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Covid-19: Thailand named best in the world in coronavirus pandemic recovery stats


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9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Actually apparently there is or was a video just out of front line US doctors literally screaming out that they have had enough and that they have tested and treated patience with no deaths using Hydroxychloroquine with zinc and Azithromycin, they are going against the grain, e.g. the government pulling it off of the shelves and threatening to take away their licenses based on previous studies, however those studies showed that the patients were administered 2,400mils of it as opposed to 200mils twice a week, in other words the toxicity basically killed the patients because they were given loaded doses x 10 times what they should have been given, they also stated that if given when in the early stages the success rate is the highest.


I will put the link in link that now says it was fake news and hope the mods don't remove it like Facebook and others have done, I mean these are qualified doctors who treated patients who are going against the mainstream media and governments and treating patients successfully, so it's from the horse's mouth, not the governments, so there is a cure according to these doctors, after all why has Trump been taking it for so long, and why did he retweet the video so many times until Facebook, Twitter and Youtube took it down, I have never know news to ever be taken down before COVID, so free speech is out is it, well it appears so, so don't believe what doctors say, only governments right, yes let's wait for the vaccine, but what about those who don't want it, are we to be forced to take it ?


Fortunately for me, I bookmarked the video and can send it to you in a PM if you want, to make up your own mind as opposed to it being removed here on TVF, I found it to be very convincing with doctors becoming quite emotional about saving lives as opposed to allowing them to be killed off.






You say, "Trump has been taking it for so long". Well, he stopped taking it months ago.

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1 minute ago, Mac98 said:

You say, "Trump has been taking it for so long". Well, he stopped taking it months ago.

Lol, you actually know that for certain, not what the media has published, why would the President of the USA stop taking something that is known to be working, if he was smart enough to take it in the beginning, why would he be stupid enough to stop taking it, come on now, your smarter than that, I would hope.

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7 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Lol, you actually know that for certain, not what the media has published, why would the President of the USA stop taking something that is known to be working, if he was smart enough to take it in the beginning, why would he be stupid enough to stop taking it, come on now, your smarter than that, I would hope.

Because he says he did during an interview





Read some of the reports to understand it was not the MSM who says he stopped taking it.  He finished the regime, his own words.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

George Bush also said that weapons of mass destruction existed before he invaded ?


Don't believe everything you hear, you might end up being the wiser as the world is full of jokers.


From the front line, if you have the time to educate yourself, some parts are boring, but most are spot on.



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16 minutes ago, black tabby said:

Good to know it.

Thanks to:

1-Government's speedy decisive  moves to contain  Corona Virus. 

2-The reasoned population  willing to wear face masks and accept body temperature check on demand.

3-Easy access to affordable masks often made by individual tailors applying own skills to produce them.

4-The tropical  gift to Thailand; high temperature, humidity, and strong UV, all what C/Virus hates.


2 is particularly  the attitude the west should copy during this critical period of time.

Freedom of not wearing face masks inside the indoor  public place  is just an abuse of freedom to spread the disease.








 there is no field data  to make an assertion over effectiveness of use/misuse of masks,

the best bet is to compare US states where it was enforced vs where it wasnt

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9 hours ago, Logosone said:

The positivity rate, or the percentage of positive tests among the tests processed, is of course related to the number of tests performed. The less tests that are done the higher the chance of a low positivity rate. More tests would generally result in higher positivity rate.


So actually the number of tests done is very related to the positivity rate.

Your education is sadly lacking, logic seems to be completely absent.


If, and only if, you are testing a random selection of people, in a country where the infection is in the general population, you could be correct.


But since, in a country with no, or vanishing few, documented cases  In the general population the more testing you do the lower the rate of positive results. 

Since the little testing there is is directly aimed at those who have a chance of being positive it is likely to have a higher positive rate than indiscriminate testing of healthy people.


Or more tests lower positive rate. Fewer tests higher positive rate. FOR THAILAND. 


You are in a country where COVID-19 in the general population is extinct or virtually so.

You are not in a country where it is rife in the population like the USA, Brazil, Chile or the Middle East. Do you understand the difference?

Edited by sometimewoodworker
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21 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

George Bush also said that weapons of mass destruction existed before he invaded ?


Don't believe everything you hear, you might end up being the wiser as the world is full of jokers.


From the front line, if you have the time to educate yourself, some parts are boring, but most are spot on.



I could care less about any of the BS.  I answered your question is all I did, so I think you better listen to the interview as well to hear his own voice, unless he has a body double, maybe the guy from SNL.



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1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

I could care less about any of the BS.  I answered your question is all I did, so I think you better listen to the interview as well to hear his own voice, unless he has a body double, maybe the guy from SNL.



