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Thailand says monkey labour 'almost non-existent' after UK shop ban


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6 hours ago, englishoak said:

Sheep dogs arnt beaten to round up sheep and chained up... get a clue.

Worse - they are bred by man specifically for a life of enforced servility - Designer slaves.

Lamb from all such farms using dogs ought to be banned to maintain PETA ethics.

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2 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Brits learn from their mistakes and fought wars against slavery including the War of American Independence where blacks fought for their freedom in red coat regiments against the plantation owners and died in their thousands. 


The British banned slavery completely in the 1830s and enforced it on the oceans using the Royal Navy while many other nations continued to profit.


Slavery has never been legal or acceptable in England or Scotland while several states in the US ratified and legalised human slavery for profit very early on in their existence.


Anyway, history now so lets move on and concentrate on the monkeys yeh?

Well said. Some people are just racist and use any opportunity to make their silly point. Another lesson in history that we haven't quite tackled yet.

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9 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Idiotic campaigners? As history has shown us time and time again these "idiotic campaigners" who continue in the face of adversity are the only ones who ever create real change for good... People used to ridicule the "tree huggers" for campaigning against the felling of trees in the Amazon, now there are protective park rangers tackling illegal logging to preserve the rain forest. The looney environmentalists used to get grief and now the whole world is trying to tackle climate change. Intensive farming farming has been in the news for years and now organic eggs are the name of the game with many "caged hens" farms now out of business. Now vegans are highlighting the continued issue in the industry. Unfortunately some people will never learn from history...

Oh please, everyone knows animal rights extremists are among the worst kind of terrorists.

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8 minutes ago, Logosone said:

They have lost their minds. Since when do animal rights activists dictate trade relations between the UK and other countries? It's insane.


If you can not get your usual Waitrose products at Tops, you'll know who to thank, the animal rights extremists.


We should mount a counter boycott against PETA and other animal rights extremists who prevent us from buying delicious Waitrose croissants here in Thailand.

How many monkey lives does a croissant cost? PETA are not extremists, they are not violent in anyway. They are the type of organisation that actually get things changed. Most thinking people see the logic in what they say and change our behaviour, it takes time though because we all have to drag the rest of you along which is why societies consciousness takes so long too change. 

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

Oh please, everyone knows animal rights extremists are among the worst kind of terrorists.

Oh please stop talking nonsense, it is so tiring. Nobody would agree to extremist actions, however that is not what is happening here is it... Please think.. Actually think about this issue properly, I am confident anyone with a sensible, compassionate head would see this abuse is wrong and should be stopped.

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Animals are used in many professions, in fact they enjoy their work, well the animals that are taken care of and treated well.


Police, immigration, army use dogs.

Horses have been used for centuries to work, think some breweries still keep Shires.

Horses and dogs are used for betting at race courses, birds of prey are used for hunting, the list goes on and on, so what's wrong with monkeys working for food reward.


After all, this little monkey had to work from the age of 14....????

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

Animals are used in many professions, in fact they enjoy their work, well the animals that are taken care of and treated well.


Police, immigration, army use dogs.

Horses have been used for centuries to work, think some breweries still keep Shires.

Horses and dogs are used for betting at race courses, birds of prey are used for hunting, the list goes on and on, so what's wrong with monkeys working for food reward.


After all, this little monkey had to work from the age of 14....????

I think the point is that these monkeys are not treated well. They are snatched from their families in the wild and forced into animal slavery, beaten, mistreated and a lot end up going insane. That's why the supermarkets have banned their products. A bit different from the treatment of a police dog don't you think. You do get the difference right?

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24 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

How many monkey lives does a croissant cost? PETA are not extremists, they are not violent in anyway. They are the type of organisation that actually get things changed. Most thinking people see the logic in what they say and change our behaviour, it takes time though because we all have to drag the rest of you along which is why societies consciousness takes so long too change. 

I pay about 60 Baht per croissant, no monkey lives involved.


PETA are absolutely vegan extremists who tried to secure selfi-rights for monkeys. They claimed whales were "slaves".  They're vegan nutters. They fail in basically every litigation.


And that's being complimentary. We've all see the extremes to which animal rights terrorists go to in the last few decades.


I will keep buying Thai cocount milk without an ounce of guilt. You're not dragging me anywhere near your PETA nutcases.


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8 minutes ago, transam said:

Animals are used in many professions, in fact they enjoy their work, well the animals that are taken care of and treated well.


