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Majority of Scots support independence from UK - YouGov poll


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2 hours ago, katatonic said:

How will you feel when, with independence, your taxes go through the roof? Already higher than England but kept rather quiet. Scots with the wherewithal are quietly buying English property to class as their primary residence.

The majority in Scotland pay less tax than their English counterparts. 

Evidence Scots are preparing to leave?

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1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

Actually we will need a wall I think.

All those Brexit economic migrants trying to flood north.

First question on the application form will be.......

"Provide evidence you voted to remain in the EU".

The ones who cant will have to remain in their utopian, unicorn infested sunny uplands ????.

to vogie and other brits, do note this scot immediate reference to brexit,

that is what will swing them

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Nationalism may be getting in the way of rational thinking. The Scots are always gonna have a bigger say being part of the UK, than being part of some conglomerate called the EU. Up to them. England will probably be wealthier, if less influential, without them. 

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5 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Remember that time Scotland stopped Brexit by enacting a veto? No, neither do I. 


I do, however, remember the time when Belgium vetoed the EU - Canada trade deal. 


Tell me again about the power of the Scottish influence in the direction of the Westminster government. 

It was the SNP and the Lib-dems that convinced Corbyn to allow a general election,if they forced the government to finish it's 5 year fixed term Boris would still be twisting in the wind. 

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

What a shame. First Donald the clown causes stress. All Tennessee whiskeys (I know it has to be correctly called bourbon) have become at least 3-5 Euros per 0.7 liter more expensive for the end consumer due to the commercial dispute tariffs. 

Now, due to Brexit, Scotland will soon also fail as a good value source of supply for excellent whiskeys.

I hope the Scots manage to continue to supply continental Europe with their striving for independence.

At the end of the transition period, Irish whiskeys will mostly stay on the EU shelves.

Conclusion: The right-wing national weirdos DT and BJ are ruining the market for fine branded drinks. It will be more expensive for everyone. Great politics.

Scotland doesn't supply any whiskey's excellent or otherwise.

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7 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Most of us dont want to be a burden on you lovely English people so give us the section 30 order and we will be on our way.

Yes we do know what we are voting for. Unlike you Brexiteers, because there is only ONE form of independence. Its not like you can get independence in name only or something. Did any other member of the commonwealth decide they still needed Westminster to run stuff for them?

Scotland has no deficit. Scotland gets its pocket money from Westminster and pays for everything it needs out of that. Where the deficit arises is Westminster buying or paying for stuff it wants and then blaming Scotland for it. Things like foreign wars. HS2. Hinkly Point. Crossrail. Londons sewage upgrades and of course the unelected house of lards.

What is going to stick in your craw is a successful independent Scotland doing fine within the EU while Engerlund struggles.

And anyway whats the problem. You were warned Scotland would leave the UK if you voted for Brexit but you did it anyway. I actually thank you for doing so. Without the absolute dumpster fire that Brexit is it is unlikely us pro independence guys could have persuaded enough other Scots that independence is the best option.

As for your comment about building a border with Great Britain. You think Engerlund IS Great Britain? 

I have no problem with Scotland leaving, but unlike you I respect Democracy and your wonderful fellow countrymen voted to stay in 2014 and I respect their decision.


Yes I knew Scotland might leave if there was Brexit. No problem. That's like warning me I might stub my toe on the way to collecting my 70 Million quid lottery win.


You'd need a customs/currency border with Wales and Northern Ireland as well. Got to protect the EU single market, remember? Plus due to Barnier's wonderful negotiating skills you'd lose all that lovely free trade you have with the rest of the UK. But hey, that won't matter for the mighty Scotland, it's only 3 times the amount of trade that you do with the rest of the EU 27 combined, nay bother wee lad ????. Of course, your hypocritical stance allows you to criticize the UK for leaving the free trade it has with the EU while simultaneously ignoring the fact Scotland would be doing exactly the same thing (but worse) by leaving the UK ????.


It seems like it might be the blinkered Scottish nationalists (bless 'em) who don't know what they're voting for, not the Brexiteers.






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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Of all the things you have written, most of them gave me a right good laugh but this genuinely saddens. Nigel will not be happy with you if he finds out that such a stalwart patriot as yourself can't even grasp the basics of the geography of the British Isles. 

