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COVID crisis may get "worse and worse": WHO sounds alarm as coronavirus cases rise by 1 million in five days


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13 minutes ago, rabas said:

Hi Rabas. A couple of interesting articles on it:


The first one posits a couple potentially much lower herd immunity % than previously and talks about t-cell immunity and cross coronations immunity and different scenarios. The second puts forward that up to 30% are immune based on cross covronavirus immunity and t cell response.





Edited by vermin on arrival
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22 minutes ago, rabas said:

Every disease causes the body to develop resistance to future infections. If it didn't we'd have died out thousands of years ago. Why should Corona be different?

Perhaps people don't understand how vaccines work? Vaccines work by infecting the body so resistance is developed.

If we don't develop resistance we are doomed, doomed I say.


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55 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Total BS.


Germany is not getting worse, Covid is still very much under control. Last I checked Germany was not in Asia.


Same with Norway, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Luxembourg, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Malta, Liechtenstein. 


None of those are in Asia.


The reality is of course that China, Japan, Thailand et al have not made a serious attempt at testing, and the figures that come out of Asia bear about as much semblance to reality as Rambo did to politics in Afghanistan.


Nobody trusts the numbers coming out of Asia, and with very good reason.


At least Europe made a real effort to be transparent and give honest figures. The same can not be said of Asia.



BS you said. I beg to differ and it’s always the nugget that Asia is not honest to prove a point. Like you to provide real evidence. 


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The sooner it does get endemic the better, IMO. Most will suffer little more than flu symptoms and the world gets to herd immunity sooner than by lockdowns and hiding in our rooms.

It kills few as a %, though that is never mentioned by government and WHO propaganda.

If we wait for a vaccine the world economies will be destroyed, IMO.


and very soon there will be a vaccine for it,

Hardly. Best estimates are a year and that risks a defective vaccine from not being tested enough. I certainly wouldn't be injected with anything that came out this year.


1 hour ago, Phoenix Rising said:

So herd immunity from Covid-19 has been proven?

You reacted to my question with an LOL emoji. Just to let you know there is no clearer way of signalling that you admit you're wrong.

Wanna try again?

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5 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

BS you said. I beg to differ and it’s always the nugget that Asia is not honest to prove a point. Like you to provide real evidence. 


This one does for Thailand. Antibody test and excess deaths show huge lies.: https://bangkokherald.com/coronavirus/new-evidence-casts-doubts-on-accuracy-of-thailands-official-coronavirus-statistics/

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5 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

With due respect, the article did admit that their news is based on anecdotal reports. I neither believe or disbelieve. 

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4 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

the no of cases has gone way higher and the no of deaths way lower,whats that tell us?its not as deadly as we were told thats a clear statistic,it will get lower ,the death rate as we will test more outside of the sick with symptoms and the hospital workers who r most exposed and we will find many more cases and they wont be heading to the morgue.lets see how low it does go,endda the mnth and WHO and co will be scurrying to spin this .MSM will be on overtime telling us we all could get it no doubt.but almost no ones dying ,ummm wheres that leave us?with a rate of death that will resemble what other respiratory disease ?well lets check the stats and the trend in a few weeks from now but i know where my money is and it aint on WHO china or the generals.what do those 3 have in common,now come on be polite TV dont allow that kind of language


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9 hours ago, drizzel said:


WHO says coronavirus death rate is 3.4%

globally, higher than previously thought PUBLISHED TUE, MAR 3 2020

The first untrue story ,


" However, we now also know that most people do not die from Corona but with Corona.

In addition, the number of corona deaths increases as more people are tested.


So this killer machine the Killer virus, is NOT The killer Virus what he say before. 

The numbers are lower than the flu in 2018.



Vaccine is not a cure , 


swine flu vaccine



Pharmaceutical GSK has withheld information about the strikingly serious side effects of the Pandemrix vaccine against swine flu.

This is stated in an article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), reports the NOS.

According to the magazine, more than 1100 reports were received by manufacturer GSK in late November 2009 about the serious side effects of Pandemrix.

The number of reports was more than eleven times the number for the identical flu vaccine Arepanrix.

