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No plans to open Thai skies yet: Aviation authority


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4 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

I believe this is where you may be wrong...what I have read is that there is a "dose response" factor when it comes to catching respiratory virus diseases, including this Covid-19 corona virus. The higher the density of virus particles one is exposed to, and the length of time of the exposure, is determinitive for if one will become infected with a serious case of the disease. The wearing of masks is one factor in reducing the "viral load" expectorated from breathing, talking, and coughing/sneezing if someone is infected. Just as temperature taking everywhere in public has been shown in studies to be not very effective in stopping the spread of the virus, it, along with mask wearing, are important cues and visual reminders to everyone that we are in extraordinary times and to keep up their social distancing and other protective behaviors, like avoid spending unnecessary time in crowded public places and practicing good personal hygiene. 

You are incorrect.


Have you seen where American Airlines, United and others will no longer along masks with vents in them, replaceable filters etc and others?

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6 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

So better wear no mask and sneeze at each other, uncontrolled, right!?

I am gonna go back on the useless car crash analogy: let's all have a bottle of booze, get into our cars, **** the seatbelt and let's all drive at each other at 180 km/h!


By the way: a mask is not supposed to be air-tight!

If it were, all the anti- maskers would be right, with their whining about being deprived of oxygen!

American Airlines, United, Delta, Jet Blue and others in the US ban all masks with vents, valves, replaceable filters and other materials.


Masks with one-way valves or vents allow exhaled air to be expelled out through holes in the material. This can allow exhaled respiratory droplets to reach others and potentially spread the COVID-19 virus,


Although there is some feeling that any type of mask is better than none, it's really not that helpful when one isn't wearing a mask correctly or wearing one that is ineffective, and may not even realize it





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coronavirus: Scientists find 'unambiguous evidence' that Covid-19 can remain airborne


'For aerosol-based transmission, measures such as physical distancing by six feet would not be helpful in an indoor setting'

Following months of speculation and disagreement in the health community, a team of researchers has found that Covid-19 is airborne and that current social distancing guidelines could lead to more exposures and outbreaks.

Confirmation of aerosol transmission, at distances of 6.5 and 15.7 feet (2 and 4.8 metres), was made by University of Florida experts in virology and aerosol science, according to a research paper published on the preprint server medRxiv.

Their study found for the first time that Sars-Cov-2 in the form of tiny droplets known as aerosols remained viable in the air, suggesting a risk of inhaling the virus near carriers who cough, sneeze and speak.

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On 8/12/2020 at 7:18 AM, steven100 said:

COVID19 has caused an absolute world disaster. It has exasperated the suffering of the poor.

It has expedited the suffering of the lower class and middle class income earners.

It has cost millions upon millions of jobs worldwide.

It has or will cause families to lose homes, cars and other worldly possessions.

As confirmed, this disaster was initiated & instigated by China as such they are responsible for all of the above.

Maybe try 'exacerbated' instead of 'exasperated' to make some sense and I could point out that China did not in any way instigate or initiate any kind of disaster as viruses are entirely natural and mammals are prone to catch and spread them without any help from paranoiac politics. Where the virus originated will never be known and the lower level administrations that could have responded better in the initial stages did not fail out of malice, just fear, lack of organisation and ignorance: this is a world first. Any suggestions on your part, or your great orange berk's that China should be punished are just idiotic, to be generous. But this has been pointed out to you by more subtle and creative writers than myself more than once and doesn't seem likely to sink in.

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5 hours ago, vermin on arrival said:

Yes I do. There are intelligent people with expertise on both sides of the debate. To think otherwise is incorrect. Just curious, which part do you think is nonsense? The fact there are health care professionals that don't think masks are ineffective? Or my belief that they are, and that I follow those that who recommend masks? I am actually giving a balanced response to yinn's post trying to explain why believe who don't believe in the efficacy of masks are not moronic conspiracy theorists even though I disagree with them.


I will not respond in kind to your insulting post. I would say this though. It is replies such as yours that are the reason it is so difficult to have a constructive discussion in forums such as this one. The mistaken assumption that people who disagree with you are idiots with no reasonable basis for their beliefs is the reason the human race is having so many problems. Have a good day sir and spout away lol.

