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Phuket tourist numbers over long weekend low, as expected


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Thais might be stupid but not as as stupid as the dirty farang. Why on earth should they pay overinflated prices on literally anything, getting ripped off by tuktuks and cabbies and follow the alien trail. 

Serves those greedy bazdarts right; happy days are not here again - anytime soon .........

You can explain it to them, draw it up for them, write it down for them but you cannot understand it for them - next please! 

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4 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

It is all about the money . Always .

Sooner or later they will realize that Thais or chinese will never replace the big foreign spenders .

They will put in place a few more restrictions , and then they will open up to farangs again , Virus or not .

Because it is money what they want .



ESTIMATED 80 Mill thb 555

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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Totally agree. I lived there from 2006-2008 and it was a constant battle to get anything like the correct price, even from shops that I'd been frequenting for months. 


Taxis, tuktuks, markets, shops, food stands. All of them out to rip off foreigners and they didn't differentiate between tourists and long stayers. I stopped supporting 'local style' businesses completely in the end and just used 711, Tesco, Makro etc.


Not to mention the locals who were (on the whole) the most unfriendly of any part of Thailand I have visited or lived in.


I was glad to leave. No sympathy from me I'm afraid. 

Sounds like Patthaya

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1 hour ago, dallen52 said:

They don't seem to get it.


1... Who wants to go to Phuket?


2... Who wants to put 3 weeks equivalent in a isolation facility?

This is about DOMESTIC travelers! You know, people who are already in Thailand. Those people don't require 3 weeks isolation. And it's exactly because of talk of letting foreigners in that I've seen most of my Thai friends swap Phuket bookings for Samui, Koh Tao, Krabi, Chantaburi, Koh Chang, Saturn... Did not want to go anywhere near "infected tourists".


I disagree about the Phuket being avoided by Thais in the past because it was too far south. It was far easier to get to Phuket with many direct daily flights from both airports in Bangkok and many airports around the country than take half a day or more on the road to a "closer" destination.


Once on the island, however, taxi service is controlled by mafia, so being charged more for a trip to the beach from airport costing more than plane ticket to Phuket is a bit much for many. Add to that taxi drivers beating up hotel van drivers, public bus driver... claiming they are all illegitimate competition, doesn't make the reputation of the place any better.


It is what has put it on the "AVOID" list for me, and now with the idea of "Phuket model", possibly on the same list of many Thais as well.

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3 hours ago, Venom said:

Seems the only way in is by air as the Phangna model requires a 14 day quarantine (each way) to pass!


This is completely false, Thais from Bangkok are free to pass through Phangna. I also travelled to Phangna over the weekend from Phuket.


But you are right in saying flying is the only option as the drive is too far. Bangkok Thais love their cars too much and any long weekend would surely involve taking the car, this is why Hua Hin & Pattaya are busy. How often do we see the images of tall backs of cars boarding the Ko Chang ferries ?


The lack of Thais visiting Phuket is NOT due to rip offs, I have never met a Thai in Bangkok who has said they would not like to go, the lack of interest is due to locality, it’s simply too far to drive.

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Ms Napasorn said that the 125 hotels on the island currently open, providing some 8,000 rooms for guests, had recorded an overall occupancy rate of around 30%.


Of the 15,000 tourists who came to Phuket, 98% were Thai and 2% were foreigners, she said.

30% of 8,000 is 2,400 rooms, which covers for 4,800 people if two stays in each rooms, and if families of four 9,600. Probably not all tourists would be families with children, and presuming that all stayed for the full four day holiday I wonder where the remaining 5,000 or more tourists stayed, for example in rented private pool villas...????

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

revealed that some 15,000 tourists came to Phuket to enjoy the four-day long weekend Sept 4-7, altogether spending an estimated B80 million over the holidays

Big deal - that's about 5000 baht a holiday maker , over 4 days each, or 1250 baht a day (£30 quid).