But also in the months that followed, the number of serious side effects remained much higher with Pandemrix than with Arepanrix.

GSK nevertheless continued vaccination campaign
The BMJ has obtained internal documents from the pharmaceutical company GSK, which alleged that GSK was aware of the safety problems of Pandemrix but still continued the vaccination campaign.

The pieces come from a lawsuit against the manufacturer and the Irish health authorities. In the process, it is claimed that Pandemrix would cause narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy is a condition in which people suddenly fall asleep without being able to defend themselves, even during the day.

Pharmaceutical GSK did not want to respond substantively to the BMJ as long as no decision has yet been made by the judge.

The Netherlands



Is this for real?  What utter nonsense.  The author must have had a few when writing this. I want the 3 minutes of my life back that it took to read this nonsense.

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1 hour ago, vermin on arrival said:

Hi Rabas. A couple of interesting articles on it:


The first one posits a couple potentially much lower herd immunity % than previously and talks about t-cell immunity and cross coronations immunity and different scenarios. The second puts forward that up to 30% are immune based on cross covronavirus immunity and t cell response.





Have seen a number of articles recently, based on the experience in Sweden, that herd immunity is 80%.  This based on people having antibodies developed from other past cronovirus infections that are effective against Covid .... which is not that ‘novel’ as we were first led to believe. 

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9 minutes ago, johnnysunshine said:

Dr Joseph Mercola, another crazy quack using pseudoscientific advice and promoting his website for his lucrative business of selling alternative medicine treatments, dietary supplements and medical devices.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

With due respect, the article did admit that their news is based on anecdotal reports. I neither believe or disbelieve. 

"The second piece of evidence comes courtesy of the Public Health Ministry itself, which said the Disease Control Department has nearly completed testing of Thailand’s at-risk population and found no infections.

Dr. Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai, the department’s director-general, said the ministry has

conducted nearly 100,000 coronavirus tests on medical personnel, delivery people, public-transport officials, prison guards, inmates, mail carriers, migrant workers and those working in public and entertainment venues.

approximately 20,000 people were all found to have coronavirus antibodies, meaning they had been exposed to, or even infected with, the coronavirus but never developed symptoms serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit.

That high-risk population was tested randomly using statistical sampling methods with everyone receiving the most-accurate Reverse Transcription PCR test. He said 80 percent of those tested were found to be virus-free.

The real news, however, involves the other 20 percent. These approximately 20,000 people were all found to have coronavirus antibodies, meaning they had been exposed to, or even infected with, the coronavirus but never developed symptoms serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit."


"Up-to-date excess deaths statistics are not available, but, for example, by the end of March, Thailand had almost 2,400 more deaths than usually reported, 40 times the 57 deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 by the end of that month."


Did you read the whole article? This is anecdotal? With all due respect, not at all.. That was only one of the things mentioned. The antibody test results and excess death are not anecdotal. Please read more carefully. Or do you think the Doctor Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai from the Health Ministry discussing the antibody tests is anecdotal?


Also, please note if 100,000 random tests on at risk people found 20,000 with covid antibodies, the number from the general population must be hugely greater.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

BS you said. I beg to differ and it’s always the nugget that Asia is not honest to prove a point. Like you to provide real evidence. 


Whatever it is, lack of honesty, lack of wanting to do the work, lack of resources, there is absolutely NO doubt AT ALL that:


1) The numbers of out China are wildly inaccurate (see Hong Kong study in the Lancet as published by Guardian)


2) In Japan there was a serious effort, until recently, to only test the extremely sick, thereby of course skewing results so as to be meaningless


3) In Thailand 99% of people have not been tested.


So how you can seriously say "Asia" has handled the pandemic better when you don't even KNOW the case numbers or death figures in most Asian countries, is frankly mysterious.

Edited by Logosone
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I fear after several years we will have a lot of people who died from this virus, but the economy is already destroyed by trying to prevent these deaths.

We get the worst of both worlds.


So we need more common sense how to prevent spreading without destroying everything. There will be dead people, no way around it.


