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DDC: Risk of second wave of infections low as new patients carried 'dead' Covid-19 cells


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1 hour ago, IamNoone88 said:

The more the worlds knows about this virus, the less we understand. Negative tests become positive, it can seem to stay dormant for a long time, many of those that have "recovered" report troubling ongoing health challenges and may be weakened permanently, and now its not the antibodies that may present a hope for a vaccine but the T-cells .... immunity may be 6 months at best as reinfection seems possible ..... an unexplained anomaly, it is becoming more contagious .... but as yet, we do not know if any less "dangerous". It is so new and different that the long-term ramifications are at best guess work ...... one thing is for sure is that is not over and best avoided.

Dude you have to do some serious research. You're talking so much nonsense it hurts my eyes. I'll give away one clue: You can't test or produce a vaccine for a virus if you never isolated that virus. Now go on and educated yourself. Ok, I'll throw in Koch's postulate for free too, when you don't understand that term; Google it

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1 hour ago, sherwood said:

Covid, what a joke, let it run its course and see who is left standing at the end.

For anyone worried about this poxy flu Nembutal should be made freely available so as to let the world continue on its own merry way to self destruction.

What a joke.

Most people on this forum are sheep and will follow and welcome all the BS advice of the MSM/Governments they're watching all day. Unable or unwilling to do their own research, living on their knees is all they know.


You're absolutely right, covid what a joke! 

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19 hours ago, ukrules said:

Meh, a better choice of words would have been 'viable virus' but I think we got the message.


The 'Euro' strain of COVID called D614G has been in Thailand since March.

Left by some dirty farang who got out early...

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

Covid killed about 0.00008 of planetary population (and getting smaller with 150,000 more births than deaths every day), NY says 99.3% of people had pre-existing condition - which translates as 0.00000014% of world population died that were healthy adults ! Complete lunacy. The other day , 2 people only died in the UK, both were 86 with pre-existing condition. World has gone totally and absolutely nuts

We are in the midst of a hysteria produced by government and media fearmongering. I don't believe that the disease is a hoax, and and I think preventive measures are definitely needed, but the situation in many countries now is over the top. It seems that there is no way to back off it now that we are looking at case numbers as the index. The flu infects about a billion each year so I would expect this disease to eventually reach at least hundreds of millions infected. Since they tout having low case numbers is the only acceptable way to open society there is no way they can back away from their policies now, but even countries with 0 local cases are still hugely paranoid.


Taiwan considers their single cases in state quarantine and singe digit cases of asymptomatic returnees to other countries a spike in cases and have reintroduced more serious preventive measures in their society. Looks like I am never getting home since I cannot travel from 1 country with 0 local cases to another (Thailand to Taiwan) even with tests and quarantine because I am not a special corporate person or some such VIP. What nonsense.

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8 minutes ago, Call said:

They might have beaten the virus so far, but at the cost of Thai economy. 

Correct. Millions of jobs lost here.

10's of millions of dollars lost in tourism revenue

The generals need to wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late.

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On 8/20/2020 at 3:10 PM, JusticeGB said:

The risk will be very low because people who don't die in hospital aren't tested. Those dying in hospital with other problems won't be tested for covid19 either. The all important thing is to keep the infection numbers down.

And you got this infomration from what reliable souce?

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3 hours ago, solent01 said:

The global MSM has drummed up so much fear regarding this low level influenza, that most people are jumping at their own shadow........ Do the research, your being played..........

At this time, infection rates of covid are 10-20 times higher than that being for the regular flu in countries where covid is active. I think you need to read and research this more yourself. 

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4 hours ago, diks said:

There are very few who die of Corona virus, they die with it. Even some of the ones who supposedly die with it, are falsely counted, because they are just added to the count, but not tested or autopsied.

And your information of this comes from where? Sorry....just need to call out BS postings. I'm taking about Thailand, and not anywhere else. I would say thr vast majority admitted to hospital and teat positive for covid and end up on a ventilator, have died from covid. If you doe in a car accident put have tested positive for the virus - you have died from the car accident. I don't think medical authorities here are that stupid. 

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

Authorities said the woman was unlikely to be contagious and may have caught the virus in the United Arab Emirates or her home province of Loei, bordering Laos.


"She may have been infected in the past three months, probably in Dubai or Loei, but not Bangkok," Taweesin Wisanuyothin, spokesman for the government's COVID-19 task force, told a briefing.

Unlikely, may have ?? I may be a brain surgeon but it’s highly unlikely ! ????

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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Covid killed about 0.00008 of planetary population (and getting smaller with 150,000 more births than deaths every day), NY says 99.3% of people had pre-existing condition - which translates as 0.00000014% of world population died that were healthy adults ! Complete lunacy. The other day , 2 people only died in the UK, both were 86 with pre-existing condition. World has gone totally and absolutely nuts

And last week in the uk flu killed more people than COVID ! 

World death rate I worked out was 0.00065% of world population or close to that . Drop in the ocean on a overpopulated planet .

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20 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

And last week in the uk flu killed more people than COVID ! 

World death rate I worked out was 0.00065% of world population or close to that . Drop in the ocean on a overpopulated planet .

