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Why some people think that there is no virus in Thailand when most people actually do not have any symptoms ?


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masks handwashing etc ,we must keep onboard with this of course but we must also acknowledge the damage to the economy and the businesses and jobs being destroyed,we neeed to provide an option so people can earn a living.most people cannot get govt help now its stopped,a covid virus clear cert should be provided by people wishing to enter and then a test at the airport,stay isolated till the result arrives,24/48 hrs and then your good to go.the harm to our long term prospects is immense at the moment and many people here will never have a job in the future and govt assistance is nil.thailands been fortunate as tere were huge nos of mainland tourists here,we have low nos of tests it does seem unlikely these millions of mainlanders were not infected as they infected many other countries where they travelled in much smaller nos.the govt here insisted they were allowed to keep coming longer than just about any other country too.chinas nos and transparency are false,ask the disappearing nurses and drs.we must be able to handle clusters and small outbreaks effectively as they will happen,look at vietnam,s korea .hk-that arrived from china,the borders are porous.we must open to allow travel to people who must visit other countries/return for personal ,business and medical reasons.the north korea approach wont work long term

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2 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

masks handwashing etc ,we must keep onboard with this of course but we must also acknowledge the damage to the economy and the businesses and jobs being destroyed,we neeed to provide an option so people can earn a living.most people cannot get govt help now its stopped,a covid virus clear cert should be provided by people wishing to enter and then a test at the airport,stay isolated till the result arrives,24/48 hrs and then your good to go.the harm to our long term prospects is immense at the moment and many people here will never have a job in the future and govt assistance is nil.thailands been fortunate as tere were huge nos of mainland tourists here,we have low nos of tests it does seem unlikely these millions of mainlanders were not infected as they infected many other countries where they travelled in much smaller nos.the govt here insisted they were allowed to keep coming longer than just about any other country too.chinas nos and transparency are false,ask the disappearing nurses and drs.we must be able to handle clusters and small outbreaks effectively as they will happen,look at vietnam,s korea .hk-that arrived from china,the borders are porous.we must open to allow travel to people who must visit other countries/return for personal ,business and medical reasons.the north korea approach wont work long term

So difficult to read with no capitalisation, spaces or paragraphs 

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On 8/3/2020 at 3:45 PM, uhuh said:

You mentioned Taiwan (24m people),  which doesn't seem to have a disease reservoir.

Same for New Zealand AFAIK, and Mauritius and quite a few of small islands and territories. 

Vietnam is bigger (95m) and most probably didn't have a disease reservoir for quite a while,  the current outbreak has probably been imported. That can happen if you have hard to control land borders,  and that may happen to Thailand, too.


I think it is circulating at a low level everywhere (except for maybe in some truly isolated places). You have the migrant workers leaving Thailand for Cambo, Laos and Myanmar and testing positive. Also, look at the current outbreak in Australia which appeared to be almost covid free. I don't believe anyone is blaming that on overseas travelers importing it.


Taiwan has had two cases of a Thai and a Japanese (both asymptomatic) being repatriated recently and testing positive on arrival at their home counties from Taiwan, and they couldn't find the source. Taiwan also just had a Belgian engineer(also asymptomatic) who arrived in May and was tested before and after his 14 day quarantine and then tested positive on his way out. The health authorities don't know if this is just residue from his March infection, or if he was infected in Taiwan. In one article, which I can't seem to locate, it was admitted that they believe that they have low levels of asymptomatic cases that are circulating, but they are not testing for.





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7 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

masks handwashing etc ,we must keep onboard with this of course but we must also acknowledge the damage to the economy and the businesses and jobs being destroyed,we neeed to provide an option so people can earn a living.most people cannot get govt help now its stopped,a covid virus clear cert should be provided by people wishing to enter and then a test at the airport,stay isolated till the result arrives,24/48 hrs and then your good to go.the harm to our long term prospects is immense at the moment and many people here will never have a job in the future and govt assistance is nil.thailands been fortunate as tere were huge nos of mainland tourists here,we have low nos of tests it does seem unlikely these millions of mainlanders were not infected as they infected many other countries where they travelled in much smaller nos.the govt here insisted they were allowed to keep coming longer than just about any other country too.chinas nos and transparency are false,ask the disappearing nurses and drs.we must be able to handle clusters and small outbreaks effectively as they will happen,look at vietnam,s korea .hk-that arrived from china,the borders are porous.we must open to allow travel to people who must visit other countries/return for personal ,business and medical reasons.the north korea approach wont work long term

It's bad enough TV dropped in 2014 the English test to join the forum. But at least they could have replaced it with an optional gibberish filter.

