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Nearly one-third of tourism-related businesses 'may shut down permanently'


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Nong Nooch garden was busy the other day, according to the GF, full of Thai tourists.

Wait until tomorrow, when it will be besieged by expats over the age of 60 who qualify for free entry on a Monday, lol.

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1 hour ago, RR2020 said:

How is the South Korea 2nd wave ?  media was salivating over that recently wanting it to happen.........FAIL


How is the Beijing 2nd wave ? media was salivating over that recently wanting it to happen.........FAIL


The UK 2nd wave after protests and beaches full ?  media was salivating over that recently wanting it to happen.........FAIL


Media running out of scare stories ?  Now they are trying to hype up a Bollywood actor getting it.........its as if they want him to die to have a headline........... 


Thailand more people die on one weekend in road accidents than 6 months of Covid-19 ?


Cases of Covid rising but deaths going down rapidly ?


Now being realised most people have a T-cell response and are asymptomatic ?


Only 20% of people who get it may have an Antigen response ?  80% having a T-cell response ? Measuring for IgG or IgM is useless as most people T cell response ?


IFR rate projections now pointing to 0.05% to 0.1% (eg same as strong flu)


Projections now that 60% or more of the worlds population may already be immune from having a previous coronavirus infection (common cold).


Circa 2 million people dying from Tuberculosis every year and nobody cares (and there is a vaccine for it) ? Its a contagious disease - boring though isnt it just 2 million dead every year ?


The high early death rates seen was due to incorrect medical treatment ?  Using steroids killed people ? Using ventilators killed people ?


Now they know how to treat it (no steroids, no ventilators, use blood thinners etc...) death rates becoming very low ?


Euromono data how shows fewer people are dying in Europe than normal - gone from excess mortality weekly to now very few people dying weekly ?


2020 if this continues with less deaths than normal now, will see the year as a whole have exactly normal number of deaths same as every year ? EG Covid-19 in 2020 will see no additional deaths than is normal and this scenario is looking very likely now based on the Euromono data coming out.



At some point the world is going to realise that, looking back, in hindsight, this virus was nothing much, the media made it into something that it really was not and hundreds of millions of people suffered the consequences of that fear mongering.


Tourism in Thailand will die if this stupidity continues, the question is, who opens first wins............  If Thailand opens too late, or with too many restrictions, the losses will be more than other Asian countries and it may take 10 years to recover.............






Fear and scare mongers can't go along with facts and reality, so instead focus is now on new cases.


I'm still not sure why most governments are going off nursing home deaths from initial deaths that were brought into nursing homes around the world.  Italy, Sweden, US etc. 

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3 minutes ago, sahibji said:

that is oe serious impact on the tourism industry if one third of the tourism related establishments shut down permanently. the unemployment will go through the roof.

Large numbers of people employed in the tourism industry are seasonal workers who work in the industry during high season and then return home for the rest of the year, many have other interests such as agricultural holdings that also produce income. Phuket is staffed mainly with seasonal workers, during the low season the island can be quite empty as workers are back home, mostly in Issan. The same is true of other tourist locations, tourism related work is most often not a year round job for many. 

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

I hope that the tourism related business that uses the ugly and racist double pricing policies will fall and shut down first for good...

Never  mind that, whats  happened to mr  saucepan face?

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It may become Paradise lost and reclaimed once again and be slower and less fast paced with better services, but then who am I kidding other than myself...  


I will let you know as I am headed to Cape Panwa to spend 8 days all inclusive at the resort, so I will see if they are starving and try the old upsell.

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1 minute ago, JensenZ said:

They think that opening up will facilitate an influx of tourists? Where will they come from?

Nobody says an influx will come, however logic has it that something is always higher than zero. 

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