So are you saying stop all precautions and carry on as before?

There is a reason the numbers are so low. Personally I don't agree with how it has been controlled in the UK. Either we should have closed the borders at the very start and waited out for a vaccine or at least better ways of controlling it learned from other countries or we should have carried on as normal and given at risk people far more protection. 

The numbers are low due to precautions, can you give us an acceptable death rate that everyone will agree to? I bet people in their 20's will have a different view to those in their 60's. And how old is your average politician or influential scientist?

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On 8/20/2020 at 2:52 PM, Mung said:

I still remember being slammed for saying that the mutated strain found in Europe and North America was more infectious. It will find it's way into Thailand sooner or later considering that it's in Mtaylasia now. Taking into account incubation periods and such time lags, it might already be within the borders. That being said, I still think Thailand should open it's borders and try to resume normality, the overreaction is going do way more damage in the long run. 

HMM I often pondered the question why its so bad in western countries... thought it was just unreported here perhaps..  then I saw this.. about different strains..  well that makes some sense..  except its been so long now that you would have thought it would be and spreading by now..

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2 hours ago, DavisH said:

At this time, infection rates of covid are 10-20 times higher than that being for the regular flu in countries where covid is active. I think you need to read and research this more yourself. 

And your information of this comes from where? Sorry....just need to call out BS postings.

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Myanmar locks down Rakhine state capital after outbreak of more infectious virus strain

Myanmar has locked down the state capital of conflict-torn Rakhine after an outbreak of a coronavirus strain that officials said was more infectious than that previously seen in the country.

Nineteen people have tested positive for the virus in the western region since Monday, health officials said on Friday, the first local transmission in Myanmar in months, bringing the total number of cases to 409.

Myat Htut Nyunt, deputy director at Myanmar's department of medical research, said the type of virus was the same as a mutation detected earlier this week in Malaysia, which has been found in Europe, North America, and parts of Asia and is thought to be more infectious.

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August 11, 2020. Photo by VnExpress/Dac Thanh.

Vietnam recorded 14 new Covid-19 cases Thursday evening, taking the national count to four figures at 1,007 with 439 active cases.

Eleven of the new cases are from the central city of Da Nang, one from neighboring Quang Nam Province and two are imported, the Health Ministry said.

The Da Nang patients, numbered 994 to 998 and 1,001 to 1,006, are aged 24-65. They include six caregivers, one medical worker and one patient at the Da Nang Hospital and the Da Nang Oncology Hospital.

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1 hour ago, 3NUMBAS said:



August 11, 2020. Photo by VnExpress/Dac Thanh.

Vietnam recorded 14 new Covid-19 cases Thursday evening, taking the national count to four figures at 1,007 with 439 active cases.

Eleven of the new cases are from the central city of Da Nang, one from neighboring Quang Nam Province and two are imported, the Health Ministry said.

The Da Nang patients, numbered 994 to 998 and 1,001 to 1,006, are aged 24-65. They include six caregivers, one medical worker and one patient at the Da Nang Hospital and the Da Nang Oncology Hospital.

So it looks like they already getting that small outbreak in Danang under control. 14 is way down from what they had.

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1 hour ago, 3NUMBAS said:
Myanmar locks down Rakhine state capital after outbreak of more infectious virus strain

Myanmar has locked down the state capital of conflict-torn Rakhine after an outbreak of a coronavirus strain that officials said was more infectious than that previously seen in the country.

Nineteen people have tested positive for the virus in the western region since Monday, health officials said on Friday, the first local transmission in Myanmar in months, bringing the total number of cases to 409.

Myat Htut Nyunt, deputy director at Myanmar's department of medical research, said the type of virus was the same as a mutation detected earlier this week in Malaysia, which has been found in Europe, North America, and parts of Asia and is thought to be more infectious.


More infectious is probably good. It will mean that it is less deadly. If people are this alarmed by a few cases (and 19 is a small amount), then the Asia Pacific region will stay shut until the covid epidemic is done. I wonder how people would react if the Black Death reemerged if this is the reaction over what appears to be a very bad flu.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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On 8/20/2020 at 3:28 PM, 2 is 1 said:

If they not infect nobody, why need go hospital!? Why hole Loei is panic mode if nothing chance to get it!


   Thx for the update . 

  I have taken Loei , off my bucket list , along with Udon , farlang City..


  Kings hotel in Loei , that  was a regular place too stay , on my annual, Love tours...

  Twelve years ago , Loei was not Westernised  , few  farlangs , Fantastic ..

  No Tesco lotus , Big C , etc. 

Ah,  those were the days ...



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This article is an insult to the term gibberish.


Articles like these are designed as a smokescreen to get you looking at the wrong issues.


While this nonsense is being printed daily, your freedoms are being eliminated at a rapid pace. By design.


I don't recall them ever caring about citizens health before.


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1 hour ago, Mark Nothing said:

This article is an insult to the term gibberish.


Articles like these are designed as a smokescreen to get you looking at the wrong issues.


While this nonsense is being printed daily, your freedoms are being eliminated at a rapid pace. By design.


I don't recall them ever caring about citizens health before.


They certainly don't worry about road deaths that's for sure.

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