If they think that they will keep the economy in phuket going by that sort tourism spending, they can think again



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4 hours ago, zzzzz said:

what BS:
I've lived here sine the mid 80's, never had any trouble getting locals prices, making friends with the locals or enjoying my life here


If you live here, you have no reason to ever use a tuktuk...


It was different here in the 80's for sure, but even now, its a great place to retire or raise a family

I was working there last year, bloody expensive to get around......  Getting from the airport was a disaster...... 

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2 hours ago, dallen52 said:

They don't seem to get it.


1... Who wants to go to Phuket?


2... Who wants to put 3 weeks equivalent in a isolation facility?

I'm doing two weeks at the moment in Taiwan, biggest waste of life there is.......  F^%$ it, bring it on !  Sick of all this Cov BS...... Never had so many tests in my life........  

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So these numbers are speaking clearly, look:

This is the data:

1/ 8000 rooms, used by 30% is 267 rooms used  (in one month, in 4 month, in two weeks ? something there is missing to really well understand)

2/ 15 000 tourism (mixed Thai and farang), then 2% where farang => 300 farang

3/ farang have obligation to be jailed 2 weeks in gold 5 stars hotels due to the season flu COVID-19 panic


Conclusion and question:

1/ only farang use gold imposed hotel, Thaï never use them, that is why they want to force us, because the economy is totally falling down (they deny it).


2/ where are the other  33 farang missing ? (300 - 267 = 33)... i joke, i know 2% is a very high rounded number.


3/ Because we don't have full numbers (300 people... how long time ?) we can also said that these 267 rooms is maybe the entry number (so maybe less than 267 rooms, because some rooms can be used next for other customer... i imagine the cheapest one, who are already very expensive are only used, even if some people are very rich, they will not come there because of no service quality and low infrastructures), so the 2% can be down by maximum 8, so 0.25% can be farang or 15000 is the number on 4 month... or what ? it is important to be precise if we want to understand what's happening.


4/ 300 people is equivalent to one fly... but it should be impossible all of them came from the same destination. So there is how many fly for all of them ? or do they have their private fly (because i'm living near an airport and i can see there is a lot of private fly move...) ? Or if it is the number of farang in 4 month, the number is falling down to 75 people by month, so... it can be so little than no fly will go for that number of client (only private fly can go then...).

Looks like we are not on the same planet in front of this so dangerous lower than 1% people killer virus, depend of our social status. Very strange... isn't it ?


I don't know really why they are killing their own population by shut down to zero the tourism and lock the door for a season flu named COVID-19 who kill now 05% of the infected population (and the very low powered one who is already near the death), but there is a better reason, they are no silly. So what is this reason please ?

I suppose this to be a question of money due to something we don't know but we can smell... vaccine interest of big company ? Problem with world wide free market economy and a big bubble who can fall down the full world economy (virtual money bubble free game market result is existing and grow... it becomes very huge and much more dangerous than COVID-19) ?

What is the real problem to decide to make people use liquidity so much by locking them ? is it a real liquidity bankrupt coming widely ?

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2 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

The tourists must have gone to Pattaya according to the Pattaya Mail,

‘Business boomed in Pattaya and Eastern provinces during the long holiday weekend‘ ?

papaya salad and "cheow" (oyster) business is going up fast, correct. Thai people tourist was there...

"su papaya salad, yi sip bath, yi sip bath, aloy mak mak krap !"

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3 hours ago, Caldera said:

Phuket wants domestic tourists, but they aren't interested. Foreign tourists are interested, but Phuket doesn't want them due to paranoid fear mongering. Lose-lose.


I think there is something other than the COVID virus who kill actually close to no one compared to a simple season flu.


There is an other one problem, they can not be coward and stupid like this, impossible, no one can be so fragile in the brain. Also Thai people are not stupid when they are talking about business, they don't loose one bath easily and the population is definitely not happy with what the government is doing. So what is the real problem ?

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