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DDC watching closely after saliva test of some travellers from Thailand Covid-19 positive at Japanese airport


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The headline is deceptive at best. Seems the story centers around quick test is also a sloppy test, unreliable. That assumes the second test, although slower, is far more accurate. The subject is accuracy of tests, not levels of virus in Thailand.

First test is like using a mood ring to see if that girl you picked up in a bar is honest.

Second test more like hiring a private eye to investigate her in terms of honesty

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2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Why would hospitals he over run by asymptomatic people or those with minor symptoms that resemble a cold or the flu at a low level.  Give it a rest will you. Many people do not go to a hospital or a clinic when they feel unwell.  Just look around you and you will see people coughing, sniffling etc....so time to get off the high horse.

TIT - always the same!

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3 minutes ago, meechai said:

Ah Drats!

Must be some of those pesky 459,287 Patients Under Investigation (PUI) ????



Yes, isn't it strange that so many are classified as PUI, and the number only increases.  However, maybe they are all of those tested prior to going into quarantine and were negative at first. Still, the number is to high for that to be true.  Maybe its everyone they have ever tested as a category, no thats not right either. Hmmmm.

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6 minutes ago, Chassa said:

So it's just the 'flu.

Could be anything the government wants it to be other than Covid. There was an article by a government doctor the other day that told people not to downplay cold or virus symptoms and to think about Covid responsibly.

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I quite thinking about a test is a test. it looks like a test is very hit/miss. it would seem to me, all flights entering my country requires tests upon arrival. actually, test everyone before the flight.  

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2 hours ago, realfunster said:

It does help to read the article, although you are not the only one jumping on the confirmation bias bandwagon.


For those with a low attention span :

- 15 people tested positive with a new test, not recommended by WHO.

Everyone was retested using the RT-PCR method:

- 10 negative (plus nothing detected in 49 close contacts)

- 5 awaiting results.


I’m afraid there is no Thai CoVID smoking gun, as yet,  based on this report. 

This is how I read the article.. some people don't bother to read articles. Or their comprehension is  really really poor.  

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Why would hospitals be over run by asymptomatic people or those with minor symptoms that resemble a cold or the flu at a low level.  Give it a rest will you. Many people do not go to a hospital or a clinic when they feel unwell.  Just look around you and you will see people coughing, sniffling etc....so time to get off the high horse.

Are covid hospital admissions in Thailand rising at the same rate as they are in the west?

Simple yes or no, without the BS.

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