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Trump jeered as he visits Ginsburg's casket at U.S. Supreme Court

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31 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

That the statement is true is beyond question.  What more evidence than the past four years do you need?

What more evidence than the past four years do you need?


Here we go again, claims made by a trump supporter, then refusing to provide proof, only inuendo / opinion.  To repeat, actual statements from Democratic leadership to support your claim - "For four years the Dems have rejected the results of the 2016 election"

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Exactly and he's basically spitting on her grave with his scotus replacement rush job.

Showing up for 5 minutes isn't fooling anyone!

yes that is what people do all the time all over the Country . They go to funerals that perhaps they would rather not attend..... to pay their respects sometimes simply because decorum demands. And when they do a certain respect of letting them peacefully perform that action is given. I am not a RBG fan as far as SOME of her court decisions, but I am someone who respects her position in American history on the Court and a great legal mind.  To reach the Supreme Court of the USA is quite an accomplishment.


It's not a replacement rush job it is a duty that he has to perform and he will. The truth is that Supreme Court justices of both sides often agree. This argument comes down to ROE V WADE that is about it. One side thinks they can select conservatives that may overturn that decision, the other side thinks they can prevent that decision being overturned. The fact is that both sides are wrong and that most likely the decision will not be overturned nor is it in danger of being overturned. More likely is perhaps a narrowed scope if given the opportunity.


The reality is both sides are trying to put Justices that are either more liberal or conservative in their outlook on the Court with variable degree of success. The ROE argument is what adds fuel to their fire as a political argument. Life is going to go on with little change after Trump appoints the next Justice. Despite all the panic on the left.


Just giving my opinion. Hope no one is offended or needs me to post links to someone else's opinion to try and validate my own opinion.

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53 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Ginsberg had a wonderful sense of humor, and unlike Trump, did not take herself too seriously. So, she would be laughing at his public ridicule, at her funeral, I am sure. People have a right to express themselves, and any talk of decorum here does not apply, when it is pertaining to the man possessing the least amount of decorum, dignity, grace or elegance, to ever to occupy the office. You simply cannot use the word dignity and Trump in the same sentence. 

OK, so you think that its perfectly acceptable for people to voice their opinion at funerals .

So, you would have had no objections had Trump voiced his opinion at the funeral and told everyone there why they should vote for him at the top of his voice ?

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Just now, steevjee said:

Under Trump USA is the laughing stock of the world, if you cant see that then you need to start to watch and read neutral media sources, then you may actually realise the truth, the man is completely politically incompetent. If you hate Biden that's fine, just dont vote

No I don't see that. Nor would I care if you hold that view. There are no neutral news media sources. No such thing exists. Ask the owners of the media outlets you speak of.


As for Trump being politically incompetent, well he never was a politician and his first national race was to be President of the USA, and it was his first time, so when it comes to Politics, I am not sure what other gauge to use sir, but by that one he seems to have come out very well in terms of competence. Is there another political gauge that you are using?


As for disliking Biden. Honestly, I always liked Biden. He was always one of my favourite Democrats for decades, what with his working man from Scranton riding the train shtick and  all that - you remember right? But recently, I am turned off by the antics of him and his son, and also feel deeply sorry for him being trotted around in what appears to be a haze. He just looks that way to me. But I don't hate him I don't think, but I will vote. For Trump.

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25 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

You need to work on your resentment, it is only hurting you. 

 Jeepers creepers, American icons can't even die in peace! Disrespect from liberal malcontents, exhibit A

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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

I had provided a suitable link.


Think political campaign strategies.  Every campaign has them.  In the event of losing the election what are your options?  Does a possibility exist for altering true election results?  What might those possibilities be?  Who are your allies?  MSM and social media, certainly.  How do employ them?


I read an interesting piece which describes one such strategy, which I'll condense.


Big Tech, currently unrestrained in suppressing information and silencing opposition voices, works with other organizations such as the Transition Integrity Project (a misnomer), purges any content questioning the project's tactics or potential fraud with mail-in ballots.  Extend election day into January under the pretense of "counting every vote" until enough votes are had to declare Biden the winner.  In the meanwhile, MSM and Big Tech rig content in the Dems favour while simultaneously suppressing opposition content.


I'm not saying this is what the Dem's actual strategy is.  What I am saying is that this is what I believe their strategy to be.


Hence the 600 lawyers as you'll need them to contest any irregularities and the validity of certain mail-in ballots for any number of reasons.


It is funny how you go on and on about plans, insinuating nefarious intentions and whatnot. Somehow in your world, the Trump campaign doesn't have anything to do with such things. No, it's just the Democrats - sure, believable. Not.