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12 hours ago, steelepulse said:

I came across this question a number of months ago and it still holds true today.


Q  What do they call a person with no symptoms?  

A  A healthy person.

Let me  introduce you to Mary Mallon, Typhoid Mary Mallon because of how many she unknowingly sickened and killed. She was a silent carrier for many years. They kept trying to lock her up but some kept saying no problem she was not ill ...




Edited by rabas
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On 8/3/2020 at 3:45 PM, uhuh said:

You mentioned Taiwan (24m people),  which doesn't seem to have a disease reservoir.


Here is the article concerning the case of the Belgian. An NTU professor says he believes there the Belgian most likely contracted the case in Taipei in late June, and that he is certain that there are a small number of asymptomatic case in Taiwan. The Taiwan CECC denies this.




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On 8/3/2020 at 3:45 PM, uhuh said:

You mentioned Taiwan (24m people),  which doesn't seem to have a disease reservoir.


And here is another case just from today. Japanese man who returned to Japan after a trip to Taiwan. Was negative and did his quarantine in Taiwan (negative covid test required on both sides of it) and then returned to Japan and tested positive. For sure, there is a some small level reservoir in Taiwan.




I feel this relevant to the Thailand case because Taiwan practiced much more rigorous controls starting in January when Thailand was pretty laissez-faire with travel restrictions, etc. All of the contacts are testing out negative in all 4 cases I mentioned for Taiwan. If Taiwan is having this, then most definitely Thailand also has some low level reservoir here. Again this can be seen in the migrant workers returning to their home countries from Thailand who test positive on return. I believe it's willful self delusional to think otherwise. It seems every country wants to show that their countries are doing wonderfully and all the cases are coming from the bad foreigners and that the other nations are the problem.


  However, the asymptotic cases are most likely less infectious. Most likely if the safety protocols in daily life are maintained there will no major outbreak here now. I think the hysteria over the asymptomatic Egyptian in Rayong was away over the top. I do think the situation is well under control in both Taiwan and Thailand, but covid is here.

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On 8/4/2020 at 2:47 PM, CorpusChristie said:

What is that based on ?

I think that the virus isnt here , you think that I am stupid .

Why do you think that the virus is here ?


Really, some people still don't know ? Maybe you need to go back to live in EU or US, many people like you there (the ones who are not yet dead)...



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On 8/4/2020 at 6:29 PM, rabas said:

Let me  introduce you to Mary Mallon, Typhoid Mary Mallon because of how many she unknowingly sickened and killed. She was a silent carrier for many years. They kept trying to lock her up but some kept saying no problem she was not ill ...




Are you suggestion that Mary's off-spring has migrated to Thailand to continue the work of their great-grandmother over here?

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29 minutes ago, ukrules said:

This is a huge continuous 'relatively safe zone' crossing plenty of borders.



Perhaps years of exposure to malaria and dengue have a positive effect on immune resistance to covid

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Im not into these Y.T conspiracy theories, such as the virus is a hoax or whatever.


But a lot of doctors and researchers are now saying this idea of being infected yet remaining completely asymptomatic, is complete hogwash.


One guy even made referance to it being akin to a schoolboy playing hooky from school for a month..

Then he goes back to the teacher and explains he was sick, but it was no use going to the doctor since he had no symptoms.


Its just a load of rubbish.


If you listen to the WHO and others, nearly DAILY they are coming up with the silliest speil they can dream up, so as to suggest this Covid is approaching the WORST possible case scenario.


Next thing we will be hearing that after having Covid it will stay in your system for years and then one day you will suddenly drop dead when all the bugs wake up again.

Its absolute BS.


And you've got to wonder why that is?

Why are these xxxxwits constantly lining to propagate rubbish and make it all sound as worse as it can possibly be?

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22 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

you have to ask yourself why thailand appears to have immunity unlike most other nations who have too many cases ,its too suspicious or is it under reporting ?

I agree it's somewhat of a mystery. There has definitely been underreporting and sparse testing but there is also strong evidence that the end results seen in many other countries, packed hospitals and mass deaths, haven't happened either. So I guess might as well not look a gift horse in the mouth and hope Thailand keeps it's good results going on. 

