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Probe finds deep flaws in ‘Boss’ investigation; police chief urges drugs, speeding charges


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18 hours ago, Nsp64 said:

So he gets fined for drug use and a bit if speeding. 

Thats it, all finushed and he is free. How about all the other charges ?

Oh, well, those have to disappear due to "errors" by the investigating police, nothing to be done, statute of limitations and all that, move along, nothing to see here!

As this will have been his first offense, the drugs charge will be dealt with by some swanky rehab facility that combines "drug treatment" with quarantine so that he gets that taken care of in his first 14 days back, then the speeding will be ditched for lack of evidence. And there we are! Free and clear, minor drug infraction on the record and Somchay's Your Uncle!

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19 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Well, well, well, what do we have here.  Is this the bomb that will sink "Boss" Red Bull, as well as all of those who were on the take and received there brown envelopes.  When there are to many fingers in the pot then there are sure to be screw-ups and evidence of malfeasance to be found.  I will bet that all those involved were pre-warned before this ticking time bomb hit the news and are scurrying for a deep dark hole to hide in.  . . .


Nothing will happen! Drums will be beaten, voices raised with indignation. The Superintendent of Thonglor police will apologise for ''taking his eye of the ball'', a few of the investigating police will be transferred to desk duties ''while under investigation''. Nothing will ever be reported of those who have been suspended (? on full pay)!


None in the police or justice system will be imprisoned, ordered to pay back accepted ''bribes'/payments'', fined, or lose their jobs!  There will be no ''great'' example to deter future RTP and Justice officials' corruption and so it will continue -- and continue to escalate!


''Boss'' will have new/lesser charges made against him -- just for appearance -- and he will continue to live a life of luxury in whatever countries he chooses to live in!


Justice will be seen to be done. Many words and no action. Mass Corruption will continue and this country will continue as normal -- in decline.

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I think everyone knows that Thailand is a very corrupt conutry, the most corrupt country I have ever been to. You can only guess how bad it is on a daily basis when a case so visible to the public is swept under the carpet right before our eye. Of course there is International pressure so they ar being shown to investigate, however why cant they simply arrest the people involved in the corruption and add bribing the authorities to the charges against Boss. A man has lost his life, perhaps 2, he needs to face justice, the corrupt need to be arrested, the money that has changed hands confiscated, assets need to be seized..


what we have at the moment is a silly list of that looks more like a dereliction of duty,,, how much money changed hands? Who was paid off? 


In any decent country all involved would be having their lifestyle scrutinised with a microscope and question any part of their lifestyle that seems to be beyond their legitimate means.


We can only dream I guess. In the meantime there is something ordinary people can do to apply pressure, that is boycott Redbull. The campaign seems to be gaining momentum and I for one will never buy their products or support their sports sponsorships. Taking away cash from them that they are using for corruption may not exactly push them into poverty but it will hurt a lot,,, no more powerful way to hurt a rich person then hit them in the wallet. I would not be surprised if this and the International press is really applying pressure...

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Meanwhile national police chief Gen Pol Chakthip Chaijinda today ordered that Vorayuth should be charged with speeding and drug use as soon as possible as per new evidence.


Failing to charge the accused

as soon as possible ha ha ha

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3 minutes ago, Razek said:

Meanwhile national police chief Gen Pol Chakthip Chaijinda today ordered that Vorayuth should be charged with speeding and drug use as soon as possible as per new evidence.


Failing to charge the accused

as soon as possible ha ha ha

Have you ever known any police force anywhere in the world publicly advertise that "the criminal should be punished"? They would just arrest them and put THAT in the press, right? Boasting their success at tackling crime. It just shows how endemic corruption is in the police, even the police investigating the police look dodgy,,, goodness I feel for anyone that needs to rely on Thai police for anything serious,, 

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19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Probe finds deep flaws in ‘Boss’ investigation; police chief urges drugs, speeding charges

Well there's flaws, cracks, crevices, holes this one is about as deep as the grand canyon !

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21 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I guess when it also hit the news wires in the US and the rest of the world the pressure became to great.  CNN did a good piece, and I can not stand the Communist News Network.

Good post until your final eight words. Silly. Juvenile.

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2 hours ago, Patanawet said:

Good post until your final eight words. Silly. Juvenile.