As for that 'piece' you condensed, got to wonder why no link - wouldn't be from one of them dodgy sources Trump supporters often resort to? Or perhaps not quite as partisan about things as you are?

5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

There's a time and a place for certain things, and this certainly wasn't it.

Hugely disrespectful.

Just like there’s a “time and a place” to talk about gun control, which is always “never,” right? Of course the jeering is disrespectful; that’s the whole point. What Trump and his lackeys have never figured out is that he’s a civil servant who works for the American people, and he has to earn their respect. He has clearly not earned the respect of a growing majority of Americans. If I’d been there, I’d have given him a loud piece of my mind as well ...

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4 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

As for Trump being politically incompetent, well he never was a politician and his first national race was to be President of the USA, and it was his first time, so when it comes to Politics, I am not sure what other gauge to use sir, but by that one he seems to have come out very well in terms of competence. Is there another political gauge that you are using?

He did AMAZINGLY well, against all odds and dirty tricks, beating Clinton. Her supporters are still crying lol.

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2 hours ago, watso63 said:

More hysterical behaviour from "democrat's" that can't respect the result of a democratic general election. Sore loser's but makes great social media content.


Priceless coming from someone supporting a President refusing to commit accepting election results.

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12 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

OK, so you think that its perfectly acceptable for people to voice their opinion at funerals .

So, you would have had no objections had Trump voiced his opinion at the funeral and told everyone there why they should vote for him at the top of his voice ?

Sorry. You can't stifle public will forever. Not the majority. You will see that demonstrated in November. 

32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Exactly and he's basically spitting on her grave with his scotus replacement rush job.

Showing up for 5 minutes isn't fooling anyone!

This is the funniest post I have ever read here and a keeper. So this is what it comes to? Put this with the liberal freakout videos on youtube. So here we have it: For the President of the United States to replace a Supreme Court seat when he is empowered by the Constitution, and with control of the Senate, its like spitting on the former Justices grave.


Just when you thought you heard it all. We can only laugh. Laugh hardily to the point that it hurts. And the person who wrote this? Deeply cares about RBG right? Sat at home late at night watching compilations of her humour and hours reading her Court decisions. RBG a deep deep mover no doubt in this persons life. A life long RBG fan? I know that all of you people from around the world are deeply troubled by RBG passing, deeply troubled about what ROE V WADE means to you, about the quickness of the replacement. I feel for you all . My heart bleeds. Can I have someone to hug? For humanity? For the Environment? For those deeply troubled.

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5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Sorry. You can't stifle public will forever. Not the majority. You will see that demonstrated in November. 

Do you think that its acceptable for people to voice their opinions at funerals , (when their voiced opinion has nothing to do with the actual funeral )?

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11 minutes ago, bannork said:

Of couse actions are important but when you are leader of a nation words are important too. And Trump constantly displays such boorish, mean spirited and ignorant behaviour it astonishes me that such a man can be leader of a country such as the US. 

"boorish" ? Note this one for the record friends. Wink!


But yes I agree with my earlier post here, actions are important.

8 hours ago, webfact said:

The president has maintained a respectful demeanor in his remarks about Ginsburg since her death, but he has drawn criticism from Democrats for not honoring her wish, reportedly dictated in a statement to her granddaughter, that she be replaced by the next president.

 For centuries ,America has made it clear the constitution  has given the sole responsibility  of nominating a SCJ to the office of the President! It's a long tradition ! 

Thank god for that despite objections from the left!

I wish they would stop dividing America and the institution 


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'disrespectful' wow trump has been disrespectful to half the nation, he needs to understand 'what goes around comes around to bite you. What an evil man and his mouthpiece no better.

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34 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

Just like there’s a “time and a place” to talk about gun control, which is always “never,” right? Of course the jeering is disrespectful; that’s the whole point. What Trump and his lackeys have never figured out is that he’s a civil servant who works for the American people, and he has to earn their respect. He has clearly not earned the respect of a growing majority of Americans. If I’d been there, I’d have given him a loud piece of my mind as well ...

Are people who voted for Trump "lackeys" ? Why would you yell at the President of the United States of America in front of a casket while he pays his respects? What has the American President done to you ?

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4 minutes ago, Taco said:

That was great!   Absolutely made my boring quarantine day.  Trump deserves much worse for what he has done to our country.  I assume he will deservedly be treated like this often when he is in public after he IS voted out and visiting court every day dealing with the 100's of lawsuits currently filed against him.  


I had my absentee ballot printed out today and can't wait to drop it off at the embassy first day out of quarantine. 

Thank you for doing your part as an American citizen and voting.

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