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Industrial estates told to prepare for flooding as heavy rainfall predicted


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Industrial estates told to prepare for flooding as heavy rainfall predicted




Bangpoo Industrial Estate


The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) has called on the management of industrial estates nationwide to keep an eye out for floods, after the Meteorological Department of Thailand has forecast heavier rainfall this year.


In a move to assure investors that their factories or manufacturing sites will not be flooded, the IEAT is checking each industrial estate’s preparedness, especially that of the Bangpoo Industrial Estate, which is located near the sea.


“Every industrial estate has been told to check its drainage system and they are all urged to dredge the troughs,” said IEAT governor Somchint Pilouk.


She added this operation will help the Bangpoo Industrial Estate and neighbouring communities to be prepared for floods. She also said that IEAT has called on all estate operators nationwide to check if their dykes are ready to protect their estates, and has also urged that they make pumps and generators ready to deal with heavy flooding.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30391037



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2020-07-10
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4 hours ago, webfact said:


The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) has called on the management of industrial estates nationwide to keep an eye out for floods, after the Meteorological Department of Thailand has forecast heavier rainfall this year.

It is not so long ago that the prediction was for less rain to fall this year.............LOL

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13 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Go on, I know your thinking it

Reminds me of Robin Williams' newscast in "Good Morning Vietnam":


"The Mississippi River broke through a protective dike today. What is a protective dike? Is that a large woman standing near the river going [in Butch voice] 'Don't go near there!' [in Girly voice] "But Betty-" [in Butch voice] 'Don't go near there! Get away from the river! Stay away from there.' I know, we can't use the word '****.' You can't even say 'lesbian,' it's 'women in comfortable shoes.' Thank you very much."

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18 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Now I know what a dyke joke is.

And why I didn't comment.

But suffice to say it's admirable to make use of the spare local labour at a time like this.

Edited by hotchilli
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