I'm going to make a wild assumption that you are both American and a Trump supporter. Just wear a mask and then you might drop below 50k cases a day, and stop reading nonsense.

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

In a nutshell, many experts have said masks help a bit (more than no mask) and some have said masks are worthwhile/help a lot


Bottom line - even if masks only help a bit then why not wear the mask. Also the shape, how much of the face the mask covers, can the droplets/aerosols escape out the side, how often the wearer pulls the mask down and leaves it down and especially when they shouldn't pull the mask down, must be factors re how effective masks are. 



Pointless wearing a mask outside in the open air and in low infection areas I don't see the point in wearing them at all. Close contact on public transport is good, other than that not much use.

Edited by tribalfusion001
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1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Pointless wearing a mask outside in the open air and in low infection areas I don't see the point in wearing them at all.

Well you won't be flying then with your choice of non masking.


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28 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

I'm going to make a wild assumption that you are both American and a Trump supporter. Just wear a mask and then you might drop below 50k cases a day, and stop reading nonsense.

Lol. Complete rubbish. Why don't you read people's posts before spouting nonsense. I said I believe in masks and that I wear a mask. Lol!

Edited by vermin on arrival
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16 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

I'm going to make a wild assumption that you are both American and a Trump supporter. Just wear a mask and then you might drop below 50k cases a day, and stop reading nonsense.

Troll troll troll your boat gently down the stream...merrily merrily merrily you are butt a dream : )

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

In a nutshell, many experts have said masks help a bit (more than no mask) and some have said masks are worthwhile/help a lot


Bottom line - even if masks only help a bit then why not wear the mask. Also the shape, how much of the face the mask covers, can the droplets/aerosols escape out the side, how often the wearer pulls the mask down and leaves it down and especially when they shouldn't pull the mask down, must be factors re how effective masks are. 



Actually that's not completely true. Some say that if worn improperly they can be harmful. Anyways, I believe they are effective and I wear them.

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2 hours ago, scorecard said:

In a nutshell, many experts have said masks help a bit (more than no mask) and some have said masks are worthwhile/help a lot


Bottom line - even if masks only help a bit then why not wear the mask. Also the shape, how much of the face the mask covers, can the droplets/aerosols escape out the side, how often the wearer pulls the mask down and leaves it down and especially when they shouldn't pull the mask down, must be factors re how effective masks are. 



Not to mention that some girls look darn cute in masks...and it's fun filling in the mystery of how pretty they may be.

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7 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

It was already in Thailand at the beginning of the year and 1000s didn't die. Maybe you need to get into the real world, not everybody on the rest of the planet is not infected. Yeah great job ruining the economy and keeping closed.

@tribalfusion001 wait for @from the home of CC reply cuz he always like the last word.????

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6 minutes ago, paulikens said:

@tribalfusion001 thankfully some of us are managing to keep our sanity over this, shame the governments of the world haven't and a lot of the public have also turned into a bunch of pussies including some on here. really they should go live in a bunker covered in foil and let the rest of us get on with our lives.  i except ill get someone on here telling me about people dying, id loved to live in their fairytale world where no one dies cuz unfortunately thats life

I'm watching a live stream from a Pattaya beer bar, Josh in La La Land, keeps me grounded lol.


Still weirdos in the UK walking around like zombies and dodging out of the way, I ignore them and carry on as normal.

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On 8/12/2020 at 7:54 AM, Yinn said:

Life in Thailand start again, schools, factorys, plazas, inside restaurants, etc. only the border is closed. 

I wish it open. But can not.


Because selfish maskholes, anti vaxxers, anti tracing appers, anti social distance, anti rules people in many countrys. Stupid conspiracy theorys.

Some place even have covid party. 


because this covIDIOTS is be impossible stop. They refuse the rules then cry they loose the job, business etc. Stupid people.


If allow selfish people enter Thailand because “need a holiday” covid will spread again= schools, factorys, plazas, restaurants etc will close again. 


Thai people follow the rule= 5 weeks control covid.

Other countrys not wear mask, etc etc, 6 months already= it be worse. 