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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I agree it's somewhat of a mystery. There has definitely been underreporting and sparse testing but there is also strong evidence that the end results seen in many other countries, packed hospitals and mass deaths, haven't happened either. So I guess might as well not look a gift horse in the mouth and hope Thailand keeps it's good results going on. 

Not just Thailand, most of SE and East Asia. Even the hot spots of the PI and Indonesia, which have packed hospitals, just don't compare to the west in mortality rates. Something more is going in here.


Even if one goes with excess deaths in Thailand it is only  like 2400 in March...maybe more in Feb. Not the huge numbers elsewhere (although some suggest things were hidden in the pneumonia figures).

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We're beginning to see countries like UK and Sweden actually live with the virus.  My feeling is that some sort of cross immunity is at play in Thailand, due to the nasties that were going around late last year.  It could be Thailand has spooked itself in to financial ruin.  Still, just about everyone has got it wrong one way or another.  But the track Thailand is on is an absolute disaster.



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18 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

Maybe genetics. Or maybe the wave already passed through with many minor cases.


Interesting article from Taiwan says an antibody study of at risk people in one county which had only had 19 confirmed covid cases already came up with 3,000 people testing positive for covid antibodies. They haven't even completed all 10,000 of the people in the study (in a county of 1.3 million people in central Taiwan) and will have the results available August 25. This is from a country which has only had 480 confirmed cases to date and 7 deaths amid a population of 23.8 million. They haven't even done this in the hots spots of Taipei and New Taipei city. Most likely Taiwan had tens of thousands of minor cases of covid.




I suspect that there was a large amount of cases that already went though Thailand, most of them mild. Unfortunately, there is no antibody study being released here. The one mentioned in the Bangkok Herald has been retracted as the editor said there has been some reason to doubt it's veracity. However, if Taiwan which had much more proactive measures being done is showing so many past infections, most likely there were more here. However if they are here now, they are most likely mild.


Slightly off topic, but related to the issue of how many asymptomatic carriers there may be and this relates to IFR, I just watched a July 23 interview with Anders Tegnell of Sweden. At one point when he was asked what he thought covid's IFR would eventually come out to be, he said between .1 and .5% the same as you guessed it....a bad flu season. He also talked about Sweden's antibody testing, immunity and T cell immunity. It was interesting.







The lasr sentence in the article from Taiwan:

CECC experts had cautioned before that the test may not reflect the actual infection rate in Changhua as antibody test kits available on the market are not very accurate. They said this was one of the reasons why the CECC has decided against countrywide mass testing for COVID-19 so far.

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3 hours ago, JimGant said:

What about New Zealand?

I could believe due to New Zealands remoteness that the number of cases was very low all along.


Not here though, especially with the number of flights coming from Wuhan, I mean they literally found a case of COVID in a Wuhan tourist just down the road from me here in Hua Hin.


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7 hours ago, uhuh said:

The lasr sentence in the article from Taiwan:

CECC experts had cautioned before that the test may not reflect the actual infection rate in Changhua as antibody test kits available on the market are not very accurate. They said this was one of the reasons why the CECC has decided against countrywide mass testing for COVID-19 so far.

Yes, I read that, but the CECC is at odds with NTU, and has a vested interest in keeping the case numbers low. They didn't ever want nationwide PCR or antibody tests in Taiwan. They only ever tested the very ill or contacts of very ill. If it comes out that thousands and thousands of people in Taiwan had it, there policies may be considered overkill. In addition, let's face it the vaunted PCR test is also not very accurate.


At an interview about the mystery Belgian case the CECC shot down the NTU's professor assertion that Taiwan had a reservoir of asymptomatic cases. Do you see the vested interest that the CECC might have in that? Their professional reputation rests on the laurel that they have kept Taiwan covid free. The head of the CECC is like a rock star there. People ask him for his autograph when he is in public.


The article: NTU professor says Belgian case most likely infected in Taipei in June




And FYI. National Taiwan University are no slouches. National Taiwan University is widely considered the best university in Taiwan. The QS World University Rankings (2020) placed it at 69th worldwide and 22nd in Asia. According to Times Higher Education (2020), NTU ranks 120th in the World University Rankings.




I think the Taiwan CECC did a good job, but is covering their asses here.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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PCR is a lot more accurate than all these antibody tests on the market. 


The hope that thousands and thousands of people have had the virus and no symptoms whatever is a mainstay on TVF, strangely it doesn't fit very well with what's happening in the US or the UK, in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Sweden, Spain etc etc 


I know that NTU is not an institution to be dismissed easily,  so I am curious what results they will publish in September. 

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