tourists entering Thailand 2019, when everyone knows that the real number wasn't even close to 40 million. On top of that, counting migrant workers coming and going as if they were tourists.

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Hundreds of scientists say coronavirus is airborne, ask WHO to revise recommendations – NYT

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3 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

china is cooking up some bubonic plague now so that will be next on the menu of woes

Although bubonic plague killed a large amount of people long long time ago , it was always present after and is easily controlled and treated ( when in time ) . It still kills a few people every year but "only" in less advanced ( read clean/big population / enough doctors ...) places .

Bubonic plague comes from a bacteria ( hence the treatment with antibiotics ) which lives in flea on rats/mice/hamsters .. .

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9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I suspect the closures, bankruptcies and unemployment have only just started.

Too many service providers and not enough customers ........ ever again.


Maybe they should start by returning immigration/VISA rules to the 'good old days' where any foreigner can come as often as they like, and stay for as long as they like.

They'll have to, at some point, there's little alternative in the matter. Not necessarily something I'm excited about, but that's the reality. Unfortunately there is no way to "skillfully managing the situation." Whatever play they think will turn things around to leaps and bounds, is simply just delusion. Even if they announced no restrictions for arrivals tomorrow, it still wouldn't turn it around. As I've said in other replies, the economic downturn has yet to be fully realized there.

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42 minutes ago, Starmocihc said:

They'll have to, at some point, there's little alternative in the matter. Not necessarily something I'm excited about, but that's the reality. Unfortunately there is no way to "skillfully managing the situation." Whatever play they think will turn things around to leaps and bounds, is simply just delusion. Even if they announced no restrictions for arrivals tomorrow, it still wouldn't turn it around. As I've said in other replies, the economic downturn has yet to be fully realized there.

Sad but probably true. The economic downturn of the tourist trade will start to have big knock on effects on other industries now such as cars, houses, clothes, shopping malls etc,,, it's going to be a very long recovery for Thailand and the rest of the world and that's assuming we don't have a second wave.. At the moment the USA is seeing huge rises again and India and South America are in the peak of suffering. We are months and months away from a global recovery, if not years. Thailand need to have a rethink on how they can create additional sources on income for the economy.

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13 hours ago, Xonax said:

If they upgrade all hotels and resorts to attract more quality tourists, they could hit 20% again. But I seriously doubt that will ever happen.

and where will all these "quality tourists " going to come from? thailand is simply not good value any more,if it wasn,t for vietnam being so close i wouldn,t bother.

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