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PM urges press to tone down reports on new Covid-19 cases


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18 hours ago, webfact said:

He said the latest case in Rayong province was the government’s fault and anybody affected by it will be provided with help.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall, I bet someone's getting a good 6-lace holes as we speak!

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The press world wide are reporting covid infections like football scores. However, the infections don't matter, all that matters is the death rate with a so called pandemic, which is actually falling. They also generally leave off the age of those dying to make it look worse. This entire debacle has been fueled by the media, the Thai PM is correct, its all fear porn for ratings.

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On 7/15/2020 at 3:21 PM, Anton9 said:

And all of this for a single aymptomatic case, they better close their country down forever with this scared sheep attitude.

Better to go the USA route they only had 65,370 new cases today-probably undercounted, but not too bad 

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11 minutes ago, Redline said:

Better to go the USA route they only had 65,370 new cases today-probably undercounted, but not too bad 

Why always bring up USA, there are plenty of countries in Europe who got it bad at the beginning but now having a less hysterical approach without the paranoia and scaremongering.

Having a covid free country is not possible in the long term, they will realize it once the economy will be totally destroyed.

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Just now, Anton9 said:

Why always bring up USA, there are plenty of countries in Europe who got it bad at the beginning but now having a less hysterical approach without the paranoia and scaremongering.

Having a covid free country is not possible in the long term, they will realize it once the economy will be totally destroyed.

What is your solution?

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3 minutes ago, Anton9 said:

Test, isolate and go on with our lives.

Clowing down schools because there is a single asymptomatic case detected 10 km away is totally overreacting.

Sure, but they don’t test here.  It looks like there are more cases in Thailand anyway-who were these positive people?


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4 minutes ago, Redline said:

Sure, but they don’t test here.  It looks like there are more cases in Thailand anyway-who were these positive people?


If they were Thai people, maybe they got it after the plane was out of Thai airspace? Local transmission does not happen inside Thailand. 

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On 7/15/2020 at 2:55 PM, webfact said:

When the PM asked what scares people into not leaving home, the answer he got was “the press”, and in response to that he told reporters: “You should ease off on spreading news about recent cases. Tell people to shop as usual as the situation is not severe.”


Moreover, he said, Thailand had suffered the Covid-19 crisis before and effectively brought it to an end.

Finally he understands that scaremongering is something bad - at least as long as it does not work in his favor.


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I have no doubt Thai people have immunity to respiratory things because jan 2-7 2020 I had the most terrible bout of fever and coughing  a man wants to get.  somehow GF didn't get it.  No way did  Thailand have zero infected chinese out of the Jan/feb tourists.  Why did government tell provincial health officials to stop releasing  any info before sending  to BKK.  Now trump has done the same thing.  all case info now  goes to White House before CDC.  f me.  

I dont think the whinners here  are missing the gals because surely there is take out or their hand.  I can only guess its drinking alone that is killing these alcoholics. 

There are lasting  effects with this covid that we dont fully understand.   A local man here in utah still doesn't have his taste or smell back.  how would that be the rest of your life?

Damaged liver,  or heart?  scared lungs? Many of you whiners have been taking health risks for years in Thailand so this is no big deal.   

I'm glad Thailand appears to be doing well.  but USA surely isnt.

yes there are many other ways to die.  Yes we need to work on reducing those.  

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