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Nearly one in six Britons would refuse Covid-19 vaccine

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And for anybody else like Innosiem, who is 'confused' by my post.

I refer you to the public attitude changes, to drink drivers, and those who do not wear seat belts, in the UK. Those that make the 'choice' to put themselves and those around them at risk, are now seen as ignorant and dangerous. Their employment choices are severely limited.


However if you are a retired hermit please feel free to find a deserted Island and do your own thing, I guess you may have to give up interaction on the internet, but then who needs it eh? Better than having a little jab.

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5 minutes ago, 473geo said:


I refer you to the public attitude changes, to drink drivers, and those who do not wear seat belts, in the UK. Those that make the 'choice' to put themselves and those around them at risk, are now seen as ignorant and dangerous.


Comparing those with genuine concerns about covid-19 mass-vaccination with 'drunk drivers' that put everybody at risk?



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On 7/24/2020 at 6:57 PM, Why Me said:

You are allowed to have opinions, question stuff and ingest what you like on your own dime. But you are not allowed to endanger others. Polio, rubella, measles and on and on were eliminated (well, except where loons rule) thanks to mass vaccination. The way the herd stays safe is the herd vaccinating. We're as strong as our weakest link.


Now, off to the anti-vax loon forum with you, doc.

Your authoritarian tone is what's endangering others. And none of what you are saying is even close to true. All those diseases had declined to almost zero BEFORE vaccines for them came into use.

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33 minutes ago, 473geo said:

And for anybody else like Innosiem, who is 'confused' by my post.

I refer you to the public attitude changes, to drink drivers, and those who do not wear seat belts, in the UK. Those that make the 'choice' to put themselves and those around them at risk, are now seen as ignorant and dangerous. Their employment choices are severely limited.


However if you are a retired hermit please feel free to find a deserted Island and do your own thing, I guess you may have to give up interaction on the internet, but then who needs it eh? Better than having a little jab.

since when have drink drivers not been seen as ignorant and dangerous ?
why would i need to give up online interaction ?

yes, i decided when i was 15 i would be retiring the same age footballers do????
what personal goals have you accomplished ?

the "go away your opinion differs to mine and its making my head hurt" attitude
is a clear sign of cognitive dissonance 
which is really common here on TVF,
it seems to be more contagious than the "virus" ????

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7 minutes ago, drbeach said:

Your authoritarian tone is what's endangering others. And none of what you are saying is even close to true. All those diseases had declined to almost zero BEFORE vaccines for them came into use.

OH you didn't go there did you????
this gonna be a hard one for you to get through the brick walls ????

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16 minutes ago, innosiem said:

since when have drink drivers not been seen as ignorant and dangerous ?
why would i need to give up online interaction ?

yes, i decided when i was 15 i would be retiring the same age footballers do????
what personal goals have you accomplished ?

the "go away your opinion differs to mine and its making my head hurt" attitude
is a clear sign of cognitive dissonance 
which is really common here on TVF,
it seems to be more contagious than the "virus" ????

Ah your 'youth' betrays you


You missed the formative years where drink driving continued unabated by those exercising their 'freedom of choice'

You missed the anti seat belt drivers who wished to exercise their 'freedom of choice'


I have no interest in why or when you chose to retire, does that surprise you? Therefore your interest in my achievements I take as a compliment, but really you are better off not knowing


I suggest the general consensus might be to alienate the cause of concern, and indeed provide historic examples, where public perception has seen quite an adjustment. This appears beyond your level of comprehension. Which of course begs the question.......

  • Confused 2
8 minutes ago, drbeach said:

Well I'm glad you're not running the country, because you would make people like Stalin or Kim Jong Un proud.


And only a fraction of Thais/citizens of neighboring countries think like you.


From my observations at gas (petrol) station restrooms: few Thai men wash their hands. A lot less than back home. At shopping malls: many Thai restaurant workers don't wash their hands after using the toilet.


Elsewhere: Thais only wear masks when they are forced to (obviously) except a few fearful types.