Police, immigration, army use dogs.

Horses have been used for centuries to work, think some breweries still keep Shires.

Horses and dogs are used for betting at race courses, birds of prey are used for hunting, the list goes on and on, so what's wrong with monkeys working for food reward.


After all, this little monkey had to work from the age of 14....????

The domesticated working animals have laws to protect them from abuse and neglect. In the UK and most developed countries people abusing animals are prosecuted, fined / imprisoned.


The animals you are talking about are domesticated and have been selecticily bred for hundreds of years for qualities that make them suitable for the work they do...and enjoy the work. They are trained using humane methods also. 


The monkeys are wild animals. They are also far more intelligent and emotional animals than a horse or dog. To capture them and take them off their mother is very stressful for them...it's basically similar to kidnapping a young child from its mother's arms. 


Posters think the adult monkeys picking the coconuts all look happy. Maybe they are while up the tree, or getting food rewards off their owners. But, do these posters know how they are housed and treated when they go home? They are kept on short chains attached to a post or in a small cage in isolation from each other. 


If people can't see it's immoral and cruel to take intelligent animals from the wild and cage them up / force them to work or perform tricks and train them using fear and pain...then there is something wrong with such people. 



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3 minutes ago, Logosone said:

I pay about 60 Baht per croissant, no monkey lives involved.


PETA are absolutely vegan extremists who tried to secure selfi-rights for monkeys. They claimed whales were "slaves".  They're vegan nutters. They fail in basically every litigation.


And that's being complimentary. We've all see the extremes to which animal rights terrorists go to in the last few decades.


I will keep buying Thai cocount milk without an ounce of guilt. You're not dragging me anywhere near your PETA nutcases.


PETA are the biggest animal rights activists in the world. As for an ineffective litigation team that's a complete load of rubbish,, I quote "It’s the first legal team from an animal advocacy organization to earn Corporate Counsel magazine’s prestigious nationwide Best Legal Department of 2017 honor. In the history of this award, only one other nonprofit organization has ever won."

I won't be buying Thai coconut milk. Neither will people all over the world soon by the looks of it. You won't be dragging me anywhere hear the heartless lump nutcases.

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15 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

I think the point is that these monkeys are not treated well. They are snatched from their families in the wild and forced into animal slavery, beaten, mistreated and a lot end up going insane. That's why the supermarkets have banned their products. A bit different from the treatment of a police dog don't you think. You do get the difference right?

You don't think other types of animal are not taken from their families, horses have to be broken in I thought too.

As for miss treatment, phone the RSPCA equivalent....

To me it sounds like another version of the BLM thingy....

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9 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

The domesticated working animals have laws to protect them from abuse and neglect. In the UK and most developed countries people abusing animals are prosecuted, fined / imprisoned.


The animals you are talking about are domesticated and have been selecticily bred for hundreds of years for qualities that make them suitable for the work they do...and enjoy the work. They are trained using humane methods also. 


The monkeys are wild animals. They are also far more intelligent and emotional animals than a horse or dog. To capture them and take them off their mother is very stressful for them...it's basically similar to kidnapping a young child from its mother's arms. 


Posters think the adult monkeys picking the coconuts all look happy. Maybe they are while up the tree, or getting food rewards off their owners. But, do these posters know how they are housed and treated when they go home? They are kept on short chains attached to a post or in a small cage in isolation from each other. 


If people can't see it's immoral and cruel to take intelligent animals from the wild and cage them up / force them to work or perform tricks and train them using fear and pain...then there is something wrong with such people. 



I didn't like going to work 6/7 days a week, but I had too...


You ever heard of the Big Top Circus...?


Sea World Florida...?

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7 minutes ago, transam said:

You don't think other types of animal are not taken from their families, horses have to be broken in I thought too.

As for miss treatment, phone the RSPCA equivalent....

To me it sounds like another version of the BLM thingy....

You dont seem to have any knowledge of animals at all. 


For your information....domesticated dogs, cat, horses etc are not taken away from their mother until they are weaned and reach the natural time these animal would become independent. 


They are not trained by beating and hurting them. 


The monkey are taken when babies, and there is much cruelty in training them and even in the way they are housed and cared for.

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

You don't think other types of animal are not taken from their families, horses have to be broken in I thought too.

As for miss treatment, phone the RSPCA equivalent....

To me it sounds like another version of the BLM thingy....

