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Soi Dog Foundation is looking for flight volunteers


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While the good intentions are there the timing is not, most of the world now is busy over their head with this covid business and to import animals to be adopted in foreign countries, i don't see it going very smoothly as you never know what are theses animals are carrying with them...

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I agree with Hans, I cant stand the horrid things. And some people have just made a business out of sympathy for these disease ridden mutts.

Ship them off to Vietnam or China and turn them into soup

Edited by sebastion
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5 minutes ago, hansgruber said:

What's sickening is that people want to adopt a dog from a 3rd world nation because it's trendy and looks good on social media. 

Plenty of dogs in the pound in the U.S and Europe but that wouldn't garner enough social media credibility. 


Wasted money and resources to inflate their own self worth. 


Thailand needs to educate and cull the feral animals. Expat activists should direct their energy to education locals otherwise they will be forever scooping animals off the side of the road. 

Year after year Soi dog foundation struggles and hasn't made a dent into the problem. 

Well with covid19 destroying the economy, I imagine that the profit of sending these dogs off to China and Vietnam will prove too tempting for even the most faithful Buddhists

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

While the good intentions are there the timing is not, most of the world now is busy over their head with this covid business and to import animals to be adopted in foreign countries, i don't see it going very smoothly as you never know what are theses animals are carrying with them...

These dogs are adopted already, just need the transport. The timing is causing this request.

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6 minutes ago, sebastion said:

Well with covid19 destroying the economy, I imagine that the profit of sending these dogs off to China and Vietnam will prove too tempting for even the most faithful Buddhists

A better fate than if they wander into Muslim communities. They knock them on the head and throw them on the side of the road for dead. 

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It's first what i think when find flight to home coundry! That i can't flight if there is not place for few soi dog!

Business class will be nice , maybe they have free cracker's this "nice" dog. Do they have dog mask on plane. Even you flight out 10000 this dog's problem is still there! Yes feel really nice save one, what vainglorious thinking!

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

While the good intentions are there the timing is not, most of the world now is busy over their head with this covid business and to import animals to be adopted in foreign countries, i don't see it going very smoothly as you never know what are theses animals are carrying with them...

what are they carrying with them? Do you not understand the strict rules for exporting animals? The health checks and certificates needed? Guessing not....

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26 minutes ago, Caldera said:

I cannot think of anything more silly than having pets adopted by people living in another continent and shipping them there. No doubt there's no shortage of pets in those other countries that could be adopted from a local animal shelter.


This should be illegal and a foundation such as this one should focus on reducing the excess number of soi dogs in Thailand instead. Preferably by educating people and by neutering strays, to be clear.

They DO neuter dogs and cats here, that is one of their main functions, and they also try to educate people... look at their website and what they do

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1 hour ago, PremiumLane said:

They DO neuter dogs and cats here, that is one of their main functions, and they also try to educate people... look at their website and what they do

I'm aware of that and actually donated to them some years ago, upon reading an article about their neutering efforts. When I wrote that they should focus on that, that is exactly what I meant.


I'm 100% opposed to this adoption nonsense, so I won't support them anymore in any shape or form while they're (also) doing this. Asking Thais or expats who reside in Thailand to adopt a soi dog, fine. Shipping one over to Europe or America, lunacy.


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11 hours ago, sebastion said:

I agree with Hans, I cant stand the horrid things. And some people have just made a business out of sympathy for these disease ridden mutts.

Ship them off to Vietnam or China and turn them into soup

Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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11 hours ago, digger70 said:

Why in the name of Satan would anyone try to adopt a Soi Dog and take it/send it to an other country? 

What about the Quarantine & Health tests  in the other country ? 

Most Soi Dogs Won't Pass a Health test and will be Killed anyway. 

Why not Cull All the Soi Dogs and make the place a bit safer for the Whole population of Thailand. Muslim communities are nearly all free of Soi Dogs they don't take kindly to Soi Dogs.


and why are you talking about what you know nothing ?

of course they send dogs that they are sure will pass all health tests ! not everybody is as smart as you...



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11 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why disgusting? At least they would be feeding people. 


In western countries stray dogs get put down and then incinerated....and if some feral animal comes onto your property you have every right to blow it away.


Lets see how much of a fan of Soi Dogs you are when some kid gets killed by a pack of them

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On 8/19/2020 at 6:45 AM, sebastion said:

I agree with Hans, I cant stand the horrid things. And some people have just made a business out of sympathy for these disease ridden mutts.