Its a common thing in the US,, anytime people don't agree with some organisation or person they all become "Commies", I was being called a commie last week on here because I highlighted the fact that China were the next number one economy in the world,, doesnt matter that its just a factual statement, I was a "commie".. ???? He even asked me to quote I hate Xi Xinping" because he though I would never, ever do that as I must be an strong CCP supporter,, pretty pathetic, for a non US citizen i find it funny. ????

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On 8/13/2020 at 6:27 AM, ExpatOilWorker said:

but hey nobody care about the dead guy anymore.

UNLESS it's CV-19! Then they all go nuts. Murder, hit & run, daily road carnage, tons of other natural causes...turn cheek, carry on.????

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On 8/13/2020 at 11:31 AM, Nsp64 said:

So he gets fined for drug use and a bit if speeding. 

Thats it, all finushed and he is free. How about all the other charges ?

This probe is just a staged police pantomime show to pacify the Thai public and con them into thinking that something is actually being done about this appalling and embarassing but perfectly normal example of corrupt Thai justice.

Edited by SunsetT
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On 8/13/2020 at 8:17 PM, ThailandRyan said:

Well, well, well, what do we have here.  Is this the bomb that will sink "Boss" Red Bull, as well as all of those who were on the take and received there brown envelopes.  When there are to many fingers in the pot then there are sure to be screw-ups and evidence of malfeasance to be found.  I will bet that all those involved were pre-warned before this ticking time bomb hit the news and are scurrying for a deep dark hole to hide in.  


A proper investigation needs to be done on all cases, no matter if they are willing to bribe someone.  Prosecute the dookie out of them and then let them pay there fines and bribes to stay out of jail.  RTP do your stinking  job the right way.


I can only hope that what truly needs to be done is done, but then actions speak louder than words as this is Thailand.  I guess when it also hit the news wires in the US and the rest of the world the pressure became to great.  CNN did a good piece, and I can not stand the Communist News Network.

Anyone found to have been involved in bribe of any kind must be put on trial and this includes those offering the bribe.


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On 8/13/2020 at 10:04 PM, ChipButty said:

He's never coming back now, I think they should throw a few more charges in there like perverting the coarse of justice, accepting bribes 

He might never come back, but those involved in bribes including his parents are still in Thailand and they should all have to answer for this crime alone.

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14 hours ago, pedro01 said:

Unless they actually find those where bribed, nobody is going to believe any of these fake probes. 


Every Thai knows what happened. These white washing attempts are making it worse. 

Investigate the finances of everyone involved with the case, something will show up. With the Koh Tao case, the replacement head cop retired some time after and he and his wife were seen to have money and shares far above his earning capacity as a policeman, but no one seems to have noticed.


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10 hours ago, karunasup said:

Despite all this corruption, ineptness, etc, etc, we all still live in Thailand, and in fact, like it better than other countries.

So, have to recognize and appreciate Thailand with all its good bad and ugly. Better for you own mood, mental and emotional well-being.....

Think what a Utophia Thailnd would be with a decent, honest well trained police force rather than the "keystone cops outfit" it has to put up with now.

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On 8/14/2020 at 12:15 AM, PatOngo said:

After eight years does'nt just emphasize what a bunch of crooked fools they are! Hang your heads in absolute shame, all those grubs involved!

Does the PM know about the corruption in the police? I'm sure he would get to the bottom of this if he finds out. 

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On 8/13/2020 at 7:21 PM, mark131v said:

Even at this stage years down the line it stinks!!


The lying hypocrites in charge have shown zero honesty, integrity or ability, in short the whole organisation from top down has shown the world and their own people they are unfit for purpose


Unfortunately all they have done is confirm what everybody already knew and as such nothing will change 


All the fantasists and junta huggers should hang their heads in shame, end corruption, bring happiness to the people you say!! lies all lies, snafu...

what happened to the oldies who were caught having a nice sedate GAME OF BRIDGE?????

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There are many things not or wrongly investigated. But it all doesn`t matter. The guy hit a motorcycle and ran after this. There is no additional evidence needed, at least that is an established fact. Is it not a crime to be involved in an accident where one person dies and than flee??? And dragging the body of the victim along while driving away???


That for itself should have led to detention.


Alcohol or drugs, speeding, and even how the accident exactly happened and who is to blame, these are only details to produce additional charges, but it would already have been good to charge him with fleeing the scene. There is not much needed: 1. Did he realize he was hitting a person? Yes for sure, the impact damage on his car was huge. 2. Did he wait at the scene and try helping the injured, calling police and ambulance? No, he ran. That is already enough in a country ruled by laws.

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