If they are it's wrong too. Action has been taken, the supermarkets are refusing to stock Thai products until they get a handle on this and stop the animal abuse. What the heck has BLM got to do with it? I assume you disagree with that as well?

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1 minute ago, jak2002003 said:

You dont seem to have any knowledge of animals at all. 


For your information....domesticated dogs, cat, horses etc are not taken away from their mother until they are weaned and reach the natural time these animal would become independent. 


They are not trained by beating and hurting them. 


The monkey are taken when babies, and there is much cruelty in training them and even in the way they are housed and cared for.

I have two cats and a dog at the mo, one kitten a few days old we found at the side of the road. It seems to be very happy upsetting rats and geckos.

I know nothing about cruelty training, but I do know most animals are trained to do jobs.




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3 hours ago, Emdog said:

Making animals work for humans? Outrageous! Boris Johnson's gf on this, so you know it's got to be real....
Next up: all HORSES except wild ones: no races, no carriages, no carts, no honor guards, no mounted cops, no riding schools, etc etc. DOGS: no seeing eye dogs, no drug sniffers, no K-9 corp, no guard dogs, no dog sleds (tho it seems they love that, but who knows true feelings?), no sheep herding dogs, no support dogs, etc. HONEYBEES: kept in unnatural cells, they work selves to death & then we steal the product of their labor! Paul Bunyun must set Babe free now! Camels! Birds! Falconry! Parakeets!
Pets! Tropical fish stolen from Asia & Australia have huge %age of death rates in transport (50%?), then put in some little glass box! We neuter our pets! How'd you like them to do that to you? Burmese pythons dumped in everglades and eating gators like red necks and pork rinds!
I'm sure many many more examples

Yay! save our silk worms! Been mistreated for centuries - just so some young, (and old) tart can wear silk knickers! and another thing - that making a silk purse - pig's ear thing.

Pigs Ears Matter - PEM!

Tear down that statue of Babe!

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9 hours ago, CLS said:

Thai defamation laws would make such a report impossible inland, even if it points out the truth and nothing but the truth.

Such laws are here only to protect the guilty and should be scrapped.


Can't say yes or nay to the accusations.  But I can say I have always seen many many trucks with coconuts on the highway and monkeys clinging to the sides. It's a daily ritual to tease my kids with them being related. 

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8 minutes ago, debbiedebbie said:

Says you ... only you because you're blinding yourself.

eyes wide open fella... and not "says me" says the press and multiples of other sources if you care to read, dont get why you guys cant see that its wrong,,, i would have thought anyone would think this practice is cruel and wrong,,,

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9 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

Can't say yes or nay to the accusations.  But I can say I have always seen many many trucks with coconuts on the highway and monkeys clinging to the sides. It's a daily ritual to tease my kids with them being related. 

i guess thats what they call circumstantial evidence. Of course Thai authorities would say something like the coconut business attracts people who like to keep pet monkeys and it's nothing to do with the harvesting of coconuts.. ????

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44 minutes ago, transam said:

I didn't like going to work 6/7 days a week, but I had too...


You ever heard of the Big Top Circus...?


Sea World Florida...?

Captivity is no joy for the captive.  Thinking about Sea World,  imagine swimming in circles for 50 years.  Truly heartbreaking.


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5 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

eyes wide open fella... and not "says me" says the press and multiples of other sources if you care to read, dont get why you guys cant see that its wrong,,, i would have thought anyone would think this practice is cruel and wrong,,,

Oh yeah, the news you select to read. And, of course, the source you choose to rely on: the nonsensical grandstanders and hypocrites called PETA. The world doesn't seemingly need your noses, just sayin'

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

How many monkey lives does a croissant cost? PETA are not extremists, they are not violent in anyway. They are the type of organisation that actually get things changed. Most thinking people see the logic in what they say and change our behaviour, it takes time though because we all have to drag the rest of you along which is why societies consciousness takes so long too change. 

Peta, for all they do right, aren't on the ball as far as some things are concerned. They kill dogs and cats if they aren't adopted, and are against breeding, animals that are for pet owners, and don't want us eating animals anyway, especially hunted deer. If they would stick to preventing animal abuse and exploitation, and stop the nonsense against hunting and eating meat, they would have more support. I am totally against abuse and exploitation of animals, but I won't stop hunting, nor eating meat and dairy products, so they lose me because of that.

Edited by fredwiggy
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