Laotians and Cambodians haven't worn masks since the beginning of this crisis because there is no need (except a small number of businesses and to get on planes). Vietnamese have been allowed to remove their masks since May (except since today in Danang, a new case has got everyone putting them back on...but only in Danang).


Thais have never done social distancing from the beginning. Some Thais refuse to wear masks even in places they're asked to (can't blame them). Plenty of Thais ask questions about vaccines and plenty don't use the tracing app.


Most Thais, like people in other countries believe the world will eventually go back to normal. Only maniacs like you think people are going to accept such intrusions on their civil liberties like you are proposing.

Well done


I guess if a vaccine is available and an outbreak of covid occurs, you have set out the reasons why the vaccine should be mandatory in Thailand


Actually why even wait for the 'outbreak' right? I mean covid could be imported by foreigners any time in the near future


Thank you

  • Confused 1
12 hours ago, checkered flag said:

First. Citing the WHO as a source is stupid, they have zero credibility as far as C19. Second, when you leave I hope you don't continue talking trash for others to read, unless you are just trolling.

Hmm? You're a pro vaxxer who says the WHO has no credibility? You do realize it' the WHO which imposes vaccine requirements, such as the yellow fever one around the world? It's also the WHO who is telling governments how to handle this crisis.


You are a troll and a terrible one at that.

  • Haha 2
17 minutes ago, 473geo said:

You missed the formative years where drink driving continued unabated by those exercising their 'freedom of choice'

Since 1962 it has been an offence to drive while impaired (drunk) and limit set in 1967
so since BEFORE then they have been seen as dangerous 
which is way before my time started????‍♂️

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3 hours ago, 473geo said:

Yesterday masks in shops became compulsory in the UK, with only medical issue exception. I visited for the first time this morning, and all but one old fossil wore masks

I was out and about in London shops today, hardly any difference to this time last week, lots of people without masks, shop keepers mostly not enforcing, waitrose are but the line of people outside is much smaller, police have stated they will not be answering calls to shops for mask issues unless there is violence involved. In this area, near Kings Cross, masks are not the main issue as a lot of people are questioning the validity of the whole cov exercise, they are being warned about a second wave but still waiting for the first. BTW, the police don't wear masks here and neither do many of the shop keepers. There are a lot of people wearing them as chin protectors

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On 7/21/2020 at 8:07 PM, Yinn said:

Hmm, I think everyone (thai) will get vaccine. Better than loose business, job.


I agree people lazy to wear mask now a bit. Still necessary supermarket, plaza. 

Because we win covid already.


No case now 50+ day already. If have, everybody be serious again, sure.

Well mate, best go around and convince your fellow Brits that they should take the vaccine. ????

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5 hours ago, Why Me said:

Neither clause absolves the manufacturer of liability for a defective product. Repeat: they and the oversight agency will be in criminal court if intentional avoidance of regulations and/or data fraud is proved in the development process.

yet in reality they can can get away with murder, literally:


it's hardly surprising people don't trust these companies when they put profit before lives

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28 minutes ago, 7fish said:

yet in reality they can can get away with murder, literally:


it's hardly surprising people don't trust these companies when they put profit before lives

The famous Cutter affair. I don't for one moment deny there are unethical business people. In every industry. My point was that bogus vaccine claims and consequent injury will be subject to lawsuits and massive settlements. In fact, I believe Bayer-Cutter paid nearly a billion to infected hemophiliacs.


Sure, that''s not a guarantee but a deterrent. But you have to take into account the whole world will be watching Company X as billions of their C-19 doses are dispensed globally, world leaders line up outside their front office and share prices go through the ionosphere. Can you imagine what will happen if subsequently it's found they cheated their way to the front of the pack and their product is ineffective or worse harmful?


Heck, Pharma bro got 7 years on a minor technicality because everyone, specially the 12 on the jury, hated the little punk's guts. The top brass at Moderna, Oxford et al aren't dumb. They know exactly what's at stake. You can bet they'll make sure every box is checked, every reg is filled and their backsides are covered from butt cheek to butt cheek before even releasing one dose commercially.

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9 hours ago, drbeach said:

And I realize that in countries like Thailand contrary to what the xenophobic tyrant Yinn thinks

I not xenophobic.

i happy if foreigner with vaccine, wear mask, tracing app follow rules.


