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Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, saying his life was likely in danger


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1 hour ago, Mansell said:

Some minor....he’s being charged as an adult. 

That is something that really needs to be addressed in the US justice system. It is the age of the suspect that determines if he/she is a minor, not the alleged crime.

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:

If there were more "idiots" in this World, there would be less riots and destruction 

yep, it sure is solving the problem in the US. Lets just arm everyone and have one big 'kill in', see what kind of society that produces. 

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6 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

yep, it sure is solving the problem in the US. Lets just arm everyone and have one big 'kill in', see what kind of society that produces. 

Let lawless mobs loot and steal and burn cities down , let them rule the streets and people cower at home too scared to go out ?

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Imo trump could give a rats behind about this punk this is all about distracting attention away from covid election rigging voter suppression health care ect ect lots and lots of important issues need attention but as long as we are distracted president scofflaw gets away with it!

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1 hour ago, Logosone said:

Lol, is it appropriate for Marxist BLM activists to pre-judge and pronounce the police guilty the second it appears on social media, but for the president to tweet the rap sheet of a man on whom a warrant was out, who had attacked a woman in her home and stole her car and keys, who had prior altercations with police and weapon charges to his name, well, obviously the President committed a mortal crime here.


Mustn't speak while the BLM mob is screaming "racist", especially if you're the President. Yah, makes total sense.


Which "Marxist" activists are you referring to? Or is this your nonsense routine about all those affiliated with BLM being such?


As for the rest of your post, pure deflection. My comment referred to the topic at hand, you're on about another case.


If you think that the President should not be held to a higher standard than the the citizenry, protestors or "Marxists", we'll have to disagree. I get it Trump supporters are for lowering the bar when the President's conduct is concerned, but the reasoning offered for this is still weak.

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3 hours ago, Logosone said:

Actually one of the main reason for the divison is the hate-propaganda by the marxist BLM themselves:


An FBI report released in 2017 found that attacks on police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Dallas, Texas were influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement, with 28 pe rcent of those who used deadly force against police officers motivated by a hatred of police. An unclassified FBI study following the Dallas cop-killing spree of 2016 that left 5 officers shot dead reported departments and individual officers increasingly taking the decision to stop proactive policing amid concerns that anti-police defiance fueled in part by movements like Black Lives Matter had become the “new norm.”





BLM fanned the flames of race hatred in the US. They are the ones to blame.

You are quoting the Telegraph, the British equivalent to Fox news. As right wing as you can get and mostly completely irrelevant when it comes to proper reporting.  Johnson used to write for them, nuff said!

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@Heppinger; I can't agree with that. Like I noted when I was 17 I could have faced 40 years in prison, along with two friends and none of us had committed a crime. The case was dropped thankfully, but it very easily could have gone in a different direction. And we'd just be 12 more cases of armed robbery in those statistics. I'm not making excuses for people's bad behavior. But it's also important to note that who people become is often dictated by situations that aren't completely under their control. 

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36 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Let lawless mobs loot and steal and burn cities down , let them rule the streets and people cower at home too scared to go out ?

That's not what is happening, but leaving that to one side for a moment; what's your solution ace? 

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37 minutes ago, riclag said:

Got to go to court first

That's when someone calls the guy a murderer.


1 hour ago, riclag said:

No disputes with me the optics(videos) are conclusive 

But no need for a court when his actions are described as self-defense.


Which is it, then?

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10 minutes ago, DBath said:

Ask me if I GAF. People like you always wanna make things more complex than they need to be. Next time write a dissertation.

Who cares what you think? Someone else asked for context.  You obviously feel like anyplace that you have gotten in your life is from hard work and that everyone else if they just got off their lazy butts and stopped making excuses could do well in life. But that's not grounded in reality. 

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1 hour ago, Throatwobbler said:

Kyle is a murderer plain and simple. People trying to defend him are scum. 

you havnt got all the data to make that assertion,

all you prove with your comment is that you are biased

and dont even care for the circumstances

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3 minutes ago, scammed said:

you havnt got all the data to make that assertion,

all you prove with your comment is that you are biased

and dont even care for the circumstances


Well, didn't stop Trump from making his comments. Don't see you upset about that, now.

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21 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

@Heppinger; I can't agree with that. Like I noted when I was 17 I could have faced 40 years in prison, along with two friends and none of us had committed a crime. The case was dropped thankfully, but it very easily could have gone in a different direction. And we'd just be 12 more cases of armed robbery in those statistics. I'm not making excuses for people's bad behavior. But it's also important to note that who people become is often dictated by situations that aren't completely under their control. 