Ship them off to Vietnam or China and turn them into soup

And you along with them

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@geriatrickid I did mention in my later post #19 that I donated to the Soi Dog Foundation in the past and that I'm supportive of their efforts to neuter strays and to educate locals about responsible pet ownership.


But this overseas pet adoption business is nuts! In my opinion (and I respect yours), that discredits the foundation. I'm all for treating animals well, but flying a Thai dog halfway round the world to an adopted home in a Western country is way over the top.

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23 hours ago, sebastion said:

This whole Soi Dog nonsense is just another version of "Virtue Signalling".


The people that work in these places make money from it, and it also makes them feel like the are above others. They can scream at people how they devote their time to Soi Dogs...blah blah blah. I swear you never hear nurses that work in hospitals banging on about how many human beings they have saved, but someone at Soi Dog can tell you how many mangy mongrels they have washed this week.


The dogs are not some sort of sacred cow, they are not native to Phuket they are a bloody pest

I could say something about you virtue signalling your ignorance of Soi Dog Foundation and the work they do and as for that last statement....

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31 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Wrong. The animals have been cleaned, dewormed, vaccinated and   inspected. They cannot be imported into Canada, USA, Australia, EU if that is not done. 


And once again, like clockwork, another person who does not understand that a 'mass cull" is not effective. All that happens is that the population rebounds in a greater number than previously.


And I cannot stand ignorant cruel people. I would lose my professional licenses if I advocated using such people for experiments.


 Are you putting up the money? I don't think so because it is people like me who donate,  Do you know who the typical donor is? They are people like the elderly English couple who lived in my condo building. The missus also  volunteered with deprived children and the gentleman always had something going with his Lions or Rotary club. 

There are few if any animals available for adoption in many western countries now. People cleaned out the shelters looking for companionship since the start of the Covid work at home campaign. Most everyone I work with made room for an extra  furry friend. Our Team and Zoom meetings  are often  crashed by  kids, cats, dogs,  rabbits, and birds They are also the people who have been working 10-14 hour days 6 days a week since February.


Why so nasty? Do you think espousing cruelty and being nasty makes the world a better place or will improve your life? If you are unhappy and miserable, look in the mirror and tell the person you see to change his life around. Taking it out on a helpless dog isn't going to help you.  We are in the predicament with Covid 19 because  the people you want to eat more  animals in the manner in which they do , gave us Covid 19 and other  infections because of the way in which they eat rodents, bats,  dogs, cats and other animals which they typically  torture and torment before consuming.


 My willingness to contribute does not require your permission, nor your validation. My self worth is doing just fine. So is my  bank account.  It is my money to spend as I wish.   One of my colleagues  has been investing a considerable amount of time on a feral cat and has been using it to teach her kids the lesson of kindness. She also cares for her dementia stricken mother in law and delivered on a file I had assigned to her that will support much needed critical care. Who are you and the other miserable farangs to judge her? She has done far more for society this past week than I  believe you critics have done in  a lifetime.


You know nothing about soidog or the wonderful volunteers who have made a significant difference.

Your comments are insulting and speak to your selfishness. You don't agree. Fine.  Just remember, that the people who are supporting soi dog are also the volunteers and  donors to many of Thailand's  charities, including those which benefit  farangs with difficulties. People who run their mouths off condemning their generosity are never, ever the principal donors or the reliable volunteers at these  charities. They talk a lot, perhaps give 20 baht to a temple to impress their bar girl hires but typically contribute nothing  of any significance. I have met some very fine people who have helped soi dog and they come from all backgrounds. You question their motives without even knowing who they are and how much they contribute to society. That just tells me that you are frustrated and envious that they are loved, and appreciated. There is a reason why so many people have negative opinions of the  foreign males  who visit Thailand, and this thread illustrates it.

Here you are pontificating to everyone, again. Can't help yourself. 

Soi dog foundation is a failure. Year after year it's lost money, begged for donations and not made a single dent into the feral animals. Kata beach still has wild packs roaming it. 

Educating the locals is a better way to spend ones time. 

Volunteering at Soi dog is mostly a hobby for bored expat wives pushed to volunteer their time whilst the husband plays 'golf' and gets a soapy. (Ladyboys optional) We all know the deal. 


Everyone feels good and goes home feeling fulfilled. Another day in paradise. 





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