As soon as I finish watching the truth on the video I sent you, compliments of real frontline doctors treating patients successfully with the same stuff Trump was on, and still is on IMO, words from any politicians mouth should always be taken with a grain of skepticism, as I said, I will have a peak, but still wouldn't trust him as far as I could, after all he is a politician ????


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About 40 people live on our Soi in Pattaya and we have had at least six infected with Covid-19. Do not think anyone is included in the official statistics. I wanted to test myself but they said it was not needed.
Shouldn't North Korea lead with just one case ???

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42 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

why would the President of the USA stop taking something that is known to be working, if he was smart enough to take it in the beginning, why would he be stupid enough to stop taking it, come on now, your smarter than that, I would hope.

Trump on video 28th July: “I happen to believe in it. I would take it. As you know, I took it for a 14-day period. And as you know, I’m here. I happen to think it works in the early stages,”



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14 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Trump on video 28th July: “I happen to believe in it. I would take it. As you know, I took it for a 14-day period. And as you know, I’m here. I happen to think it works in the early stages,”



Thanks for that, it's strange how they can pull a drug off of shelves that has been in use for 60 years and worked well for Sars 2. In the link of a video I provided (3 hours plus) that I posted @ #220 above, all of the doctors in it say otherwise to the discrediting of the drug and the studies, apparently Fauci even knew of how effective it was back in 2005. This is just another flu, it is from the same family, but no, the media wants us to fear it, there is a massive push worldwide to quarantine everyone, one sheep follows the other, the WHO are a very powerful body, I wonder who is behind them and what the hidden agenda is, don't tell me a vaccine, could there be trillions of dollars in the making, well WHO knows, this has been the best con the world has not seen yet, but it will come out in the open soon I hope as these Dr's who they discreted the other day as fakes wearing white robes, only later a list of the doctors names came out showing they were in fact real Doctor's, so whoever is behind this is quick off the mark to try and shut anyone down as quick as they post, that's a lot of power, just ask Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, who is controlling them to shut down free speech ? 

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35 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

so I think you better listen to the interview as well to hear his own voice

Compliments of Bkk Brian, as I said, I don't trust politicians, still haven't seen the video, off to bed, but will tomorrow.


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13 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Number 1 for Covid19 recovery and road deaths, a big wai is in order, congratulations!

It's very difficult to believe a Solitary word that makes it's way out of Thailand. They cut off their nose to spite their face to increase Tourism. Who gives a S-hite about this recovery. They still won't get any tourists. Forgive me for making a prediction. In not the near future places like Vietnam and other places in SouthEastAsia will overtake Thailand. Given that their prices for tourists are a complete joke. The sex industry ran the country nothing else and all that will dry up excusing the Pun.


Sometimes you need to be a rocket scientist to work out All the visa <deleted>. Urban Joe is everyone's Savoir including some decent TV members. I can't be bothered with the sly remarks when people ask members a question about visas. Does knowing this information by looking on thaivisa everyday for years make you something Special. Life's too short, time is precious use it wisely before you get the last taxi to the Morgue. 


Rant over ...... 

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4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Everyone screams about the US having such a high number but the truth is it is a small percentage of the total population.. 


From Johns Hopkins July 27 CV report:



The US remains #5 globally in terms of per capita daily incidence and #1 in terms of total daily incidence.


The Johns Hopkins CSSE dashboard reported 4.26 million US cases and 147,103 deaths as of 1:00 pm on July 27.



The US reported 2 of its 3 highest daily incidence totals over the weekend, including the record high of 74,818 new cases on July 25 (corresponding to July 24 data on the epi curve). Notably, the national 7-day average daily incidence appears to have reached a plateau at 66-67,000 new cases per day. While this is a promising sign, it is still more than twice the average daily incidence at the country’s first peak in mid-April.




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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You're lucky ThaiVisa doesn't have a CV misinformation policy like Facebook, Twitter or YouTube do... otherwise, your misinformation would already have been, and should already have been, disappeared.


What misinformation? Read and learn.










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14 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Surly they are going to name the UK as the worst ........


Yes any day now there will be big piles of bodies discovered, that they have been hiding away, so they can get a little higher on a list..............

The UK will have to try a lot harder if it’s going to beat the US or Brazil 

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1 hour ago, ScotBkk said:

The sex industry ran the country nothing else and all that will dry up excusing the Pun.

But. ...........but...........Pattaya is a world class family resort!

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12 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The lack of testing and diagnosis here is certainly an issue of concern regarding this supposed ranking that Thailand has.


Yet at the same time, we're not hearing any anecdotal evidence of significant virus spread and death in Thailand... no social media posts about families falling sick, no reports out of hospitals about overflowing admissions or full ICU units, etc etc...