I want covid to end SO MUCH. But be impossible with selfish idiots. Fact. Really.


if not have selfish idiots= control covid about 5 weeks, same Thailand.




The type in the video= the type “need a holiday” 

only care themself. 


All countries have their idiots, just look at yours, the road carnage, how many dead EVERY DAY because of idiots..? :coffee1:

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On 8/12/2020 at 7:10 AM, steven100 said:

what does this mean ?


On 8/12/2020 at 7:10 AM, steven100 said:

what does this mean ?

a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions.

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On 8/12/2020 at 3:05 PM, Anton9 said:

Lol people really believe wearing  a mask will stop a virus,it's hilarious how easy is to brainwash people.

While only an N-95 mask can help block floating virus particles, that is not the only means of transmission - much of which occurs by touching surfaces <-> nose/mouth <-> droplets from cough/breath.  Mask-use was discouraged in the USA, because there was a shortage, and they wanted to save them for medical-personnel. 


Don't get caught up in the 'mask' controversy, which is a Big Distraction.  The real issue, is the death-rate continues to fall, as we test more, and discover how many 'got covid' but never have symptoms.  And, of course, the "official deaths" from COVID are exaggerated in the USA, as there is a pile of cash for the taking for every death that can get that designation on the death-certificate.


The fact is, this virus is much Less Dangerous than Flu to most of the population (small children in particular) - but much more dangerous to a small portion who are very old or have pre-existing medical conditions.  The solution, all along, was to Isolate The Vulnerable, and let everyone else catch it harmlessly, so it will die-out, like all resperatory viruses do.


Instead of this, "shutdowns" were employed, which delayed the spread among the healthy, ironically providing a longer time-window for the vulnerable to be exposed - not to mention destroying economies, and the families which depend on them, leading to far more harm than the virus itself.


There are several reasons the WRONG approach was taken, from the big-Pharma virus-payday (have to 'keep it alive' until they can market the vaccine), to the fact that the elites are disproportionatly old/sick, only care about themselves, so were willing to destroy everyone else's lives to avoid self-isolation for themselves.



Everyone is now realizing how ridicolous this Covid madness is, a virus so weak you have to literally  test everyone because 80% of people don't even cough a single time.

Not 'everyone' (in the USA), unfortunately.  Many still believe what is put out on TV, which is owned by the same stock holding-companies invested in Big-Pharma, and who get a huge portion of their advertising revenue from Big-Pharma.

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On 8/12/2020 at 8:43 AM, aussiexpat said:

Bali is apparently open for tourists from 11 September so let's hope it works to give confidence for Thailand to open up. ...


On 8/12/2020 at 2:16 PM, Aussie Col said:

If Thailand doesn't want farang tourists I'm sure other countries will welcome them with open arms.

Once Farang tourists see how much more they get for their tourist money in other countries very few will be coming back here.

I hope you are right, but Bali just did a 180, and say they won't open up in Sept after all.  Those of us who won't be extorted to commit felonies in cahoots with immigration, and cannot go out to get our usual Thai family Visas, need somewhere to go.  Right now, the closest place open, with a similar cost-of-living is Turkey.



On 8/13/2020 at 3:08 AM, AndrewMciver said:

Indonesia has not controlled the virus, and at the stage it is now, they will be unable to surpress it. So like Europe they are keeping the numbers small enough and controlled not to over burden the health care system. In this scenario allowing in a controlled number of tourists will make little difference. 


I doubt very much there would be massive numbers holidaying in Bali. 

Many thousands would go from Thailand in Sept (assuming no extension of the 'auto-extension'), if they opened up - as well as other countries in the region who are no longer extending their 'amnesties'.  There is a huge pile of money on the table.


The could even ban travel from Bali to anywhere else in Indonesia, put a fee on foreign-arrivals (say $30 / person) to cover health-ins for Indonesian-citizens in Bali, and to pay for any vulnerable on the Island to temporarily relocate elsewhere - and STILL make a pile of money.

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On 8/13/2020 at 12:55 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The U.S. wouldn't be, and won't be, if it keeps heading down the current path of division, anti-government

"anti-govt" = "No stopping rioters - that's ray-cist"

Then, heap false-criticism on the fake-leader who betrayed all his campaign-promises - pretending he isn't a NYC liberal-globalist, who governs like one (well to the left of Bill Clinton).