But not want argue idiots not wear mask refuse the rules. Most countrys same. 


All the anti anti vaxer loon say “it is poison, will make autistic” etc

The vaccine NOT invent yet. = all the loons scared something they no knowledge about.

i see the anti vaxer is also anti mask, anti tracing app etc.

Difficult immature people. Low intelligence, believe Facebook, not listen the doctor.


10 hours ago, drbeach said:

And no one in their right mind, anywhere in the world will accept having to wear a mask indefinitely.


This people is the problem. Sell fish. 


Many this idiot kill themself. I not care. But I care they spread it because stupid.


The local blues musician and small-time street preacher became a symbol and a punchline, presented as a pandemic-denying Trumpistevangelical who got what he deserved. But Landon Spradlin wasn’t killed by his misguided religious beliefs, and he deserves better than to be remembered as a punchline. He died because he came from a casually conservative rural America that has become worryingly detached from reality over the pandemic, and thousands of others could follow his path.







Richard Rose died aged 37 on July 4 in the US state of Ohio due to complications relating to COVID-19, according to his obituary.

Just over nine weeks earlier, he took to Facebook to express his strong opinion on being asked to wear a face mask in public to curb transmission of the virus.

“Let make this clear. I’m not buying a f***ing mask. I’ve made it this far by not buying into that damn hype,” his April 29 post read.






100+ more same this idiots.


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9 hours ago, Why Me said:

Man alive, the loons are out in force on a Saturday night.

Millions of the loons.

Dangerous for the normal people. 


I have freind with limp leg. Because his parents not give him polio vaccine. Sad life.

13 hours ago, Why Me said:

I don't see the video I asked for but I'll give you credit for trying with facts. However, your reading of the law is wrong. Quoting from above:

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable ... even though the vaccine was properly prepared

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable ... solely due to the manufacturer’s failure to provide direct warnings


Neither clause absolves the manufacturer of liability for a defective product. Repeat: they and the oversight agency will be in criminal court if intentional avoidance of regulations and/or data fraud is proved in the development process.


In fact, the Oct. 1, 1988 date should be the clue. The VCIP was established that day to shield manufacturers from (the one in million) cases of injury by a properly manufactured vaccine so that the distribution of doses wouldn't be compromised by regular court proceedings.

nobody is talking about "defective" products (as you twist your argument)
they are not liable if the vaccine is produced as it should be and they do provide health warnings (leaflet)
so if they do everything as they should and provide a leaflet stating risk and the vaccine gives people brain damage, they are not liable
why is that so hard to understand and more importantly accept ?

No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988,

Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Protecting Vaccine Makers from State Lawsuits

and do you really think monetary compensation solves anything ?

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What happens when anti bodies fade quickly?  Is everyone going to get in the queue for another injection? 




"“I just don’t see a vaccine coming anytime soon,” said Nevan Krogan, a molecular biologist and director of UCSF’s Quantitative Biosciences Institute, which works in partnership with 100 research laboratories. “People do have antibodies, but the antibodies are waning quickly.” And if antibodies diminish, “then there is a good chance the immunity from a vaccine would wane too.”


How about the up to 80% that have their t cells already having been exposed to a similar corona virus ( the common cold) and this particular coronavirus does not affect them?  Why would they want to get a forced, untested and unproven vaccine when their body is already beating this particular coronavirus?

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14 minutes ago, innosiem said:

so if they do everything as they should and provide a leaflet stating risk and the vaccine gives people brain damage, they are not liable
why is that so hard to understand and more importantly accept ?

Xactly, which is as it should be. Though I haven't seen any brain damage warning. The usual, fever, diarrhea, ..., like almost every OTC drug on the market.


But the occasional (1 in a million according to stats) serious adverse reaction is picked up by the VICP if there is a complaint.


But what an earlier dingbat, not you, another dingbat I forget his name, said is that manufacturer is never liable for a defective product. Which isn't true. I'll try to make this simple for you:

1. You take a painkiller and get a bad reaction in the form of a rash, It's listed way down in the fine print as a possible adverse reaction. Zero liability.