If there was actual spread of the virus going on here, you'd have to wonder would the authorities be able to keep it invisible for all this time, i.e., not have the telltale signs come popping into public view?


Talking to my Tee Rak on Skype the other day there was a bang in the background. I asked her "are they shooting ?" "They do that when somebody dies, you hear that a lot now". "They die of Corona ?" "I don't know".................................................

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3 hours ago, scammed said:

 there is no field data  to make an assertion over effectiveness of use/misuse of masks,

the best bet is to compare US states where it was enforced vs where it wasnt

The biggest role of mask in this case is to reduce the chances  of the virus spread from  the unconscious carriers.

Medical experts say 80% of the infected show no symptoms unlike flu.

And this is the most dangerous aspect of this illness.

We might be infected and infect others while we don't even notice.

And it is face masks that come between the carriers  and the uninfected.

Masks other than N95 might not be 100% effective.

But  it can still lower the risk  of its spread through saliva splash.

The point is to reduce the risks. Not the 100% prevention.

And even the simple 2-layer homemade cotton masks can be pretty effective if you place another sheet of paper towel between them.


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12 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

The cost for hydroxychloroquine oral tablet 200 mg is around $37 for a supply of 100 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit. 


The only real difference with Covid-19 and the other Coronaviruses is that it spreads easier, a vaccine is not required to stop it, that is overkill as has been shutting the world down, big pharma stand to make trillions out of a vaccine, why would they want to pull Hydroxychloroquine off of the shelves when safer studies using the twice a week dosage of 200ml tablets works as opposed to 10 x the amount which caused toxicity in the patients and killing them, loaded doses perhaps to help can the only drug known at the right use to stop the virus in its tracks ?


Do you believe governments, do you believe big companies at having our best interests at hand, well if you do, I will leave it at that, I believe qualified people who go against the grain, I did it once, although I was correct and everyone in my industry knew it, they shut me down, only a few brave ones will see things for what they are, the others will bury their heads back in the sand and keep their pay packets coming in to pay their mortgages etc etc etc, fortunately for me, I was at retirement age when exposed my industry, but to no avail, that said, I didn't lose any sleep over it, it is what it is.  

Stop spreading lies.  It's offensive when you write garbage such as "the only real difference with Covid-19 and the other Coronaviruses is that it spreads easier".   Your statement is an idiotic insult to the intelligence of people.  The coronaviruses seen in Swine and Cattle are just as infectious and can decimate  a herd in a short period of time.  The  difference in these coronaviruses and SARS Cov-2 are that they have a different route of  infection  attacking through the GI system.  The vaccines used against these infections are proven effective. they are so effective that the pork and beef products you ingest  will have remnants of the vaccine in them because they are common farm vaccines.


 There is no clinical evidence that the drug  you promote helps infected patients. NOT ONE CURRENT CLINICAL TRIAL.  The inane ramblings of a charlatan pastor/pediatrician from Cameroon to the contrary, the US FDA under the supervision of Trump appointees withdrew the permission for its use as a treatment. The drug  is dangerous  when used off label because it can kill cardiac care patients.


Your claim of a vaccine conspiracy is a vile and disgusting lie. The UK's Oxford Group has already stated that the vaccine was to be non profit. Other vaccine manufacturers  have already agreed to manufacture at cost. Much of the vaccine will be controlled by government agencies.


If your lie of a conspiracy was valid, why then is the synthetic steroid hormone dexamethasone being  used as an anti inflammatory? It is as cheap as  hydroxychloroquine and  has proven  helpful with seriously ill patients.  Because you do not know of its use does not mean that it and other drugs are not being employed.  Multiple trials are ongoing in an effort to determine what helps. One of the reasons why  some of the  drugs are not discussed is because idiots will make a stampede to demand the products.



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40 minutes ago, black tabby said:

The biggest role of mask in this case is to reduce the chances  of the virus spread from  the unconscious carriers.

Medical experts say 80% of the infected show no symptoms unlike flu.

And this is the most dangerous aspect of this illness.

We might be infected and infect others while we don't even notice.

And it is face masks that come between the carriers  and the uninfected.

Masks other than N95 might not be 100% effective.

But  it can still lower the risk  of its spread through saliva splash.

The point is to reduce the risks. Not the 100% prevention.

And even the simple 2-layer homemade cotton masks can be pretty effective if you place another sheet of paper towel between them.


can/if/may/might be not statistically relevant difference in real world settings

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not everyone loses out in a time of crisis 2008 and one before was a great time for the rich .

this crisis will be no different the gap between the 1% and the rest of us will grow usually by government bailouts in companies they have a stake in.

plus mopping up property that is going for a fraction of it's TRUE value 

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