I assumed you were aware that there are many types of borders, they are not all physical land borders. I didn't expect to have to spell this out (maybe I do since this isn't a scene from BraveHeart) but we're in 2020 and in 2020 we have such things as customs borders, currency borders, taxation borders etc. Such borders would exist with other members of the UK.


So before you get too saddened (condescending), better do your homework ????.

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11 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I have no problem with Scotland leaving, but unlike you I respect Democracy and your wonderful fellow countrymen voted to stay in 2014 and I respect their decision.


Yes I knew Scotland might leave if there was Brexit. No problem. That's like warning me I might stub my toe on the way to collecting my 70 Million quid lottery win.


You'd need a customs/currency border with Wales and Northern Ireland as well. Got to protect the EU single market, remember? Plus due to Barnier's wonderful negotiating skills you'd lose all that lovely free trade you have with the rest of the UK. But hey, that won't matter for the mighty Scotland, it's only 3 times the amount of trade that you do with the rest of the EU 27 combined, nay bother wee lad ????. Of course, your hypocritical stance allows you to criticize the UK for leaving the free trade it has with the EU while simultaneously ignoring the fact Scotland would be doing exactly the same thing (but worse) by leaving the UK ????.


It seems like it might be the blinkered Scottish nationalists (bless 'em) who don't know what they're voting for, not the Brexiteers.






In 2014 we did vote to remain in the UK. Everyone is aware of that. However you seem to be unaware that things have changed since then. In 2016 we vote to remain in the EU. What the polls now reflect is a choice between staying in the UK or staying in the EU. It appears the EU is winning. 

Tariff free trade with 59 million people vs tariff free trade with 440 million. Hmmmm its a toughie but I think we will go with the bigger number.

Of course what that will mean for Engerlund is stuff like whisky and gin will be more expensive but thats OK with us I think.

Of course you could get tariff free whiskey from Ireland. Oh no wait that wont work will it?

You genuinely dont know what the term Great Britain means do you? Leaving the UK will not mean leaving Great Britain.

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The graph here shows 10 yearish of the nationalists wanting to seperate from "Engerlund" in 10 years it is still only averaging 52% in favour of seperating from "Engerlund". And it is not beyond the realms of possibility that nationalists shouting from the rooftops 'we want away fay "Engerlund" but when push comes to shove and they are faced with the question in the actual polling booth, they may say 'well at least we know where we are with the Engerlunders, I'm staying.


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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

I assumed you were aware that there are many types of borders, they are not all physical land borders. I didn't expect to have to spell this out (maybe I do since this isn't a scene from BraveHeart) but we're in 2020 and in 2020 we have such things as customs borders, currency borders, taxation borders etc. Such borders would exist with other members of the UK.


So before you get too saddened (condescending), better do your homework ????.

1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

change their currency and build a border with Great Britain.


Hmmm - no, I am still going to suggest that the lack of understanding is firmly with you. 




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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Hmmm - no, I am still going to suggest that the lack of understanding is firmly with you. 




Yes we all understand the physical geography, we've moved the conversation a couple of levels beyond that.


Please read this slowly. If Scotland leaves the UK and joins the EU, do you think there will be no need for any form of customs border between Scotland and Wales/Northern Ireland? You think the EU will just let goods flow freely between Wales (which is part of the UK) and Scotland (which would be part of the EU)?  I'm sure Barnier would love that!


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Scotland has had one vote for Independence which was rejected and like Quebec people will always want another and another as political events change, until at last they get independence. Then when they are independent countries will they have a vote again after 10 years to rejoin the UK or Canada. I think not. And of course would they be accepted. 

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16 hours ago, Mavideol said:

finally, now let's see if the government is listening , BJ and the remainers will not be very happy 555

Go Scotland

Brexit is a saga that just keeps giving. The Uk citizens have their country back, what's left of it anyway.

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16 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Yes we all understand the physical geography, we've moved the conversation a couple of levels beyond that.


Please read this slowly. If Scotland leaves the UK and joins the EU, do you think there will be no need for any form of customs border between Scotland and Wales/Northern Ireland? You think the EU will just let goods flow freely between Wales (which is part of the UK) and Scotland (which would be part of the EU)?  I'm sure Barnier would love that!


Clearly you didn't understand the physical geography or you wouldn't have written something as utterly nonsensical as:

2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

build a border with Great Britain.

But now I am intrigued. Where will this Wales/Scotland border checkpoints be physically located? 

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