You have to view it from the pizza guys view, here he is trying to do the right thing, work a sh^tty  job and make shi%%y money for his family, and whats he get for it?  Treated like dirt, robbed and abused by welfare degenerates from your neighbor hood.   He probably didn't care that you didn't do it, he just wanted someone to pay for it, In his eyes you and your mates are the same as the actual perpetrators.   Because were the people in your community outraged by the treatment of the pizza guy?  No, they would laugh and think it's funny? 

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14 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

so which city has, to quote the member 'burnt down?  where are the 'cowering' millions then? 

Not sure what is so difficult to understand?  There are 2 activities going on.  1) Peaceful protesting that is legally protected and does not need to be quelled.  2) Looting and rioting that occurs using the protest as cover.  This activity is usually in ghetto areas so more of the same self destruction of the lower class.  However, when this activity moves to city like Kenosha, citizens will react, even if our more peace loving socialist members don't agree with that.


If you think both activities are not happening, you are part of the problem. ????

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2 hours ago, jcsmith said:

you tried to show stats showing that blacks commit more crimes.

Do blacks commit more crime?

If fatness through indulging was a crime, would it not be important as to who and how much chocolate a perp is eating?

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6 minutes ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

Not sure what is so difficult to understand?  There are 2 activities going on.  1) Peaceful protesting that is legally protected and does not need to be quelled.  2) Looting and rioting that occurs using the protest as cover.  This activity is usually in ghetto areas so more of the same self destruction of the lower class.  However, when this activity moves to city like Kenosha, citizens will react, even if our more peace loving socialist members don't agree with that.


If you think both activities are not happening, you are part of the problem. ????

Got to admit i felt warmness in my heart when seeing the TESLA shop getting looted.  Greta has made an impact and these looters to think that some things matter, if not black people, then the environment.

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5 minutes ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

Not sure what is so difficult to understand?  There are 2 activities going on.  1) Peaceful protesting that is legally protected and does not need to be quelled.  2) Looting and rioting that occurs using the protest as cover.  This activity is usually in ghetto areas so more of the same self destruction of the lower class.  However, when this activity moves to city like Kenosha, citizens will react, even if our more peace loving socialist members don't agree with that.


If you think both activities are not happening, you are part of the problem. ????

I'm not part of the US problem mate, thank goodness I was born English, so I don't have to put up with all the racist shxx that US citizens have to deal with on a daily basis, although its got to be said, because of their own short slightness, lack of empathy and  pure racism. Pity, because it spoils what is otherwise a wonderful country.   if your are American then good luck, you are going to need all the luck you can get.  

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5 minutes ago, Heppinger said:

He probably didn't care that you didn't do it, he just wanted someone to pay for it, In his eyes you and your mates are the same as the actual perpetrators.   Because were the people in your community outraged by the treatment of the pizza guy?  No, they would laugh and think it's funny? 

In this case the pizza guy was an undercover cop, but from what we were told they had been robbed a few times and in the last time someone held a knife to his throat. I don't think anyone really knew much about the pizza thing unless someone had seen it happen. I don't really know the specifics.  But after the knife thing the cops set up a sting operation. And when nobody showed up to rob him I guess they felt like they had invested too much into this and he just grabbed us and tried to pin them all on us. Maybe figuring that we probably had done something else or that pressuring us we might give them some useful information. 

The whole point here though is that three people who did nothing could have easily gone to jail for a 40 year sentence , and wouldn't even be eligible for parole for 13 years if the cops story didn't have a hole in it. And the only crime would have been for drinking as a minor in the wrong neighborhood. Those types of situations are far more likely to happen in poor neighborhoods than wealthy ones. That's just a fact.  Even if you want to do well, say someone gets a degree while in prison. They are going to have an uphill fight for the rest of their life. Good jobs don't like to hire ex-cons. Does that mean that someone should give up if they get in that situation? No of course not. But it's also unfair to think that outside influences don't have an effect on people's lives. They are sometimes unavoidable.

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1 minute ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

Well, that is what the liberal press wants the uneducated masses to think.  In reality, racism is trumpeted every 4 years, oddly enough on the same schedule as general elections.  ha ha, welcome to politics mate.

indeed so,  ????????

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