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31 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

Have seen a number of articles recently, based on the experience in Sweden, that herd immunity is 80%.  This based on people having antibodies developed from other past cronovirus infections that are effective against Covid .... which is not that ‘novel’ as we were first led to believe. 

So are you saying that they are at 80% or need 80%? The issue of % needed for herd immunity is being much debated. The conventional wisdom is 60-80%, but some are saying it is less, and some are saying much much less...all the way down to the 20% infection rate of the Diamond Princess. I'm not saying what it is. I'm just pointing out the many alternative viewpoints from the medical community on this issue.

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11 minutes ago, car720 said:

I wonder if the medics in the ICUs around the world would concur?

They would if they knew the ifr was somewhere between .04% to .50% depending on who you believe.  That's 4 out of 10000 people up to 50 out of 10,000.  In addition to this, average age of death in places like Italy, Sweden and others is over 80 years old.  So yes, I bet they would concur.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Nearly 17 million died in Russia alone last world war. How many have died world wide because of Corona, not with Corona?

575841 as of today.  Just the first 6 months.  Russia lost her people over 4 years.  I think the toll will be higher this time.

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32 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

"The second piece of evidence comes courtesy of the Public Health Ministry itself, which said the Disease Control Department has nearly completed testing of Thailand’s at-risk population and found no infections.

Dr. Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai, the department’s director-general, said the ministry has

conducted nearly 100,000 coronavirus tests on medical personnel, delivery people, public-transport officials, prison guards, inmates, mail carriers, migrant workers and those working in public and entertainment venues.

approximately 20,000 people were all found to have coronavirus antibodies, meaning they had been exposed to, or even infected with, the coronavirus but never developed symptoms serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit.

That high-risk population was tested randomly using statistical sampling methods with everyone receiving the most-accurate Reverse Transcription PCR test. He said 80 percent of those tested were found to be virus-free.

The real news, however, involves the other 20 percent. These approximately 20,000 people were all found to have coronavirus antibodies, meaning they had been exposed to, or even infected with, the coronavirus but never developed symptoms serious enough to warrant a doctor’s visit."


"Up-to-date excess deaths statistics are not available, but, for example, by the end of March, Thailand had almost 2,400 more deaths than usually reported, 40 times the 57 deaths officially attributed to Covid-19 by the end of that month."


Did you read the whole article? This is anecdotal? With all due respect, not at all.. That was only one of the things mentioned. The antibody test results and excess death are not anecdotal. Please read more carefully. Or do you think the Doctor Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai from the Health Ministry discussing the antibody tests is anecdotal?


Also, please note if 100,000 random tests on at risk people found 20,000 with covid antibodies, the number from the general population must be hugely greater.

You really should avoid relying on news for evidence. Try this WHO report. 

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11 minutes ago, steelepulse said:

They would if they knew the ifr was somewhere between .04% to .50% depending on who you believe.  That's 4 out of 10000 people up to 50 out of 10,000.  In addition to this, average age of death in places like Italy, Sweden and others is over 80 years old.  So yes, I bet they would concur.

Not sure that I understand your point exactly.  Also are you saying that it is ok for the elderly to die as long as the others don't?  May I ask your age.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

You really should avoid relying on news for evidence. Try this WHO report. 

Covid pcr results, not including results of antibody tests, and not considering data from excess deaths. Certainly official WHO confirmed cases by pcr tests include neither and both, especially antibody tests, are really important for understanding things. It appears clear that based on additional data, things have been grossly under reported. In any case, if that's the only data you will consider, I think this discussion will go nowhere. Have a great day : )

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I have given up with this s**t.

I no longer believe the news.

Yes, there are lots of irresponsible people and leaders of countries.

Yes, some people are susceptible and will die.

For goodness sake if so many people need to be tested to know if they have it, then it's not such a killer flu is it!?

I believe that most governments are using it as a political tool to

- control their masses

- pass dodgy bills and laws without being noticed

- introduce laws which would have never been accepted

- incite unrest among their own people


I wouldn't be surprised if many people in Thailand had it in 2019 and we have built up some kind of immunity. Let's face it, many Chinese visited here!


I really am very bored of Covid 19!

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