2. You take a painkiller and end up brain damaged. Nowhere does it say this can happen. Turns out the manufacturer never tested on dingbats which is 1/6 of the population. Dingbat metabolism is different. Manufacturer knows this but willfully skipped testing on dingbats. But sold to them anyway. Big big liability.


Get it? Now run along.

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Just now, Why Me said:

Xactly, which is as it should be. Though I haven't seen any brain damage warning. The usual, fever, diarrhea, ..., like almost every OTC drug on the market.


But the occasional (1 in a million according to stats) serious adverse reaction is picked up by the VICP if there is a complaint.


But what an earlier dingbat, not you, another dingbat I forget his name, said is that manufacturer is never liable for a defective product. Which isn't true. I'll try to make this simple for you:

1. You take a painkiller and get a bad reaction in the form of a rash, It's listed way down in the fine print as a possible adverse reaction. Zero liability.

2. You take a painkiller and end up brain damaged. Nowhere does it say this can happen. Turns out the manufacturer never tested on dingbats which is 1/6 of the population. Dingbat metabolism is different. Manufacturer knows this but willfully skipped testing on dingbats. But sold to them anyway. Big big liability.


Get it? Now run along.

who are talking about pain killers or defective products?
you try to make out vaccine manufacturers are not liable, which is false

and damage can be real, just look at Narcolepsy and death caused by H1N1 vaccines????‍♂️

the only people that supposedly test vaccines for safety are the manufacturers themselves
they say they are safe, and that is widely accepted as OK, without any independent testing????‍♂️
its a bit like when food products state "healthy" on their packaging????‍♂️

and another textbook example of cognitive dissonance
"now run along" ????

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On 7/22/2020 at 8:30 AM, Peter Denis said:

Did it ever occur to you that those 'selfish people' you want to punish, might have very good reasons for refusing vaccination?

The only selfish one here is yourself, who wants to punish those with other convictions because they would - in your opinion - benefit from the 'free ride' by those that choose to get vaccinated.

I am disgusted by such attitude!

The selfish people are the anti Vaxers. There are always some people who will not be able to get vaccinated due to health issues and being too young. Your actions in not getting vaccinated are putting these people at risk. 
Your actions and your attitude are the disgusting ones.

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11 hours ago, 7fish said:

yet in reality they can can get away with murder, literally:


it's hardly surprising people don't trust these companies when they put profit before lives

Yea. Loonies Joe stirring the pot and yelling and screaming. Typical of MSMBC to get ratings. Nothing to do with Aspirin that you would never give to a hemophiliac.


Yinn is what Thais call ผีบ้า. She thinks everyone should stop thinking for themselves and just obey, obey, obey as they teach Thai kids in public schools that are amongst the worst in SE Asia. Just listen to propaganda and be a drone, never mind there are doctors who themselves don't believe the propaganda. People like her are very very easy to manipulate. It's hilarious!


No wonder Thailand's economy is going down the toilet. Factories are closing, stores, restaurants, businesses are never going to re-open. She thinks business owners will take a vaccine to be allowed to re-open, even though a vaccine may never happen and even if it does, it will be years before a viable one is in place. Not to mention businesses won't last that long. The worst is far from over. Many businesses will shut down in the coming months even if there is no second lockdown. Suicides are far higher than the measly death toll attributed to this "virus". Some of these deaths aren't necessary even correlated with or caused by the virus to begin with. I listened to the news conference in the car on my way to Laos in early March about the first death. The spokesperson repeatedly insisted that the individual who died was already sick and he passed away WITH covid not FROM covid. Big difference. Same thing that's been happening in the USA. And don't get me started on the 50-60 traffic deaths daily in Thailand. And that's probably an underestimate.


Anyway, as I've repeatedly stated to no avail it seems, any vaccine requirement will NOT be implemented in the way she thinks. There is not even any mandatory vaccination legislation in Thailand, other than a vague reference in a pandemic situation ONLY. That said, a vaccine will almost certainly NOT arrive before the pandemic is declared as over. Here are some resources which state this: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/resources

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