On 8/13/2020 at 12:55 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

, anti-science,

vs: "any gender you choose" - and anyone who doesn't "play-pretend" with you loses their job / is cancelled.

On 8/13/2020 at 12:55 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

anti-medicine, alternate facts,

vs: "Ban / Cancel any doctors/scientists/professors who don't agree with the Elite's talking-points."


On 8/13/2020 at 12:55 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

my personal rights take precedence over the rights/benefits to society, etc

... as the Lockdowns continue, causing more harm than good, while nurses are laid-off en-masse, because hospitals did not accept normal scheduled procedures for months, leading to uncounted-thousands of deaths from lack of scheduled treatments.


On 8/13/2020 at 12:55 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

etc....  It's a very evil and destructive cancer that's growing in the U.S.

Agree on that point - but likely for different reasons. 

The West needs to return to an explicitly pro-Western-Christian cultural paradigm; restore nationalist-economics - high-tariffs on low-wage-produced goods; return to very low-immigration (excepting tourism, which creates jobs for citizens) to preserve high-wages domestically; restore Private (not govt) Non-Profit Health-Insurance and Hospitals. 

That combination of policies worked very well in the USA, before.

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8 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

"anti-govt" = "No stopping rioters - that's ray-cist"

Then, heap false-criticism on the fake-leader who betrayed all his campaign-promises - pretending he isn't a NYC liberal-globalist, who governs like one (well to the left of Bill Clinton).


vs: "any gender you choose" - and anyone who doesn't "play-pretend" with you loses their job / is cancelled.

vs: "Ban / Cancel any doctors/scientists/professors who don't agree with the Elite's talking-points."


... as the Lockdowns continue, causing more harm than good, while nurses are laid-off en-masse, because hospitals did not accept normal scheduled procedures for months, leading to uncounted-thousands of deaths from lack of scheduled treatments.


Agree on that point - but likely for different reasons. 

The West needs to return to an explicitly pro-Western-Christian cultural paradigm; restore nationalist-economics - high-tariffs on low-wage-produced goods; return to very low-immigration (excepting tourism, which creates jobs for citizens) to preserve high-wages domestically; restore Private (not govt) Non-Profit Health-Insurance and Hospitals. 

That combination of policies worked very well in the USA, before.

Isnt this thread about Thai aeroplanes flying (or not ) ?

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On 8/12/2020 at 6:21 AM, AndrewMciver said:


You are wrong. The UK is welcoming Americans, as long as they quarantine. 


Utterly ridiculous beyond any sane human being level of sanity.


The whole UK response has been scarily woeful. Late to lockdown because of a sense of British entitlement that their scientists knew better. But then backtracked and realised they messed up, despite James Bond seeing what was going on in Wuhan and Italy. 


No Masks needed, but then yeah you need them. Constructions workers still working during  a pandemic. A very light lockdown. Protests in the middle of a pandemic. Goverment advisors flaunting the rules of lockdown.


This is what happens you elect clowns. For all the mocking of Thai leaders, they have no messed up horrendously like Trump and Boris. 





So peoples stupidity in not following guidelines are down to the Presidents and Prime Ministers of countries is this what you are saying ?


Your saying late to lockdown for the UK variuos countries have different thoughts and policies some wait to see how things progress in other countries before making an advised decision.


Im a construction worker and have worked all the way through the pandemic and am still working thats my choice not the governments. I will continue to work as ive as much chance of dieing from being run over by a bus or attacked and stabbed by a terrorist. Me continuing to work is nothing to do with the govrnment.


Absolute <deleted> people have been warned and you cant blame governments for that the people reap what they sew. 

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Oh drat!


All those bimbling governments of the world and their discombobulated policies when all they have to do is avail themselves of the knowledge of the posters on ThaiVisa and act accordingly..


Over qualified academics and medical and research personnel are,of course,as dust,blown away by the sheer logic and intelligent prowess of our participants and the world could be saved if only the inhabitants of Rotherham,Milwaukee and Dapto could have an influence on those higher levels of power...but,alas,they cannot...so sad..better luck next time.????

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