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Why has SE Asia got off so lightly?


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https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200716-the-people-with-hidden-protection-from-covid-19?xtor=ES-213-[BBC Features Newsletter]-2020July24-[Future|+Button]


i rank asians on top then white & middle east for long proud exposure to chinese virus export,

native americans at rock bottom of the list, tho now after 500 years of exposure they are catching up


there is enough inverse correlation to mask hypothesis to discard it

as an explanation, and sweden with now zero new incidents suggest

shutdown and quarantine is equally insignificant,

the only thing that can be proven beyond reasonable doubt is that its dumb to

send infected to nursing homes with very old people, the most susceptible

group by far. many leaders of ours did exactly that,

we would have been better off without leaders,

they fessed up and are now double down by ruining the economy


Edited by scammed
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3 hours ago, Why Me said:



I don't know if it's possible to quantify a nation's compliance with social distancing and masking but that would be the number to look for correlation with case numbers.

there is enough inverse correlation with mask to dismiss that hypothesis altogether

covid mask 1.jpg

covid mask2.jpg

covid mask 3.jpg

covid mask 4.jpg

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There are many factors and they can differ with location. Early reports suggested two forms of the virus, one more infectious (spreads easier) than the other. This has been well documented more recently.  SE Asia and Thailand got the milder one while Europe and the US East coast got the more infectious one.


Now there are several new outbreaks including in Vietnam. A Reuters article reports from Danang:


Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long said the strain of the virus detected in the new outbreak is a more contagious one.  He said with the new strain, each infected person may infect about 5-6 people compared to 1.8-2.2 people in the previous period.


Ouch, an R0 of 5 - 6 ! (but in a limited region).


As for the temperature theory, that's out the window. Its hot summer time and daily cases are hitting a new record near 300,000/day.  Personally, I will stay on guard here in Thailand, but thank all the Thai for wearing masks.

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9 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Yes it is, in Germany, a reduction of 40% infections from this study


We use the synthetic control method to analyze the effect of face masks on the spread of Covid-19 in Germany. Our identification approach exploits regional variation in the point in time when face masks became compulsory. Depending on the region we analyse, we find that face masks reduced the cumulative number of registered Covid-19 cases between 2.3% and 13% over a period of 10 days after they became compulsory. Assessing the credibility of the various estimates, we conclude that face masks reduce the daily growth rate of reported infections by around 40%.





lol, so your data is 2.3% to 13% and you round it up to 40%,

that theory is not based on the data you gathered,

you may as well not have bothered collecting data when the

premeditated conclusion divert that far

Edited by scammed
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13 minutes ago, rabas said:

There are many factors and they can differ with location. Early reports suggested two forms of the virus, one more infectious (spreads easier) than the other. This has been well documented more recently.  SE Asia and Thailand got the milder one while Europe and the US East coast got the more infectious one.


Now there are several new outbreaks including in Vietnam. A Reuters article reports from Danang:


Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long said the strain of the virus detected in the new outbreak is a more contagious one.  He said with the new strain, each infected person may infect about 5-6 people compared to 1.8-2.2 people in the previous period.


Ouch, an R0 of 5 - 6 ! (but in a limited region).


As for the temperature theory, that's out the window. Its hot summer time and daily cases are hitting a new record near 300,000/day.  Personally, I will stay on guard here in Thailand, but thank all the Thai for wearing masks.

I don't believe it is just about wearing masks

where I live in WA we only had 669 infections

and all of them imported and we don't wear a mask.

It's all about behavior and follow the rules our boarders

are still closed to the rest of Australia just look at Victoria

an average 650 new cases every day.


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1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

Did you read the report, its not my theory, its the scientific data, I copied and pasted from the report you may want to take a look, mind you its 29 pages long of text and multiple charts, may be a bit much for you to take in ????

i stopped reading when they wrote the data was 2.3 to 13 percent and they rounded it up to 40

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7 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The U.S. has had all that in spades, along with a national leader who buys into all that B.S., or at least postures that he does, and thus drives his followers down that same road traveled by the CV version of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Surely you don't mean




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6 hours ago, farang51 said:

That the population should be somewhat immune is undermined by the many infected Thai people returning to Thailand from other countries.

Regarding Vietnam, they may not have had a great lockdown, but they closed their borders very effectively from early on.

You seem to draw the inference that if the population in Thailand is "somewhat immune" it is do to genetic similarity.  However one could also attribute a somewhat higher level of immunity (or susceptibility) to a shared immunological history.  Neighboring countries and individuals would more likely be exposed to the same pathogens and vaccines and thereby have similar B and T cell populations which could reduce (or amplify) the impact of COVID-19 infection.  It is possible that an immune system prepped with B and T cells that are reactive with COVID-19 could lead to the cytokine storm that is a problem for some of the infected.  Unfortunately the world is currently in fire-fighting mode and less focused on the research needed to resolve some of these questions.

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