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Thailand’s success in containing the coronavirus may not help its economy much


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Thailand’s success in containing the coronavirus may not help its economy much

Yen Nee Lee


-- Thailand’s economy could be one of Asia’s worst performing this year after the pandemic caused a slump in tourist arrivals, said economists.

-- Adding to concerns are intensifying anti-government protests that some analysts said could distract authorities from their priority of keeping the economy going.

-- Thailand on Monday reported its economy shrinking by 12.2% on-year in the second quarter — its deepest economic contraction since the Asian financial crisis in 1998.





Thailand’s relative success in containing the coronavirus may do little to chart a smooth recovery for its economy, which could be one of Asia’s worst performing this year after the pandemic caused a slump in tourist arrivals, said economists.


Adding to concerns are intensifying anti-government protests that some analysts said could distract authorities from their priority of keeping the economy going.


Thailand on Monday reported its deepest economic contraction since the Asian financial crisis in 1998. The Southeast Asian economy shrank by 12.2% on year in the second quarter — better than the 13.3% contraction forecast by a Reuters poll.


Full story: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/18/thailands-success-in-containing-the-coronavirus-may-not-help-its-economy-much.html


-- CNBC - 2010-08-19

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1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

I know what you're saying, but those places will bounce back faster than others. The likes of Thailand with their 'low' numbers will end up paranoid (unaccepting of increasing numbers) and forever be hankering for that top spot, resulting in continual lockdowns while the rest of the world moves on.


Btw, the Thai gov is not all that interested in protecting its citizens sadly. As for the tourist industry, they want that erased in its current guise.

Maybe you haven't noticed but there is no lockdown in Thailand...maybe you're referring to Australia, New Zealand, France, the UK, the States, and other places where the virus is still running rampant. 

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand’s success in containing the coronavirus may not help its economy much

They just figured out that the economy was going down the pan long before Covid came along as a good excuse to put the blame on something.
With domestic infections supposedly low and companies back to normal the old problems that were there before are still having an affect. Nothing was done then and nothing is being done now.

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You lock down or you don't. Once locked there is no going back having instilled fear in the population to justify it in the first place. Australia has minuscule deaths, the statistics don't lie, its equal to a bad flu, and yet we are all screaming the end is nigh. Victoria has mandatory masks and the army patrolling the streets, and now the police are being armed with automatic weapons! Insanity that few question. Think its better to be in Thailand, even the military government there is less fascist than Australia.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand’s success in containing the coronavirus may not help its economy much

Better headline might read 


"Thailand's planned 'don't ask, don't tell' minimal testing strategy failed to account for anything other than 'luring' and manufactured confidence



Edited by Fex Bluse
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7 hours ago, pegman said:

The Thai economy was in deep trouble before the pandemic. Tourism, exports, vehicle sales amoung others were way down prior to the virus hitting. The high ฿ may help the holdings of someone up high in the Thai hierarchy but it was wreaking havoc on the Thailand economy in general.

Conspiracy theories are always spread by posters that haven't a clue why the baht is so strong. Try a bit of due diligence before posting the oldest cliché in the TV treasure chest 

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1 hour ago, EvetsKram said:

Have you ever noticed that thailand only considers the hospitalised in their covid count, many many more cases but they don't count if suffering at home.  Kind of like the garbage road death figures

Do you know they hospitalize all those tested positive, even you are totally asymptomatic(majority) you will be put in hospital


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1 hour ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

don't test = success ? 

check number of test per 1M population

While there is some truth that more tests identify more cases, it is also true that fewer cases will result in a need for fewer tests. Why test for a disease that is not widely circulating?

The US has one of the highest testing rates in the world mostly because so many people are presenting at hospitals with serious symptoms. South Korea currently has a fairly low testing rate because they have so few new infections. 

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Reading the haters hating, they just cant help themselves. First the countries that are the targets of hate like the UK and USA let's make one thing clear their testing numbers are rising and then look at per capita deaths and you see how great these countries are doing. For a virus that the majority of people who get infected do not even know or the symptoms are so mild the whole thing is blown out of all proportions (get malaria or dengue and you know all about it). Looked at the death figure in the uk 5 minutes ago and screaming out for all to see is it's exactly the same as the annual flu death rate. The elephant in the room is the death rate of flu in the UK is now zero. What a shock. On a side my wife gets tested every week and is told that the tests are flawed and not accurate lots of false positives occurring. I also have a relative who works in the new tracking system office and she says they do nothing all day. She loves it. TAKE THE RED PILL FOR GOD SAKE.

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16 minutes ago, Scot123 said:

Looked at the death figure in the uk 5 minutes ago and screaming out for all to see is it's exactly the same as the annual flu death rate. The elephant in the room is the death rate of flu in the UK is now zero. What a shock.

UK has posted below average death rates for the last 7 weeks ????.

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3 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

100% agree! Thailand governmant cultivates panic and paranoia, for political reasons. Even many expats living here obviously feel this unnecessary panic.


But: the official Thai numbers are not true, as all official number in Thailand are wrong. Thailand is well performing regarding Covid, similar to well performing countries is Europe. They would find about the same numbers here, if they would test and publish the results in a transparent way. Hence, they could follow the pragmatic European way, without any significant risc.


Open the borders, do tests before and after the flight, but get rid of the 14 days quarantine! Allow people to travel, let the economy recover!


I follow the number of Covid deaths in Germany: There are now between 4 and 6 per day in the recent days. In a country of 82 million! Put this in relation to the paranoia in Thailand. Hospitals and intensive care are available at any time in Europe. And no, there are not scores of bodies on the road, as they make Thais believe. No reason to panic, just stay alerted and follow the basic rules. Practice social distancing, wear a mask when shopping or in public transport. 


As the numbers in Thailand and European countries are similar (I am convinced about that, based on the number of excess deaths compared to 2019), opening the borders should be a possibility and not increase the risc significantliy, if at all.


My comments above are about Europe, not about the US or Brazil, however.


I feel absolutely no panic. I am not buying into the Zombie Apocalypse. Period. Not here. No domestic cases in 80 days and people are running around with masks and checking temps? When does it end? It is their paranoia. Not mine. The fear and timidity belongs to cowards. 

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