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Medical professor recommends delay of travel bubble for at least 6 months


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1 minute ago, kurtcap said:

I guess the fact he has a stable income and is surrounded by financially stable friends and family has nothing to do with his comments. As opposed the people in tourist destinations or daily income which relies on tourists that are sleeping in closed bars and eating from charitable hang outs. Just saying.

Even the charitable hand outs have dried up around where I live people can only donate so much and that has dried up, Now what?

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15 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Your business in difficulty or failing?

Sorry, but the health of the country it seems is a priority.  As it should be.

Wrecking the economy through hysteria will not improve the health of the country , the very opposite.

Its sad to see westerners in favour of this ridiculous inaction , are you really so full of fear , watch out for the mossies , they are coming for you !

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15 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Isn’t the idea of a travel bubble to group together Countries where it isn’t “Still surging” in an attempt to try and move things forwards?

this will not work at all.


Whoever enters Thailand doesn't matter who it is must have a reason to be there work, family, business and to do 14 days quarantine no if or buts

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15 hours ago, Kadilo said:

“He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others.”


What the <deleted> that got to do with allowing foreign visitors in?

Internally there have been no new cases reported for over 50 days so therefore there should be a very low risk of anyone spreading the virus! So as long as they don't let international tourism there shouldn't in theory be a problem. 

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15 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Your business in difficulty or failing?

Sorry, but the health of the country it seems is a priority.  As it should be.

but at what cost? No Covid deaths but the country will be an economic dust bowl

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7 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Six months is maybe optimistic and by then we will be in the middle of a global economic meltdown in which not many people will be travelling for leisure.


Folk thinking everything will be back to normal in 6-8 months still haven't grasped the severity of the situation and the coming economic storm.

i think for many people your right ,but some have done better ,our son runs a company at Leamb Chabang and has had to take on two more staff ,but next door the company there has closed down ,my daughter in the UK has had a massive upsurge in business ,why ? the internet people who used to shop for her product now shop on the internet ,where she advertizes.

but i do feel so sorry for the traders and workers who have lost their jobs, its a tragedy,a couple of my wifes running club have been laid off ,and they thought they had well paid jobs for life.

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So many comments of ‘this is so stupid’ and ‘they have no idea’. Makes me wonder what lofty heights the commenters have achieved in life that qualifies to judge in such matters, and what they are doing lowering themselves to pass judgement onto us, the great unwashed. 

Edited by MadMuhammad
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15 hours ago, Kadilo said:

“He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others.”


What the <deleted> that got to do with allowing foreign visitors in?

It more sounds to me he's being a mouthpiece for the government propaganda rather than following scientific facts.

And this as a doctor....

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

The whole world is facing financial meltdown this Autumn.

Jobs are gone forever, rent can't be paid, mortgage can't be repaid.

There will obviously be financial grief for a couple of years but economies will recover , some far quicker than others.

Having no plan other than waiting for the virus to go away , will ensure that Thailands economy will be wrecked longer than most.

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15 hours ago, Kadilo said:

“He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others.”


What the <deleted> that got to do with allowing foreign visitors in?

Possibly he feels that an increased risk of domestic cases as a result of relaxed behaviour and relaxed restrictions, should not be supplemented by An increased risk of imported cases, which might easily infect locals as a result of aforementioned relaxed behaviour?

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15 hours ago, Kadilo said:

“He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others.”


What the <deleted> that got to do with allowing foreign visitors in?

Couldn't possibly be anything to do with the reluctance of foreigners to wear masks or social distancing.

Do you really think that these people do not pay any attention to the news coming out of places like the US & UK.


Anti-Mask Rallies Continue In U.S. Amid Rising Coronavirus Cases And Deaths


Edited by sandyf
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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The travel bubble plan, which would allow small groups of foreign tourists to visit Thailand, should be shelved for at least another six months, because of the high-risk of COVID-19 infection, said Associate Professor Dr. Thira Woratanarat of the Faculty of Medical Science of Chulalongkorn University.

When did T.A.T ever take notice of risks.... and that includes the "safe secure trusted whatever whatever Thailand" 

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Say goodbye to Thai tourism industry as part of the countries economy.

Nevermind, the good doctor and his general friends will still get their salary every month and feast from the taxpayers trough like parasites.

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16 hours ago, Kadilo said:

“He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others.”


What the <deleted> that got to do with allowing foreign visitors in?

and if  there is  NONE  in thailand for 50+  days then whats the risk

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15 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

I don’t know why you think that. Tourism and related industries, yes. But over the last month I drove from Phuket to Udon Thani stopping overnight at a couple of towns along the way. Chumphon, Udon Thani, pretty much bustling as normal. Ayudhya, 50/50. Phuket, a dust bowl as you suggest.


Clearly the Thai economy will have to adjust somewhat given the relatively large tourism sector, but that isn’t the be all and end all of the Thai economy. Not saying times won’t be tough overall and disastrous for those in the tourism industry, but it’s not a wipe out.


There are plenty of examples of industries going into sudden decline. Tin mining in Cornwall, England, coal mining in some countries, steel making in others, ship building in the north of England, etc etc. And they were pretty much permanent declines. At least Thai tourism has a chance to come back and, quite honestly, in better shape, because pre pandemic there was an over supply of hotels, restaurants, bars, massage parlours, many of whom complained of tough times back then. Now some will go out of business and supply will gradually align with demand.


a hard but necessary road.

Exactly. Every country in the world will have areas that are heavily dependent on tourism and it cannot be denied that they will struggle for some time to come.

Necessity is the mother of learning and going forward there be a certain amount of restructuring but probably not in the way that most expats would prefer.

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16 hours ago, Kadilo said:

“He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others.”


What the <deleted> that got to do with allowing foreign visitors in?

Nothing its apparent govts have found new power in this CV and their playing to the maximum but only if you allow it. Wake up people.

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16 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Your business in difficulty or failing?

Sorry, but the health of the country it seems is a priority.  As it should be.

you are crazy!!! corona virus in Thailand killed little people. Thailand road traffic kills over 1,000 people every year.  who is more dangerous?  

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I guess he is yet another reach man and doesn't have to worry about food or sleeping in the streets. Enough is enough. If you want to continue with the shutdown then you need to create a new relief package and this for business owner special within hospitality business. I rather have corona virus than total bankruptcy.

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